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《后汉书·班梁传论》:“ 班超 、 梁慬 奋 西域 之略,卒能成功立名,享受爵位。” 清 薛福成 《庸盦笔记·亡兵享关帝庙血食》:“上帝怜我(亡兵)一生忠直,派我在此村关帝庙,享受血食。” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第十三章:“大家正沉浸在美的享受中。”
You and your new sweetie will enjoy adventures and possibly spend time traveling together to places you've always wanted to see.
你们有机会一起享受冒险并且去一直向往的地方。Your happiness is based on how much you enjoy what you're doing, rather than completing X number of tasks.
你的快乐基于你有多么的享受你现在正在做的事情,而不是基于你完成了多少个任务。It's going to be really nice for everybody, you know, to be able to just really take it easy and breathe and really enjoy, enjoy life now.
这对任何人都非常好,你知道,现在能够真正放松和呼吸并真的享受生活。For me, it's not a gadget. What I see are hours and hours of sleepless nights trying to get this to where I can enjoy it.
我看到的是无数个无眠之夜,我摆弄着手机,享受它给我带来的乐趣。Some of my acquaintances in the country come up to town once or twice a year to visit the theatre as a special treat.
我在乡村有一些熟人,他们每年进城来看一回或几回戏,并把此看作一种特殊的享受。And of Asher he said, Let Asher be blessed with children; let him be acceptable to his brethren, and let him dip his foot in oil.
论亚设说,愿亚设享受多子的福乐,得他弟兄的喜悦,可以把脚蘸在油中。himself had lost all his hair, and to see others without hair reminded him of it and prevented him from enjoying the party.
王子的头发也全谢了,看到其他人没头发会让他想到这一事实,无法充分享受宴会的乐趣。It's been of a great pleasure all this autumn on my trip to work, if only it stretched to no end.
整个秋天上班路上都是极大的享受,要是路没尽头该有多好。"That's okay, " I said. "Enjoy it, the game ends too soon, you know. "