


1. 横 [héng]2. 横 [hèng]横 [héng]跟地面平行的,与“竖”、“直”相对:~梁。~楣。~额。~幅。~批。~披(长条形横幅字画)。~匾。~标。~空。左右向的,跟目视方向垂直的,与“竖”、“直”、“纵”相对:~写。~排。~……





汉语拼音:héng guàn








  1. 横向贯穿。

    《新唐书·郭子仪传》:“ 子仪 悉军追,横贯其营。” 宋 司马光 《古诗赠兴宗》:“度矩苟不愆,宠辱徒喧喧。有如清 济 流,横贯长 河 浑。” 杨朔 《黄河之水天上来》:“ 长江 是 中国 最大最长的一条河流,横贯在 中国 的腹部。”

  2. 引申为贯串。

    巴金 《<往事与随想>译后记》:“书中散发着淡淡的哀愁,有时也发出怀疑的嘲笑和悲观的叹息,但横贯全书的始终是作者对未来的坚强信心。”



  1. KENNEDY'S EMPORIUM said the big gilt-lettered sign across the front of the building.


  2. Thames originate in the west of England, across the United Kingdom, the total length of 338 km, flows through London into the sea.


  3. A mountain range across the Italian peninsula, rugged roads, villages spread all over, easy to defend.


  4. The maple leaf is the well-known symbol for Canada, and has been used for the organisation since it was known as Trans-Canada Airlines.


  5. From the beginning, then, the building of the transcontinental railroad was set up in terms of a competition between the two companies.


  6. Transition logic cross-cuts all intercepting filters and as you might have guessed AOP yet again comes to mind as the technology of choice.


  7. The bright horizontal line running across the middle of the image is the galaxy's main disc and where the Sun and Earth are.


  8. The only thing I've got left to try to do is a solo album with a narrative running through it.


  9. The unconditional love and honor of light beings throughout this universe is with you now and evermore.


  1. 赤脉横贯白睛

    hyperemic arterioles stretching over conjunctiva transversely

  2. 长江从中横贯而过。

    And the Yangtze River runs through them.

  3. 北方森林是横贯大陆的。

    The boreal forest is transcontinental.

  4. 这条大江,横贯三省。

    The large river runs through three provinces.

  5. 一个横贯巴拿马地峡的运河。

    A canal across the Isthmus of Panama.

  6. 一道歪歪扭扭的伤疤横贯他的下嘴唇。

    A jagged scar runs through his lower lip.

  7. 地势北高南低,南岭山脉横贯北部。

    Topography from north to south, across the northern part of Nanling Mountains.

  8. 安第斯山脉横贯南美洲的西部边缘。

    The Andes run along the western margin of South america.

  9. 想想一下山脉横贯,陡峰和攀岩课程。

    Think mountain traverses, mountain ascents and rockclimbing classes.

  10. 划手可坐在上面的横贯小艇的座位

    a seat across a boat on which a rower may sit

  11. 一座山从东向西横贯全镇。

    A hill bridges the town from east to west.

  12. 它对横贯面上的组织 产生作用力

    Basically, it's a force acting on a tissue that it transverses.

  13. 他们建造了一座横贯海湾的拦海堤坝。

    They built a barrage across the bay.

  14. 我们看到了一条五彩缤纷得虹横贯天空。

    We saw a beautiful rainbow across the sky.

  15. 在这个美丽的夜晚, 横贯整个欧洲上空的极光。

    Aurora Borealis in the distance on this beautiful night over Europe.

  16. 位于非洲中西部, 赤道横贯其中部, 西濒大西洋。

    In Africa, the equator across the Midwest which department, west coast Atlantic.

  17. 横贯大西洋的通讯海底电缆铺设了横越大西洋的海底电缆。

    Submarine cables were laid across the Atlantic.

  18. 座板划手可坐在上面的横贯小艇的座位

    A seat across a boat on which a rower may sit.

  19. 我们看到了一条五彩缤纷的虹横贯天空。

    We saw a beautiful rainbow across the sky.

  20. 我们仿佛身处一次横贯大陆得漫漫旅程之中!

    We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent.

  21. 我们仿佛身处一次横贯大陆的漫漫旅程之中!

    We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent.

  22. 系统性红斑狼疮合并横贯性脊髓炎八例临床分析

    Transverse myelitis in systemic lupus erythematosus

  23. 大直径钻孔替代顺槽横贯成孔工艺的初探

    Discussion on great diameter perforate substitutes with the trough to traverse into technology in opening

  24. 杂志或报纸对折的两页, 常有相关的内容横贯两版。

    Two facing pages of a magazine or newspaper, often with related matter extending across the fold.

  25. 杂志或报纸对折得两页, 常有相关得内容横贯两版。

    Two facing pages of a magazine or newspaper, often with related matter extending across the fold.

  26. 人民日报用横贯全页的大标题报道了那项否认。

    The denial was bannered by the People's Daily.

  27. 一块从这头到那头横贯着若干条平行垄沟的田地。

    A field with parallel furrows running down it.

  28. 所以你也能想象得出横贯大陆得航线需要多少汽油钱。

    So you can imagine what the gas bill would be on a transcontinental flight.

  29. 所以你也能想象得出横贯大陆的航线需要多少汽油钱。

    So you can imagine what the gas bill would be on a transcontinental flight.

  30. 蛋被生在横贯湿地的大堤顶, 那里合适的筑巢材料比较少。

    The eggs were laid on dry ground on the top of dikes that traversed the wetlands.


  1. 问:横贯拼音怎么拼?横贯的读音是什么?横贯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横贯的读音是héngguàn,横贯翻译成英文是 to traverse; horizontal traverse

  2. 问:横贯的拼音怎么拼?横贯的的读音是什么?横贯的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横贯的的读音是,横贯的翻译成英文是 cross-island

  3. 问:横贯纤维拼音怎么拼?横贯纤维的读音是什么?横贯纤维翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横贯纤维的读音是héng guàn xiān wéi,横贯纤维翻译成英文是 transseptal fiber's

  4. 问:横贯南极山脉拼音怎么拼?横贯南极山脉的读音是什么?横贯南极山脉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横贯南极山脉的读音是,横贯南极山脉翻译成英文是 Transantarctic Mountains

  5. 问:横贯性脊髓炎拼音怎么拼?横贯性脊髓炎的读音是什么?横贯性脊髓炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横贯性脊髓炎的读音是héng guàn xìng jǐ suǐ yán,横贯性脊髓炎翻译成英文是 transverse myelitis

  6. 问:横贯性脊髓病拼音怎么拼?横贯性脊髓病的读音是什么?横贯性脊髓病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横贯性脊髓病的读音是héng guàn xìng jǐ suǐ bìng,横贯性脊髓病翻译成英文是 transverse myelopathy

  7. 问:横贯大西洋海底电缆拼音怎么拼?横贯大西洋海底电缆的读音是什么?横贯大西洋海底电缆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横贯大西洋海底电缆的读音是héng guàn dà xī yáng hǎi dǐ diàn lǎn,横贯大西洋海底电缆翻译成英文是 Commonwealth Trans Atlantic Cable

  8. 问:横贯韩国的输油管伐拼音怎么拼?横贯韩国的输油管伐的读音是什么?横贯韩国的输油管伐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横贯韩国的输油管伐的读音是héng guàn hán guó de shū yóu guǎn fá,横贯韩国的输油管伐翻译成英文是 Trans-Korea Pipeline




【拼音】héng guàn

【注音】ㄏㄥˊ ㄍㄨㄢˋ

【同义词】 横亘 纵贯