







汉语拼音:gōng qian








  1. 干活的报酬。如:做套衣服要多少工钱?2.工资。

    老舍 《骆驼祥子》七:“好吧,工钱可以不要,从此改行。”



  1. And at the end of months or years of this, you were often cheated of your wages.


  2. Kane, who was using the money to buy treats for his pet hamster Splodge, said he would try to look for other work.


  3. Back to the question, instead of layoff, the company should negotiate the compensation plan with its employees.


  4. It isn't for the sake of food and wages that I've been waiting about so long in hopes to see you.


  5. Footballers who do not like the money can either leave the game or go on strike, as they did in March.


  6. When it was all over, the blogger handed the 'robber' some money and gave him a hug.


  7. "How much do you pay a week? " ventured Carrie, emboldened by a certain softness in the man's manner and his simplicity of address.


  8. If I dig a grave, it has to be used for somebody so they'll pay me for it. A bit more patience.


  9. I told him that he should channel that into doing something useful and convinced him to mow my lawn, which I paid him for.


  1. 雇工们要求增加工钱。

    The help are demanding higher wages.

  2. 我来。付你工钱。

    Here,let me,uh.Let me pay you.

  3. 我要求即时付工钱。

    I expect to be paid promptly for the work.

  4. 他们催讨拖欠的工钱。

    They are urgent for payment of arrears of wages.

  5. 我们为了工钱一起苦干

    We worked in gangs for all we were worth

  6. 工钱由你们两人平分。

    Split the wages between you.

  7. 这工作乏味但工钱不少。

    The job is tedious, but the pay is good.

  8. 佣人的工钱你付了吗

    Have you paid the servant

  9. 他是按小时付工钱的。

    He got paid by the hour.

  10. 给他那些工钱是值得的。

    He is worth his hire.

  11. 你加班我付你双倍工钱。

    I'll give you double pay for working overtime.

  12. 做这套衣服要多少工钱?

    How much should I pay for having the suit made?

  13. 他们甚至给我额外的工钱

    They even gave me extra money.

  14. 雇主支付雇工很少的工钱。

    The employer pays little to his employees.

  15. 雇主支付雇工很少得工钱。

    The employer pays little to his employees.

  16. 我要给卡特顿特算工钱。

    I have had Cartwright to settle with.

  17. 当然! 你们都不用给我工钱。

    Sure! And you wouldn't even have to pay me back.

  18. 否则我就不付你工钱了。

    Or I stop payment on your check.

  19. 那是我的地图, 她是拿我的工钱的!

    It's my map, and she's got me bussing tables!

  20. 你们给他钱是因为你们欠他工钱。

    You paid him off because you owed him.

  21. 麦琪哦,巴斯,你需要多少工钱?

    Maggie Oh Buzz, how much do you charge.

  22. 这些人所希罕的就是高工钱。

    What those people valued was high wages.

  23. 工钱是增加的,不过人太累了。

    Though we get extra pay I get too tired.

  24. 他们只付我一星期6先令的工钱。

    I was paid only six shillings a week.

  25. 那就是我爸爸付你工钱的方式。

    And that's how Papa paid you for being attentive to me.

  26. 拖欠大伙儿工钱得包工头可真缺德!

    Labor contractors who don't pay their workers on time are unforgivable.

  27. 拖欠大伙儿工钱的包工头可真缺德!

    Labor contractors who don't pay their workers on time are unforgivable.

  28. 拖欠大伙儿工钱的包工头可真缺德!

    Labor contractors who don't pay their workers on time are unforgivable.

  29. 老板说,我们按日计算付给你工钱。

    We'll pay you by the day. the boss said.

  30. 得工钱的, 将工钱装在破漏的囊中。

    And he who earns wages, Earns wages to put into a bag with holes.


  1. 问:工钱拼音怎么拼?工钱的读音是什么?工钱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:工钱的读音是gōngqian,工钱翻译成英文是 money paid for odd jobs; charge for a service...



就是工作、劳动的报酬. 明 冯梦龙 《喻世明言》第一卷:“大娘,你道这样首饰,便工钱也费多少!”