




1. 正 [zhèng]2. 正 [zhēng]正 [zhèng]不偏斜,与“歪”相对:~午。~中(zhōng )。~襟危坐。合于法则的:~当(dāng)。~派。~楷。~规。~大光明。~言厉色。拨乱反~。合于道理的:~道。~确。~义。~气。……



汉语拼音:biàn zhèng






  1. 辨明是非,改正谬误。

    晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷十六:“﹝ 阮瞻 ﹞素执无鬼论,物莫能难。每自谓此理足以辨正幽明。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·论说》:“原夫论之为体,所以辨正然否。” 胡适 《<红楼梦>考证》:“《红楼梦索引》一书,有了《董小宛考》的辨正,我本可以不再批评他了。”



  1. By this Critical Study of North-South pronunciation, and discusses the North-South Qu read the words and singing metrical method of skills.


  2. The Poof of the Sentence "Please Sell the Rank of Nobility and Children"


  3. On the Formation Year and Author of "Haiyan Tone"


  4. Rectification of the Concept of Administrative Notion


  5. Identify and Correct of Materials and Academic Nature of Local Records


  6. The Discrimination of three Theoretical Misunderstandings about Trend of Thought of Western Ideological Ending Viewpoint


  7. Relationship between Philosophical Anthropology and Philosophy Rectified


  8. The similarity and difference between the concept moral education and the concept ideological and political education


  9. Reasonable relation between the civil retrial and adjudication supervision


  1. 缓刑起源辨正

    A Critical Study of the Origin of Probation

  2. 羌, 姜同源说辨正

    Reconsidering the Theory that the Jiang and Qiang Nationalities Are of the Same Origin

  3. 羌,姜同源说辨正。

    Reconsidering the Theory that the Jiang and Qiang Nationalities Are of the Same Origin.

  4. 涿鹿之战辨正

    Argumentation about the War of Zhu Lu

  5. 伦理与道德之辨正

    Distinguishing between Ethic and Morality

  6. 无罪推定原则之辨正

    Differentiation and Correction of the Principle of Presumption of Innocence

  7. 社会危害性理论之辨正

    Dialectics of the Theory of Social Harmfulness

  8. 危险犯犯罪形态之辨正

    A Critical Study of the Formation of Dangerous Offence

  9. 左懋第史事辨正

    The Discrimination and Correctness about the Historical Recordation about Zuo Maodi

  10. 假冒专利罪客体, 对象辨正

    Analyzing Legal Relationship and Objects of the Crime of Faked Patent

  11. 人学与哲学的关系辨正

    Relationship between philosophical anthropology and philosophy rectified.

  12. 恩格斯历史合力内涵辨正

    On the Connotation of the Concept of Resultant Forces by Engels

  13. 李益生平及诗歌研究辨正

    A Criticism on the Studies of Li Yi's Life and His Poetical Works

  14. 山西地方史志若干说法辨正

    Correcting Some Misconceptions of Shanxi Local Chronicles

  15. 方音辨正教学中生理矫正法

    Physiological Remedy in Distinguishing and Correcting a Dialectal Accent

  16. 编校中物理符号应用的辨正

    Distinguishing and correction of physics signs in editing and proofreading

  17. 民族融合,民族同化和民族文化融合概念辨正

    On the Concept of Ethnic Amalgamation, Ethnic Assimilation and Ethnic Fusion of Culture

  18. 社会危害性和刑事违法性关系辨正

    Dialectical Relations of Social Harm and Criminal Illegality

  19. 基础教育课程实施若干问题辨正

    Analysis of and Solution to the Problems That Arises in the Course of Using the New Curriculum for Elemental Education

  20. 民事再审与审判监督关系之辨正

    Reasonable relation between the civil retrial and adjudication supervision

  21. 研究性学习课程实施中的问题辨正

    Consideration and Correction of Problems in Conducting Research Learning Course

  22. 明代状元丁显生卒年辨正

    Identification and correction on the birth and death year of the Number One Scholar Ding Xian of Ming Dynasty

  23. 本文对这些特征进行了分析与辨正。

    This paper analyzes and studies these features.

  24. 民国丝织南通大学毕业证书辨正

    Identifying the Silk Diploma of Nantong University in the Time of the Republic of China

  25. 醒世姻缘传方言词语注释辨正

    Discussion on the dialect notes on The Marriage Stories to Awaken Men

  26. 天地会与林爽文起义之关系辨正

    Identifying the Relationship Between the Heaven and Earth Society and the Lin Shuangwen Uprising.

  27. 古诗文疑难句,词异解辨正

    Identifying and Correcting Different Notes on Knotty Sentences and Words in Ancient Poems and Texts

  28. 玉石分化说辨正 兼论玉器的起源问题

    On the Theory of the Differentiation between Jade and Stone

  29. 诉讼证明理论中的四组相对概念之辨正

    Differentiation and Correction of Four Groups of Opposite Concepts in Proof Theory

  30. 对此的误读以及由此造成的影响,亟待辨正。

    The consequent misinterpretation as well as the negative impact should be addressed.


  1. 问:辨正拼音怎么拼?辨正的读音是什么?辨正翻译成英文是什么?

    答:辨正的读音是biànzhèng,辨正翻译成英文是 to determine and rectify