





1. 场 [cháng]2. 场 [chǎng]场 [cháng]平坦的空地,多指农家翻晒粮食及脱粒的地方:~院。量词,指一事起迄的经过:下了一~雨。集,市集:赶~。场 [chǎng]处所,许多人聚集或活动的地方:~子。~地。~所。量词,用……



汉语拼音:tuì chǎng








  1. 离开演出、比赛等场所。

    闻一多 《诗与神话·说舞》:“最后舞师两臂高举,一阵震耳的掌声,舞人们退场了。” 巴金 《春》二六:“银行家在台上苦恼地踱了几步便不得不退场了。”如:发奖以后,运动员整队退场。



  1. At this point I expected to have to quell a revolt, or at least quieten things down while those who objected to this effrontery walked out.


  2. Your profile on QQ says "out of the game" and "terrible" . I'm not sure what you mean. But I guess it expressed your feelings.


  3. When she finished her last song, audience still shouted for her name and didn't like her to leave.


  4. He would sometimes show up hours late for a state banquet honoring an African head of state, then sit in a far corner before bolting away.


  5. And with that, I'm going to ask that we take a few moments to allow the press to exit before our first session.


  6. Then, there was another where he took a bow and kept going until he was swallowed by the bowels of the stage.


  7. True, I was a cheater, a bad player and I lost the game. I must be adjudicative. . . for both my late wife, and for a fan like you.


  8. Of course, the Fed is still likely a year or more away from implementing an exit strategy, but even that's cold comfort.


  9. Though I was disappointed, I had to give up the idea of leaving for my bus for her seriousness.


  1. 女主角退场。

    The heroine makes her exit.

  2. 观众中途退场

    a dropout of audience.

  3. 伴郎伴娘退场。

    Exit the bridesmaid and bestman.

  4. 他们离开退场了。

    They made a break for exits.

  5. 击球员因伤退场。

    The batsman retired hurt.

  6. 你本应中途退场。

    you should have flown the coop

  7. 开会不要中途退场。

    Don't leave when the meeting is in progress.

  8. 我们练习上场和退场。

    We practise entrances and exits.

  9. 就算前面是退场的门。

    Even if the door front is an exit.

  10. 主角登场时,他退场了。

    He made his exit after the main actor appeared.

  11. 主角登场时,他退场了。

    He made his exit after the main actor appeared.

  12. 他因得零分而退场。

    He was bowled out for a duck.

  13. 那个足球运动员受伤退场了。

    The footBall player retired hurt.

  14. 琼斯在决赛中被迫退场。

    Jones was run out in the final.

  15. 我担心我们不得不提前退场。

    Im afraid were going to have to bow out early.

  16. 入场请走正门, 退场请走侧门。

    Please enter through the main entrance and exit through the side doors.

  17. 请坐, 颁奖官员, 运动员退场。

    Sit down, please. Officials and winners march off the field.

  18. 梅森先生在演出时退场。

    Mr. Mason walked out during the performance.

  19. 请从舞台后面的门退场。

    Make your exit through the door at the back of the stage.

  20. 裁判员有权勒令他退场吗。

    Do the referee have the power to send him off the field.

  21. 被迫退场前还有一次机会

    be given a life

  22. 他因得零分而被迫退场。

    He was bowled out for a duck.

  23. 穷女孩和她的父母退场。

    The girl with her parents exits.

  24. 他于第二场结束时退场。

    At the end of the second scene he exited.

  25. 头一个击球员被迫退场了。

    The first batsman was bowled out.

  26. 昨天许多投资人选择退场观望。

    Many investors chose to stay on the sidelines yesterday.

  27. 他们都有退场和入场的时候。

    They have their exits and their entrances.

  28. 这运动员因踝部扭伤而退场。

    The player was sidelined with a sprained ankle.

  29. 演员们退场时灯光便亮了起来。

    As the actors exited the stage the lights went on.

  30. 有人传说陪审团要退场很久。

    It began to be rumoured that the jury would be out a long while.


  1. 问:退场拼音怎么拼?退场的读音是什么?退场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退场的读音是tuìchǎng,退场翻译成英文是 withdraw from the arena; leave the theatre...

