







汉语拼音:shāo bing






  1. 古代指经烘烤制成的面饼,有馅儿。现在指经烘烤的不加馅的发面饼,表面多有芝麻。

    北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·饼法》:“作烧饼法:麵一斗,羊肉二斤,葱白一合,豉汁及盐,熬令熟。炙之,麵当令起。” 石声汉 注:“这里所谓的‘烧饼’,该是现在的‘馅儿饼’。” 清 李斗 《扬州画舫录·草河录上》:“ 双虹楼 烧饼,开风气之先,有糖馅、肉馅、乾菜馅、莧菜馅之分。”《老残游记》第二回:“园子里面,顶着蓝子卖烧饼油条的有一二十个,都是为那不吃饭来的人买了充飢的。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第十五章二:“他尽管忙了一天,他却早买了烧饼来在那儿当晚饭吃。”



  1. After a while, Old Cheng returned with two large bowls of sweet gruel and a whole lot of little "horse-hoof" buns and crispy fritters.


  2. Top: This breakfast includes twisted fritters of fried dough, an egg, a Chinese muffin, and a bowl of bean curd milk.


  3. Shop shaobing one tree, the operator is a pair of young couples.


  4. Today's interest in group activities, classes, soup, the teachers let us go play "sesame seed paste, " the small game.


  5. However , although the biscuits have enough to eat , a bowl of shark fin can come to a better course .


  6. Synchronized shaobing varieties increased, but in suburban rural areas still place shaobing tank furnace.


  7. Deep-fried twisted crullers, flat sesame pancakes, soybean milk and vignettes of dally life are all good materials.


  8. Transfer the contents to a beaker , make up the volume to around 300 ml .


  9. Best eaten with something dry and filling, like a sesame seed bun or a boiled egg or, if you're crazy, both.


  1. 冬瓜蓉烧饼

    Fried pasty with sweet winter melon.

  2. 现打的烧饼

    sesame cakes just out of the oven.

  3. 炒肉末烧饼

    Saute minced pork with sesame cakes.

  4. 新出炉的烧饼

    baked sesame buns fresh out of the oven.

  5. 你自己亲自做烧饼?

    Did you make sesame cakes yourself?

  6. 制作美味可口的烧饼。

    To make delicious pancakes.

  7. 这烧饼5美分一个。

    The cake is five cents a piece.

  8. 这些烧饼5美分一个。

    These cakes are five cents apiece.

  9. 你要请我吃烧饼啊?

    You want to treat me to pita bread?

  10. 低头做烧饼, 抬头防意外。

    Head up and prevent accidents do pancake.

  11. 黄桥烧饼的生产工艺研究

    Research on the Technics of Huangqiao Sesame Cake

  12. 烧饼吃起来真香,啊,生活真美好!

    Sesame seed tastes really fragrant, ah, life really beautiful!

  13. 你们好, 要我帮你们做薄烧饼吗?

    Hello, can I help you with the pancakes ?

  14. 烧饼国王是我悄悄为他起的名字!

    And King of pancakes I secretly call upon him!

  15. 我喜欢饺子和包子,还有一样,就是烧饼。

    I like jiaozi and baozi, and one more thing, shaobing.

  16. 我说呢, 怎么看你的脸像半块烧饼!

    Hm, your face looks like a half cake.

  17. 稷山烧饼有半圆得和三角得, 半圆得又叫锅盔。

    Shaobing ji shan has semicircle and triangle, also known as the guo kui semicircle.

  18. 稷山烧饼有半圆的和三角的,半圆的又叫锅盔。

    Shaobing ji shan has semicircle and triangle, also known as the guo kui semicircle.

  19. 谁也没说话,一气把烧饼油鬼吃净。

    Neither said a word and, in no time at all, the buns and fritters were gone.

  20. 你们好,要我帮你们做薄烧饼吗?好啊,请吧。

    Hello, can I help you with the pancakes ? Yes, please.

  21. 京式月饼,做法如同烧饼,外皮香脆可口。

    Beijing type moon cake, practice as sesame seed cake, cortical sweet fragile goluptious.

  22. 还有用空心芝麻烧饼夹烤鸭肉的吃法。

    Another way of eating is to put it inside a sesame pancake.

  23. 把容量转移到大口烧饼里,把体积补足到300毫升左右。

    Transfer the contents to a beaker, make up the volume to around 300 ml.

  24. 但也有关心我的读者来信, 问我找到了烧饼没有?

    But also have about my letters and asked me to find a pancake?

  25. 她一天只吃了两个小烧饼,身上已经一文不名。

    She had only two small cakes for the whole day and had not a penny with her.

  26. 这样制作得烧饼, 色泽金黄, 外脆里嫩, 香酥可口。

    This production of sesame seed, golden color, crisp outside, tender, crispy and delicious.

  27. 这样制作的烧饼,色泽金黄,外脆里嫩,香酥可口。

    This production of sesame seed, golden color, crisp outside, tender, crispy and delicious.

  28. 到了班里的时候我发现我的烧饼教授给了我个不及格。

    Got to class and my douchebag professor gave me an F.

  29. 一碗片儿汤加上个烧饼,这就是他的早饭啦。

    A bowl of soup with flat pieces of dough cooked in it and a sesame seed cake is what he eats for breakfast.

  30. 一碗片儿汤加上个烧饼,这就是他的早饭啦。

    A bowl of soup with flat pieces of dough cooked in it and a sesame seed cake is what he eats for breakfast.


  1. 问:烧饼拼音怎么拼?烧饼的读音是什么?烧饼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧饼的读音是shāobǐng,烧饼翻译成英文是 sesame seed cake; clay oven rolls

  2. 问:烧饼歌拼音怎么拼?烧饼歌的读音是什么?烧饼歌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧饼歌的读音是,烧饼歌翻译成英文是 Shaobing Song



“烧饼”是个多义词,它可以指烧饼(动画《我叫MT》中人物), 烧饼(中国传统面食)。