







汉语拼音:shì ruò








  1. 暴露弱点;表示软弱。

    《后汉书·班超传》:“况今府藏未充,师无后继,是示弱於远夷,暴短於海内,臣愚以为不可许也。”《资治通鉴·晋安帝义熙七年》:“衞尉 伊力延 曰:‘彼步我骑,势不相及,今倍道而归则示弱,且捐弃资财,非计也。’”《明史·于谦传》:“ 谦 不可,曰:‘奈何示弱,使敌益轻我。’” 陈登科 《赤龙与丹凤》第一部八:“ 丹凤 在男孩子们面前,一向不愿示弱的。”



  1. Up to the last moment, Madeleine had the crazy hope that this expression of weakness might in fact be strength.


  2. Children are very angry, called up into the mountains, however, the mountains and not a sign of weakness, not polite to call him.


  3. You just have to play well from the beginning to the end, not having a physical or mental weakness.


  4. If China reformed its currency regime under such circumstances, it would appear as an embarrassing sign of weakness both at home and abroad.


  5. Yes, I will not easily give out, is not my strong with no chink in one's armour, but I do not want to let others see my helplessness.


  6. Speaking at a gathering in northern Iran Friday, Mr. Ahmadinejad said Iran "should not show weakness" over the nuclear standoff.


  7. " Liyong Xi said, " the scale of the Korean economy is now the world's top dozen, we should not show weakness.


  8. They were young enough to give as good as they got in rugby practice.


  9. People without the Pisces energy running through them do not really know how to be weak or passive and just let things be.


  1. 它不必是示弱。

    And it doesn't have to be an act of weakness.

  2. 艾莉森并不示弱。

    Alison did not give in.

  3. 那难道不是示弱吗?

    Does that not make me appear weak?

  4. 那难道不是示弱吗?

    Does that not make me appear weak?

  5. 他认为后退就是示弱。

    He thought it would be cowardly to draw back.

  6. 我们不必向任何人示弱。

    We should not have to bow down to anyone.

  7. 费萨尔对此也毫不示弱。

    Faisal was equal to the occasion.

  8. 示弱在监狱里不是件好事。

    Signs of weakness are not a good thing in prison.

  9. 如果我示弱,她就更加放肆。

    If I show weakness, she will only grow bolder.

  10. 如果我示弱,她就更加放肆。

    If I show weakness, she will only grow bolder.

  11. 我们不敢以示弱去诱惑他们。

    We dare not tempt them with weakness.

  12. 你们一旦示弱,他们就要向你们进攻。

    Once you show the white flag, they'll attack you.

  13. 你不示弱,就能成为最棒的。

    You show no weakness, you make to the top.

  14. 你越怕,越示弱,人家劲头就越大。

    The more afraid you are and the more weakness you show, the more aggressive others will be.

  15. 你必须让大家团结一致,不能示弱

    You have to hold it together and show strength.

  16. 不要在这些人面前示弱。振作起来!

    Don't show the white feather in front of these people. Pull yourself together!

  17. 如果你不示弱,你就能成为最强的。

    You show no weakness, you make it to the top.

  18. 胡萝卜入过之前是强壮的, 结实的, 毫不示弱

    The carrot went in strong, had and unrelenting.

  19. 胡萝卜入锅之前是强壮的, 结实的, 毫不示弱

    The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting14.

  20. 他虽然有病,还是坚持工作,不肯示弱。

    Ill though he was, he stuck at his work, and refused to give in.

  21. 为免示弱, 拒绝在公众场合戴上口罩

    Refuses to show fear by wearing a surgical face mask in public

  22. 虽然有病,但他仍然坚持工作,不肯示弱。

    Although he was ill, he stuck at his work and refused to give in.

  23. 两个人都不示弱!这是一场热赛,伙计们!

    Neither man will back down! It's a slugfest, folks!

  24. 比起被伤害,他们宁愿示弱,他们会表现出侵略性。

    If they are hurt, rather than show their weakness, they react aggressively.

  25. 对批评他的保守派来说,他传递的信号是在示弱。

    To his conservative critics, the signal he is sending is one of weakness.

  26. 挪开视线是示弱的信号,于是它可能会欺负你。

    Looking away wil signa to your cat that you are weak, and an attack is likely to follow.

  27. 别看小王的个头不高, 打架的时候他可从不示弱。

    Although Xiao Wang is not tall, he gives asas he gets when facing a fight.

  28. 如果我们示弱,敌人就不会后退,而会加强他们的镇压。

    If we are afraid, the enemy will not retreat, but will increase their repression.

  29. 那并不意味着在人权问题示弱,或者抚慰俄罗斯的偏执。

    That doesnt mean softpedalling on human rights or mollifying Russias paranoia over imaginary slights.

  30. 他们年轻力壮, 在橄榄球练习中能毫不示弱地进行反击。

    They were young enough to give as good as they got in rugby practice.


  1. 问:示弱拼音怎么拼?示弱的读音是什么?示弱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示弱的读音是shìruò,示弱翻译成英文是 give the impression of weakness; take somet...


