




1. 场 [cháng]2. 场 [chǎng]场 [cháng]平坦的空地,多指农家翻晒粮食及脱粒的地方:~院。量词,指一事起迄的经过:下了一~雨。集,市集:赶~。场 [chǎng]处所,许多人聚集或活动的地方:~子。~地。~所。量词,用……



汉语拼音:chū chǎng









  1. 出面;露面。

    鲁迅 《呐喊·风波》:“ 七斤 自己知道是出场人物,被女人当大众这样辱骂,很不雅观。” 茅盾 《某一天》四:“ W处长 刚一出场,众亲友就哗然叫道:‘好好,过了二十多分钟了,罚酒三杯。’”

  2. 引申为演员、运动员在舞台或运动场出现。

    鲁迅 《且介亭杂文末编·女吊》:“这之后,就是‘跳女吊’。自然先有悲凉的喇叭;少顷,门幕一掀,她出场了。” 瞿秋白 《人才易得》:“前几年, 大观园 里的压轴戏是 刘姥姥 骂山门。那是要老旦出场的。” 翁澜前 《国脚容志行》:“ 容志行 的出场,引起一阵骚动,因为大多数球迷对陌生新手通常是抱怀疑态度的。”

  3. 结局;收场。

    宋 朱熹 《答刘平甫书》:“即须一到面恳诸公,恐到彼终无好出场耳。” 宋 陈善 《扪虱新话·山谷言诗》:“ 山谷 尝言:作诗正如作杂剧,初如布置,临了须打諢,方是出场。”

  4. 犹出路。

    《醒世恒言·卖油郎独占花魁》:“他不是要挑担出去,几年上偷银子做私房,身边积趲有餘了,又怪你不与他定亲,心下怨悵,不愿在此相帮,要讨个出场,自去娶老婆,做人家去。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十七:“此间官官相护,做定了圈套陷人。 闻兄 只在家营救,未必有益。我两人进去,倘得好处, 闻兄 不若径到京来商量,与尊翁寻个出场。”

  5. 考生离开考场。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四二回:“通了外收掌,初十交卷出场,这卷先不要解,在外面请人再作一篇,誊好了,等进二场时交给他换了。”《黄绣球》第七回:“及至得了携卷出场之令,匆匆回家,反觉心目间豁然开爽。”《大公报( 上海 )》1936.8.25:“又一生在《士先器识而后文艺》题后,并未作文,仅书‘若见美人甘下拜,凡闻过失要回头’一联,掷笔出场而去。”



  1. She was protesting against the appearance of Barack Obama, whom she sees as an evil advocate of what she now calls "child killing" .


  2. So what are the benefits of heading out on loan rather than waiting for a first-team chance at Emirates Stadium?


  3. As you might have guessed , right before my big line, although I tried to calm myself dowm, I sneezed three times.


  4. "I'm really happy to be back playing and to be part of the squad for matches again is great, " he said.


  5. Leslie was the regular centre half from the war until 1951 while Denis was less of a regular due to his cricketing obligations.


  6. It was very important for us to have him in defence today to talk and encourage and push people into positions.


  7. The first appearance of the pre-school children, they are a , valiantly, full of dash and a strong pace of marching to us.


  8. Yossi is training with the team. He still has a problem with his rib but at least he is training. We will decide about him on Thursday.


  9. Finally, if you get stopped out on a false breakout, don't be shy about getting back into a trade.


  1. 猴王出场。

    The monkey king comes out.

  2. 暂时罚出场

    temporary suspension.

  3. 按出场顺序

    in order of appearance

  4. 他被罚出场。

    He has fouled out.

  5. 罚出场五分钟

    five minutes suspension.

  6. 全体出场参赛者

    the field

  7. 阿理巴巴出场。

    Ali Baba appears on the stage.

  8. 被担架抬出场

    be pulled from the field by stretcher

  9. 大牛健将大牛出场。

    Now, here is Master Sportsman Daniel.

  10. 把球击出场外

    Hit the ball out of the ground

  11. 嘘,她要出场了。

    Shh.She's making her entrance.

  12. 嘘,她要出场了。

    Shh. She's making her entrance.

  13. 两支球队出场了。

    Here are the teams coming out.

  14. 队长3次被罚出场。

    The captain was out for three times

  15. 打出场外本垒打

    get an outfield homerun

  16. 可是,她该怎样出场?

    How are we going to introduce her?

  17. 你动作粗野,罚你出场。

    You are rough play, send you off.

  18. 我们训练入场和出场。

    We practise entrances and exits.

  19. 他们等喜剧演员出场。

    They waited for the comedian to come on.

  20. 他把球击出场外。

    He hit the ball out of the ground.

  21. 接下来是喜剧演员出场。

    Next the comedians come on.

  22. 他可以罚队员出场吗

    Can he send off the player.

  23. 第50次出场意味着很多。

    To get to 50 caps will mean a lot.

  24. 乐队出场时, 观众欣喜若狂。

    The crowd went crazy when the band came on stage.

  25. 他把球踢出场外。

    He drove the ball out of the court.

  26. 接下来由喜剧演员出场。

    Next the comedians come on.

  27. 男主角从舞台左边出场。

    The protagonist enters leftstage.

  28. 足球赛前队员列队出场

    a parade of players before a football match

  29. 作为合演明星演出或出场。

    To act or present as a costar.

  30. 他把足球踢出场外。

    He kicked the football out of the field.


  1. 问:出场拼音怎么拼?出场的读音是什么?出场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出场的读音是chūchǎng,出场翻译成英文是 come on the stage; enter the playing ground...

  2. 问:出场费拼音怎么拼?出场费的读音是什么?出场费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出场费的读音是chūchǎngfèi,出场费翻译成英文是 appearance fee

  3. 问:出场演戏拼音怎么拼?出场演戏的读音是什么?出场演戏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出场演戏的读音是,出场演戏翻译成英文是 playact

  4. 问:出场飞机拼音怎么拼?出场飞机的读音是什么?出场飞机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出场飞机的读音是chū chǎng fēi jī,出场飞机翻译成英文是 Outbound Aircraft



(1) [come on the stage]∶演员上场;出面;露面 (2) [enter the arena]∶运动员入场参赛