


1. 泡 [pào]2. 泡 [pāo]泡 [pào]气体在液体内使液体鼓起来的球状体:~沫。~影(a.佛教用“泡”和“影”喻事物的生灭无常;b.现喻落空的事情和希望)。水~。像泡的东西:电灯~儿。用液体浸物品:~茶。~菜。~饭。~汤(喻事……


1. 汤 [tāng]2. 汤 [shāng]汤 [tāng]热水:~雪。赴~蹈火。扬~止沸。煮东西的汁液:米~。参(shēn )~。烹调后汁特别多的食物:鸡~。菜~。清~。专指温泉(现多用于地名):~泉(温泉)。~山(在中国北京市)。中药……



汉语拼音:pào tāng








  1. 方言。落空。




  1. I had not told ITN in case the story fell flat, and I made sure only a handful of trusted South Africans knew the plan.


  2. Ture, all this planning becames moot when the 40-minute trip takes two hours because of a track fire and a wino who gets caught in the door?


  3. If you think bad enough to wipe out the profits of tech companies for many years to come, you know what to do.


  4. Afterwards Barry knew that no congratulations would be given to him in conjunction with this failed event.


  5. There was a week of rain which ruined the wheat crop before it could be safely gathered in.


  6. At least half will have to be paid in stock or 'contingent capital, ' meaning it won't be paid if the bank hits difficulties.


  7. Even if you are upset because an appointment on today's calendar falls through, don't take it out on everyone else.


  8. I think you'd better stay here. With you along, I see this great deal going up in smoke!


  9. His charity was wiped out, his foundation was wiped out, the retirement for his employees was wiped out.


  1. 计划泡汤了。

    The plan was scuppered.

  2. 整个计划将泡汤

    Then the whole thing would fall apart.

  3. 免费的午餐泡汤了!

    There goes the free lunch.

  4. 免费的午餐泡汤了。

    There goes the free lunch.

  5. 原先的计划已经泡汤了。

    The original plan has gone to wreck.

  6. 又一份好工作泡汤了。

    Ho hum, another nice job down the drain.

  7. 让我整个奖学金都泡汤了

    cost me my entire scholarship.

  8. 雨使得我们得郊游泡汤了。

    Rain made a mockery of our picnic.

  9. 雨使得我们的郊游泡汤了。

    Rain made a mockery of our picnic.

  10. 我们的野餐计划可能要泡汤。

    Our plan for a picnic may go off.

  11. 因为下雨, 我们的郊游泡汤了。

    Because of rain, we had to cancel the picnic.

  12. 我很抱歉你的蜜月泡汤了

    Im sorry your honeymoon stunk

  13. 他的到来让我旅行泡汤了!

    His arrival spoiled my holiday!

  14. 这样一来,本月的计划就要泡汤了。

    In that case, this month's plan is bound to fall through.

  15. 雨水让我们的野餐计划泡汤了。

    The rain put paid to our picnic plan.

  16. 恶劣的天气使我们的假期泡汤了。

    The foul weather spoiled our vacation.

  17. 万一下雨, 我们的计划就泡汤了。

    If it should rain, our plan would be spoiled.

  18. 看来我们的休假计划要泡汤了。

    It looks like our holiday plans are up the spout.

  19. 这不,我的休假计划全泡汤了!

    Well, that's my holiday plans gone up the spout!

  20. 整个计划全泡汤了,没有法子挽救了。

    The whole plan is to hell and gone. Nothing can be salvaged.

  21. 因为天气不好, 他的计划泡汤了。

    His plan was chucked out by bad weather.

  22. 旅游公司的失误使我的假日泡汤了。

    The travel companys failure bust up my holiday.

  23. 我猜这么说完我的绿卡算是泡汤了。

    I guess there goes my green card.

  24. 恐怕我去纽约出差的计划泡汤了。

    I'm afraid the business trip to New York went up in smoke.

  25. 也就是说, 我们当初的计画完全泡汤了。

    That is to say, we at the outset plan picture is complete bubble soup.

  26. 经过一连串充满敌意的争吵,交易泡汤了。

    The deal ended after a series of rancorous disputes.

  27. 那我所有问题,追寻和学习都泡汤了?

    So all my questions, my search and study are of no use?

  28. 我听说他们募集资金的方案要泡汤了。

    I hear their plan to raise funds is on the skids.

  29. 真糟糕,你的卖房一事已泡汤了。

    It's too bad that the sale of your house has fallen through.

  30. 缓慢的系统运行可能会使你的交易泡汤。

    Slow system performance can easily scuttle the deal.


  1. 问:泡汤拼音怎么拼?泡汤的读音是什么?泡汤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泡汤的读音是pàotāng,泡汤翻译成英文是 wish dashed to pieces; to dawdle



pàotāng [hope dashed to pieces] [方]∶事情或希望落空;钱财等损失,没有着落. 1·“泡汤” 借用词。 本意是食品在汤里浸泡,或煮泡时间过长而无法食用。引申为计划落空,事情办“砸”。 2·“泡汤” 本意沐浴。 来源于旧时盐民、盐商。海盐在晒制时,如遇大雨,晶盐溶化, 就成了汤水, 盐民们称之为“泡汤”。 古代在盐的运输过程中,运输工具落后,主要靠车(畜力车)载和船运,同样怕雨淋水泡。 如遇滂沱大雨,也难逃溶化的厄运。如若遭遇沉船,轻则损失大半,重则颗粒无存,使贩盐者遭受重大损失。逢此事故,当事者向上司汇报时,以“路逢大雨,盐已泡汤”。久而久之,“泡汤”不仅成为盐商们的大忌,也成了一个特定的行业用语。后来,“泡汤”一词传入社会,使用范围不断扩大,并普及到各行各业,各色人等,以致成了“失意”“失败”的代名词了。 现在专指:一种复杂的事情,大部分已完成只剩关键部位,关键部位不能搞定,就要前功尽弃,可理解为付出很多却无收获