




1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……



汉语拼音:xī shí






  1. 用嘴吸进(某些食物、毒物等)。

    清 黄爵滋 《请严塞漏厄以培国本折》:“嗣后上自官府縉绅,下至工商优隶,以及妇女僧尼道士,随在吸食。” 清 黄钧宰 《金壶浪墨·广东夷变》:“﹝惟 林公 则徐 ﹞规画周详,雷厉风行……轻者流,吸食者黥。” 姚雪垠 《长夜》三:“原来他们生在一个破落的地主家庭,上两代不管男女都吸食鸦片。”



  1. Your boy is bright, doesn't appear to be taking crack cocaine and is still talking to you, even if in a somewhat combative manner.


  2. his pain, he began to take opium, which further destroyed his health, and he died at the AGE of 56.


  3. Cocaine is poisonous and addictive. Many cocaine used develop a false sense of their own indestructibility. Behaviour is often erratic.


  4. Although it has to be pointed out that, in the short-time at least, one's memory does not improve after smoking cannabis.


  5. I'm digging on the isotopes, this metaphysics shit is dope, and if all this can give me hope, you know I'm satisfied.


  6. The newspaper did not say that Phelps was smoking marijuana, but it pointed out that the pipe typically was used for that purpose.


  7. Users place a wad or pinch of the tobacco against their lip or cheek, then suck on it, a habit known as "dipping" .


  8. And with his new TV show, Maradona, 45, has returned to the limelight after years of dealing with cocaine addiction and health problems.


  9. Even if I was a regular drug taker, I knew the police wanted to see me that day. I would not have risked having drugs with me.


  1. 吸食可卡因

    to snort cocaine.

  2. 吸食柠檬汁

    to suck lemonade.

  3. 吸食鸦片者

    opium addict.

  4. 吸食海洛因成瘾

    to be on heroin

  5. 吸食柯卡因

    snorted cocaine.

  6. 昆虫吸食植物汁液。

    Insects suck sap from plants.

  7. 昆虫吸食植物汁液。

    Insects suck sap from plants.

  8. 禁止吸食任何违禁物质。

    Smoking of any substance prohibited.

  9. 那个年轻人吸食可卡因成瘾。

    That young man is a cocaine addict.

  10. 他因吸食海洛因而飘飘然。

    He got off on heroin.

  11. 悲伤吸食了我们的血色。

    Dry sorrow drinks our blood.

  12. 婴儿吸食瓶子里的牛奶。

    A baby sucks milk from a bottle.

  13. 他承认他吸食可卡因上瘾了。

    He admitted he was addicted to cocaine.

  14. 我劝你不要吸食毒品。

    I advise you to keep away from narcotic drugs

  15. 吸大麻者习惯性吸食大麻者

    One who habitually smokes marijuana.

  16. 只是你在吸食大麻的阶段。

    Only you're at the smoking marijuana stage.

  17. 妈妈总是在厨房里吸食毒品

    Mama on drugs gettin high up in the kitchen

  18. 梯龙吸食海洛因上了瘾了。

    Tyrone is hung up on some heavy soul.

  19. 我们看见他吸食并注射可卡因。

    We see him snorting and mainlining cocaine.

  20. 吸毒者正在吸食大量的可卡因。

    The addicts were basing large amount of cocaine.

  21. 吸毒者正在吸食大量的可卡因。

    The addicts were basing large amount of cocaine.

  22. 她是个吸食海洛因成瘾的人。

    She's a heroin addict.

  23. 她吸食海洛因有多长时间了?

    How long has she been on smack?

  24. 这些虫子每天吸食许多树液。

    These bugs drink much sap every day.

  25. 你一周究竟要吸食多少毒品?

    How much dope do you do in a week anyway?

  26. 吸食大麻在美国是不和法的。

    Its illegal to take marijuana in America.

  27. 我可从来未考虑过吸食大麻。

    I would never even consider smoking marijuana.

  28. 特里吸食安非他明, 昏昏然。

    Terrys blocked on amphetamines.

  29. 不要吸食油漆释放出的气味。

    Try not to breathe in the fumes given off by the paint.

  30. 吸食海洛因令他整日神志不清。

    He was permanently strung out on heroin.


  1. 问:吸食拼音怎么拼?吸食的读音是什么?吸食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吸食的读音是xīshí,吸食翻译成英文是 suck; take in

  2. 问:吸食大麻拼音怎么拼?吸食大麻的读音是什么?吸食大麻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吸食大麻的读音是xī shí dà má,吸食大麻翻译成英文是 marijuana use

  3. 问:吸食鸦片罪拼音怎么拼?吸食鸦片罪的读音是什么?吸食鸦片罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吸食鸦片罪的读音是xīshíyāpiànzuì,吸食鸦片罪翻译成英文是 activities relating to opium

  4. 问:吸食鸦片者拼音怎么拼?吸食鸦片者的读音是什么?吸食鸦片者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吸食鸦片者的读音是xīshíyāpiànzhě,吸食鸦片者翻译成英文是 opium addict

  5. 问:吸食麻药者拼音怎么拼?吸食麻药者的读音是什么?吸食麻药者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吸食麻药者的读音是,吸食麻药者翻译成英文是 junker




【读音】xī shí


【出处】清·黄爵滋 《请严塞漏厄以培国本折》:“嗣后上自官府缙绅,下至工商优隶,以及妇女僧尼道士,随在吸食。”

【示例】清·黄钧宰 《金壶浪墨·广东夷变》:“[惟林公则徐]规画周详,雷厉风行……轻者流,吸食者黥。”