




1. 见 [jiàn]2. 见 [xiàn]见 [jiàn]看到:看~。罕~。~微知著。~义勇为。~异思迁。接触,遇到:怕~风。~习。看得出,显得出:~效。相形~绌。(文字等)出现在某处,可参考:~上。~下。会晤:会~。接~。对事物观察、认……







汉语拼音:suǒ jiàn suǒ wén








  • 【解释】:看到的和听到的。
  • 【出自】:宋·王安石《慈溪县学记》:“则士朝夕所见所闻,无非所以治天下国家之道。”
  • 【示例】:我为甚么不将这~的,写封信告诉庄宫保呢?


  1. Appreciate every bit of good in my life. Think in terms of each thing you touch (i. e. your pillow) and do (i. e. walking, seeing).

  2. If I had to pick a single image to sum up what I've seen so far in Morocco, I guess it would have to be this one.

  3. Like the wind, he travels everywhere to collect all the sights and sounds he can pick on his way.

  4. At the boy 's last remark, the bookseller looked at him curiously. I told him what I had seen and heard at the five other places.

  5. Trust your own reactions to the head, to the staff, and to all that you see and hear, says Dr Holden.

  6. He is trying to put what he saw and heard into words.

  7. His explanation, the next day, was accepted by a weary officer, who by that stage had seen and heard just about everything.

  8. Anderson wants to be a screenwriter, to tell the story of what he saw.

  9. She never failed to describe the events of her day from the kitchen at the top of her voice .


  1. 这些所见所闻让我感动。

    I was moved by what I saw.

  2. 他对他的所见所闻毫不惊讶。

    He showed very little surprise at what he saw and heard.

  3. 那人描述了他的所见所闻。

    The man described what he had seen and heard.

  4. 那准是有价值的所见所闻了。

    It must have been a valuable experience.

  5. 那准是有价值得所见所闻了。

    It must have been a valuable experience.

  6. 我在英国的所见所闻非常有趣。

    What I saw an heard in Britain was very interesting.

  7. 我喜欢所见所闻的一切甚至它的恶臭。

    I like the sight and the sound and even the stink of it.

  8. 听着,你的所见所闻,都只是他的谎言。

    Listen, whatever you hear, whatever you see, it's just his lies.

  9. 我愿意把我在美国的所见所闻告诉你。

    I will tell you what I saw and heard while staying in America.

  10. 我们对住在这里的所见所闻感到厌恶。

    We were disgusted with what we heard and saw here.

  11. 定期邀请人员描述他们所见所闻的变化。

    Periodically ask people to describe the changes they are hearing about and seeing.

  12. 照片在你回忆所见所闻的时候非常有用。

    Photographs are very useful for you to recall what you saw.

  13. 这部电影使他想到东京的所见所闻。

    The film reminded him of what he had seen in Tokyo.

  14. 在那里她的所见所闻促使她回到了祖国。

    What she saw persuaded her to return to her homeland.

  15. 这次参观中的所见所闻使我感受很深。

    I was deeply impressed by what I saw and heard during this visit.

  16. 这几天得所见所闻真是让我大开眼界。

    What I saw and heard these days has really broadened my views.

  17. 这几天的所见所闻真是让我大开眼界。

    What I saw and heard these days has really broadened my views.

  18. 这几天的所见所闻真是让我大开眼界。

    What I saw and heard these days has really broadened my views.

  19. 这次参观中得所见所闻使我感受很深。

    I was deeply impressed by what I saw and heard during this visit.

  20. 沃伊中尉摸索回到连队所在地段,汇报所见所闻。

    Wray made his way back to the company area to report on what he had seen.

  21. 他将所见所闻的见证出来,只是没有人领受他的见证。

    He testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony.

  22. 他此行所见所闻都给他留下了深刻的印象。

    Whatever he saw and heard on his trip gave him a very deep impression.

  23. 这就是我在西藏的所见所闻,令人深受鼓舞。

    This is what I saw and heard in Tibet, and it's very inspiring.

  24. 在这个板块里,我将写一些我所见所闻的东西。

    In these item, I'll write something I've seen, I've heard.

  25. 就我们平时的所见所闻来说, 这个理论是成立的。

    This theory rings true at an anecdotal level.

  26. 我们必须用准确和真实的语言描述我们的所见所闻。

    It's important for the rhetoric, when we describe what we've seen to be accurate and real.

  27. 晚上,斯蒂芬把那天的所见所闻告诉了我。

    That night, Stephen related his experience to me.

  28. 奈赞尼莫顿描述了他和朝圣者在1620年的所见所闻。

    Nathaniel Morton describes what he and other Pilgrims saw in 1620.

  29. 学汉语成了我理解、解释平日里所见所闻的方式。

    Learning the language became my way to understand and explain allthese things that I was seeing every day.

  30. 现在,我想告诉你们的是 我们在旅途中的所见所闻。

    And so, what I'd like to do now is to tell you about what we've learned in those journeys.


  1. 问:所见所闻拼音怎么拼?所见所闻的读音是什么?所见所闻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:所见所闻的读音是suǒjiànsuǒwén,所见所闻翻译成英文是 Somebody or something one hear of and see....



所见所闻 发 音: suǒ jiàn suǒ wén 释 义: 看到的和听到的。 出 处: 宋·王安石《慈溪县学记》:“则士朝夕所见所闻,无非所以治天下国家之道。” 示 例: 我为甚么不将这~的,写封信告诉庄宫保呢?★清·刘鹗《老残游记》第六回 用 法: 作主语、宾语、定语;指所看到和听到的。