


1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……









汉语拼音:dì píng tiān chéng







  • 【解释】:平:治平;成:成功。原指禹治水成功而使天之生物得以有成。后常比喻一切安排妥帖。
  • 【出自】:《尚书·大禹谟》:“帝曰:‘俞!地平天成,六府三事,允治。万世永赖,时乃工。’”《左传·文公十八年》:“舜臣尧,举八恺,使主后土,以揆百事,莫不时序,地平天成。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语;比喻上下相称


  1. na.
  2. 形容一切就绪

  1. 放下客户端立地成佛。

    Let the customers be Buddha at once.

  2. 商品生产逐渐地成了统治的形式。

    Gradually commodity production becomes the dominating form.

  3. 苏菲不幸地成了我的保护者。

    Sophie's unfortunately taken on the role as my protector.

  4. 周期与摆长并不是精确地成正比。

    The periods of the pendulum do not directly proportion to its length accurately.

  5. 他慢慢地成了家中最受宠爱的成员。

    He slowly became the most cosseted member of the family.

  6. 男演员靠父亲的名誉一帆风顺地成了明星。

    The actor coasted to stardom on his fathers name.

  7. 一位国会议员很快地成了下议院议长。

    A member of parliament soon finds his level as a commoner.

  8. 她真地成了个女人了, 有了男人爱她, 向她求婚了。

    It was a lure to all that was fundamental in her sex.

  9. 嘉莉从现在起轻易地成了人们兴趣的焦点。

    Carrie, from now on, was easily the centre of interest.

  10. 蒸馏法已传统地成了水提纯的主要方法。

    Distillation has traditionally been the major system for water purification.

  11. 那位男演员靠父亲的名誉一帆风顺地成了明星。

    The actor coasted to stardom on his father's name.

  12. 于是, 赫拉克勒斯偶然地成了男性力量的原型。

    From that Heracles happened to become an prototype of male power.

  13. 那一年他轻松地成了二队中最出色得队员。

    He easily became the best player on the jayvee that year.

  14. 那一年他轻松地成了二队中最出色的队员。

    He easily became the best player on the jayvee that year.

  15. 他像他年轻时梦想的那样,如愿以偿地成了一名作家。

    He has become a writer as what he dreamed when he was young.

  16. 有时阴蒂仅仅部分地成对,即是说它朝上端分支。

    Sometimes only part of the clitoris is paired, i. e. it branches towards the upper end.

  17. 如果这持续得太久了,我就高耸地成了沉闷的人。

    If that goes on too long, then I'm suddenly the quiet one.

  18. 只有当女人爱上男人的时候, 金钱才真正地成了粪土。

    Fall in love with a man when the woman only when, money just became muck truly.

  19. 这位男演员靠自己长得漂亮而毫不费力地成了明星。

    The actor coasted to stardom on his good looks.

  20. 在那些岁月里,感谢您更多地成了一种敷衍的反应。

    In those years,my thank yous became more of a perfunctory response.

  21. 在那些岁月里,我的感谢更多地成了一种敷衍的反应。

    In those years my thank yous became more of a perfunctory response.

  22. 画家可能也很轻易地成了他自己明锐的观察力的牺牲者。

    The painter may simply have been the victim of his own acute observational powers.

  23. 在这个密切联系的社会,隔离却讽刺性地成了一个新标志。

    Isolation is a new hallmark of our paradoxically connected society.

  24. 这块地略成三角形。

    It's more or less triangular plot of land.

  25. 为了耕田把地弄成梯田。

    Make into terraces as for cultivation.

  26. 他费力地写成此封信。

    He painfully wrote the letter.

  27. 胡乱地写成一篇短篇小说

    to scribble a short novel

  28. 这些垃圾慢慢地分解成了堆肥。

    The debris slowly decomposes into compost.

  29. 寿司卷平均地切成6件完成。

    Cut evenly into 6 pieces to complete.

  30. 她把椅子背靠背地摆成两排。

    She arranged the chairs in two rows, placed back to back.