


1. 落 [là]2. 落 [luò]3. 落 [lào]落 [là]丢下,遗漏:丢三~四。~了一个字。落 [luò]掉下来,往下降:降~。~下。零~(a.叶子脱落,如“草木~~”;b.衰败,如“一片~~景象”;c.稀疏,如“枪声~~”)。……





汉语拼音:luò zuò






  1. 坐下。

    老舍 《四世同堂》四九:“四爷看大家都坐下,自己也落坐。” 周立波 《山那面人家》:“我们才落坐,她们都一哄出去了,门外是一路的笑声。”



  1. By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down.


  2. After leaving the packing ring, the arrow-shaped valve body falls to open the lock of the tension releasing control pin.


  1. 高度可以调节, 落坐舒适。

    Height adjustable for a comfortable sitting posture.

  2. 我老是落得坐到最烂得位子。

    I always end up sitting in the nosebleed section.

  3. 我老是落得坐到最烂的位子。

    I always end up sitting in the nosebleed section.

  4. 如果你不听我的劝告,最后总要落得坐班房的下场。

    If you don't take my advice, you will end up behind bars.

  5. 他们握了手,沃尔登落坐。

    They shook hands, and Walden sat down.

  6. 我们的谈话没有生涩的开场,一落坐便滔滔不绝。

    Our talk does not have jerky begin, fall sit to dash along.

  7. 无论肤色黑白,我们能同席落坐,情如手足。

    Black men and white men Together at the table of brotherhood!

  8. 仿真运算表明,插补坐标点都落在理论椭圆曲线上。

    Simulation calculation shows that the interpolation coordinates coincide with theoretical curve of ellipse.

  9. 他们坐着会向下滑落。

    They begin to fall off the end of your chart.

  10. 密探走了,卡尔顿在桌边坐了下来,额头落在双手上。

    The Spy withdrew, and Carton seated himself at the table, resting his forehead on his hands.

  11. 她朝西坐着, 望着太阳落山。

    She sat facing west, watching the sun going down.

  12. 我静静地坐在这里,看着夕阳西落。

    I sit here quietly and watch the sunset.

  13. 他们的婚姻, 像坐云霄飞车般时起时落。

    Their marriage seems like a roller coaster ride.

  14. 他只是坐在外线等待球落到他那里。

    He just sits on the perimeter and waits for the ball to come to him.

  15. 但如果你静静地坐下来, 它便会落在你身上。

    But if you sit down, quietly, it will alight upon you.

  16. 而你却手放在水里,大落落地坐在后面。

    While you sit back with your hand in the water.

  17. 一只青蛙坐在井里, 一只小鸟飞过来, 落在井边上。

    He made his way manfully through the length of the wood, to its furthest edge.

  18. 她坐在窗旁,看着纷纷落下的叶子在空中飘舞。

    She sat beside the window, watching the falling leaves floating in the air.

  19. 坐看飞溜落檐牙, 吟里风吹鬓脚斜。

    Slipped off the eaves sit flying teeth, Yin in the wind coming from the foot slope.

  20. 坐在这个心里拥着你的伴侣欣赏太阳慢慢落下。

    Sit inside the heart and cuddle your partner as you watch the sun go down.

  21. 我们坐在水边, 他邀我关注大海的潮涨潮落

    As we sat by the water, he invited me to notice the ebb and flow of the ocean.

  22. 他坐在史密斯太太的旁边,他的视线落在她女儿的身上。

    He was sitting next to Mrs. Smith, his eyes resting on her daughter.

  23. 她靠掌柜坐着, 算得不落言诠的好广告。

    Sitting up against the counter she made an excellent living advertisement.

  24. 坐果灵和防落素对温室厚皮甜瓜坐果的影响

    Influence of Zuoguoling and PCPA on fruit bearing percentage of Cucumis melo L. Var. Inodorus Naud cultivated in greenhouse

  25. 太阳已落到地平线下。她还坐在摇椅上,一动未动。

    The sun finally dipped below the horizon, and still she had not moved.

  26. 他们如同苍蝇,坐在鲜花和糖果上,同时也停落在污物上。

    They are like flies, which sit on a flower or a sweetmeat and light on filth as well.

  27. 落入我眼帘得是一只巨大得蜻蜓,它坐在我床上。

    A giant dragonfly was sitting on my bed.

  28. 落入我眼帘的是一只巨大的蜻蜓,它坐在我床上。

    A giant dragonfly was sitting on my bed.

  29. 这次,我刻意的坐在了码头,想观望从湖面落下的太阳。

    This time, I deliberately sat in the dock, like watching the sun falling from the lake.

  30. 我咆哮著将一只落到我鼻尖的蝴蝶赶跑,一翻身坐了起来。

    I throw out roaring to drive out a butterfly from my nose and hold to stand up.