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汉语拼音:ěr wén mù dǔ
The sight and sound of screamingtraders with fear in their eyes are enough to fill you with fright, whether you are conscious of it or not.
耳闻目睹眼中满是恐惧的交易员惨叫连连的情形足以让你饱受惊吓,不管你有没有意识到这一点。Neither of them imagined they could be personally involved in the dubious result of the scenes they witnessed.
他们俩谁也不曾设想,自己会被牵扯进这场他们耳闻目睹的闹剧的含糊不清的结局。The reason is quite simple. Nearly all the news has perhaps been heard or read by you in Chinese in one way or another ahead of time.
原因很简单,几乎报纸里的所有新闻你已事先以某种方式用中文耳闻目睹了。Most of the works are based on his own life experiences, facts what he sees and hears and personal feelings.
其作品大部分取材于自身的生活经历,耳闻目睹的事实和个人感受。The PR can be started a new brand, so that consumers face value, thus contributing to development of the company.
而公关可以打响新品牌,让消费者耳闻目睹,进而促进公司发展。I told her some of the suffering, some of the tragedy, some of the denial of life I moved amongst in industrial Shanghai.
我向她讲述在这座所谓工业城市的上海,人们的苦难,痛心的悲剧,我耳闻目睹周围非人的生活。Everyone had either seen or heard of these huge creatures and knew where the problem lay.
像这种大型生物,大家耳闻目睹,还知道问题所在。However, as many of us know, the lead up to the Beijing Olympics has not been as peaceful as one would like.
但是,我想大家都有耳闻目睹,这次北京奥运的前奏没有我们预期的那么和平。First he reminded them of the truth he himself had seen, heard, and told about.
首先,他提醒他们紧记他曾耳闻目睹,又曾告诉他们的事实。党教导你, 不得相信你耳闻目睹的证据。
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.
其间耳闻目睹的事, 算起来也很不少。
During that time I witnessed or heard about a lot of things.
像这种大型生物, 大家耳闻目睹, 还知道问题所在。
Everyone had either seen or heard of these huge creatures and knew where the problem lay.
如此一来二往, 耳闻目睹炒房人的风光潇洒。
In two to, the visible and audible Real scenery natural and unrestrained.
首先, 他提醒他们紧记他曾耳闻目睹, 又曾告诉他们的事实。
First he reminded them of the truth he himself had seen, heard, and told about.
未来, 你会更多地期望耳闻目睹这位年轻的新秀。
In the future, you can expect to hear and see much more of this young talent.
An eye find more truth than two ear.
Choose a wife by your ear rather than by your eye.