




1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……



汉语拼音:sī dǎ







  1. 扭扯殴打。

    《红楼梦》第四四回:“一脚踢开门进去,也不容分説,抓着 鲍二家的 撕打一顿。” 李斌奎 《天山深处的“大兵”》一:“犀利的穿山风,像脱缰的野马,在混沌无垠的大戈壁上撕打咆哮。”



  1. Lush mountains of trees, kudzu fly linked Ya Li Ching Chung Sau, the exhibition leaves flutter, beating black bear, goat flocks.


  2. One day, they were arguing and fighting over some silly little thing.


  3. (To Ross) See buddy, that's all you need, a bunch of toothless guys hitting each other with sticks.


  4. They scuffled with reporters.


  5. Now and then they didn't even hesitate before coming to blows.


  1. 他们与记者撕打起来。

    They scuffled with reporters.

  2. 我冲进去想把正在撕打的狗分开。

    I rushed in and tried to pull the dogs apart.

  3. 这两个工作人员在办公室里粗鲁地撕打起来。

    The two workers got into an ugly fight in the office.

  4. 面对流氓得非礼,她拼命地撕打。并高声呼喊救命。

    Faced with rape by the bad man, she tore at him and called help at the top of her voice.

  5. 面对流氓的非礼,她拼命地撕打。并高声呼喊救命。

    Faced with rape by the bad man, she tore at him and called help at the top of her voice.

  6. 面对流氓的非礼,她拼命地撕打。并高声呼喊救命。

    Faced with rape by the bad man, she tore at him and called"help" at the top of her voice.

  7. 那对不幸福得夫妻陷入了一场可怕得撕打之中。

    The unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap.

  8. 那对不幸福的夫妻陷入了一场可怕的撕打之中。

    The unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap.

  9. 那对不幸福的夫妻陷入了一场可怕的撕打之中。

    The unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap.

  10. 有一天他们俩为一些很愚蠢的小事情争吵撕打起来。

    One day, they were arguing and fighting over some silly little thing.

  11. 有一天他们俩为一些很愚蠢得小事情争吵撕打起来。

    One day, they were arguing and fighting over some silly little thing.

  12. 领导告诉他不能回到原岗位工作的时候,他就诈尸般的撕打领导。

    The leader told him it was not the time for him to go back to his original position. Therefore, he began to beat his leader like a crazy person.

  13. 他们互相撕扯着,打得不可开交。

    They are tearing at each other, locked in a titanic struggle.

  14. 他们互相撕扯着,打得不可开交。

    They are tearing at each other, locked in a titanic struggle.

  15. 他给打得很历害,衣服也撕破了。

    He was badly beaten. His clothes were torn.

  16. 撕裂自己的衣服, 拿起以利亚的衣服打水。

    He tore his clothes and picked up Elijah's and struck the waters.

  17. 撕裂自己得衣服,拿起以利亚得衣服打水。

    He tore his clothes and picked up Elijah's and struck the waters.

  18. 纸上打了几排洞表明从那里将纸撕开。

    Lines of holes were punched out to show where to tear the paper.

  19. 乱切,乱打用击打,压,切或撕的方式使残缺不全或形状破损

    To mutilate or disfigure by battering, hacking, cutting, or tearing.

  20. 打或印一排孔,如在邮票上打孔使之易被撕开。

    To pierce or stamp with rows of holes,as those between postage stamps,to allow easy separation.

  21. 她捶打胸部, 撕扯长袍。

    She smote her breast and rent her garments.

  22. 用击打,压,切或撕的方式使残缺不全或形状破损

    To mutilate or disfigure by battering, hacking, cutting, or tearing


  1. 问:撕打拼音怎么拼?撕打的读音是什么?撕打翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撕打的读音是sīdǎ,撕打翻译成英文是 To tear and tussle.