


1. 载 [zǎi]2. 载 [zài]载 [zǎi]年;岁:千~难逢。三年两~。记录;刊登;描绘:记~。连~。转~。载 [zài]装,用交通工具装:~客。~货。~重。~体。装~。满~而归。充满:怨声~道。乃,于是(古文里常用来表示同时做两……






1. 车 [chē]2. 车 [jū]车 [chē]陆地上有轮子的交通工具:火~。~驾(帝王的马车)。~裂(中国古代一种残酷的死刑,俗称“五马分尸”)。前~之鉴。用轮轴来转动的器具:纺~。水~。用水车打水:~水。指旋床或其他机器:~床。用旋……



汉语拼音:zǎi guǐ yī chē






  1. 语出《易·睽》:“上九,睽孤见豕负涂,载鬼一车,先张之弧,后説之弧。” 高亨 注:“爻辞所言乃一古代故事。有一睽孤(离家在外之孤子)夜行,见豕伏於道中,更有一车,众鬼乘之。睽孤先开其弓欲射之,后放下其弓而不射。盖详察之,非鬼也,乃人也;非寇贼也,乃婚姻也。”后因以指混淆是非,无中生有。

    清 钱谦益 《赵文毅公神道碑》:“ 江陵 以后,盘互杈枒。便文自营,载鬼一车。”亦省作“ 载鬼 ”。 明 张居正 《礼部仪制司主事敬修血书》:“皆由含沙以架祸,载鬼以起大狱。” 清 顾炎武 《松江别张处士悫王处士炜暨诸友人》诗:“每烦疑载鬼,动是泣歧途。”



  1. 网络
  2. blog

  1. 装满一车硼砂

    to load a wagon with borax

  2. 装满一车小麦

    to load a wagon with wheat

  3. 一车一车的外国观光客

    busloads of foreign tourists.

  4. 卡车装运一车沙子。

    The truck was carrying a load of sand.

  5. 车量荷载一车装载的量

    The quantity that a car can hold.

  6. 卡车装运着一车砂子。

    The lorry was carrying a load of sand.

  7. 两轮车上装载着一车干草。

    The cart has a load of hay.

  8. 这辆卡车装着一车香蕉。

    The truck was carrying a load of bananas.

  9. 那工人用手推车搬运一车砖块。

    I want to use the wheelbarrow ascounter.

  10. 面包师订了买一车面粉得合同。

    The baker contracted for a load of flour.

  11. 面包师订了买一车面粉的合同。

    The baker contracted for a load of flour.

  12. 他买了一车的草莓用来做试验。

    He bought a load of strawberries to experiment with.

  13. 他买了一车的草莓用来做试验。

    He bought a load of strawberries to experiment with.

  14. 不管他去哪里,总有一车士兵跟着。

    Wherever he goes, a carload of soldiers goes with him.

  15. 你屯了一车的枪弹却没有买家

    You're stuck with a truckload of guns and no buyer

  16. 那么马丁内兹不和我们一车走了

    So Fishers not taking the limo with us

  17. 阿萨德,你救了我一车,谢谢您修理。

    Asad, you saved me a load of time, thanks for your fix.

  18. 车间内得机器, 一车是满溢铝屑。

    Inside the machine shop, a cart is overflowing with aluminum shavings.

  19. 车间内的机器,一车是满溢铝屑。

    Inside the machine shop, a cart is overflowing with aluminum shavings.

  20. 这帮人为了一车干草的价钱争吵不休。

    These men have quarreled over the price of a load of hay.

  21. 一车突如其来的寒风冷得我浑身直哆嗦。

    A sudden gust of cold wind made me shiver allover

  22. 有一个农夫带一车肥料通过一个精神疗养院。

    He finally understood that Confucius and he were similar, one spiritually insane, the other physical disabled.

  23. 这天上午, 他刚发走一车办公桌和坐椅。

    This morning he has just seen off a load of office desks and chairs.

  24. 晴明的阳光照得一车通亮,可是不嫌燠热。

    The clear sunlight made the whole compartment bright but not hot.

  25. 或者是由于我帮邻居卸过一车食品杂货。

    Perhaps the neighbor I'd help when she was unloading a car full of groceries.

  26. 拼装车正倾倒一车甘蔗至转装台的漏斗。

    A lorry was dumping sugarcane into the hopper.

  27. 我和哥哥用架子车装了一车麦子拉回家。

    My elder brother and I loaded the handcart with wheat and pulled it home.

  28. 我和哥哥用架子车装了一车麦子拉回家。

    My elder brother and I loaded the handcart with wheat and pulled it home.

  29. 当涉及到滑雪,一车特技是一个平衡的简单的事情。

    When it comes to snowboarding, a wheelie is a simple matter of balance.

  30. 没有新鲜草莓了, 时令已过。菜店的卡车装了一车新鲜草莓。

    The greengrocer's truck had been carrying a load of fresh strawberries.