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1. 柏 [bǎi]2. 柏 [bó]3. 柏 [bò]柏 [bǎi]常绿乔木,叶鳞片状,结球果,有“扁柏”、“侧柏”、“圆柏”、“罗汉柏”等多种。木质坚硬,纹理致密。可供建筑及制造器物之用:~露(柏树上的露水,据说用以洗眼,有明目的作用)……
汉语拼音:bǎi yóu
明 李时珍 《本草纲目·木一·柏》﹝附方﹞引 陆氏 积德堂方:“黄水溼疮:真柏油二两,香油二两,熬稠搽之,如神。”
With a posse of followers, he burst into a lecture hall, poured hot tar on the professor and then decorated him with feathers.
他带着一帮地方武装分子,闯进了大学报告厅,把滚烫的柏油倾倒在教授身上,然后把羽毛沾在上面。He smelled the tar and oakum of the deck as he slept and he smelled the smell of Africa that the land breeze brought at morning.
睡着的时候,他闻到甲板上柏油和填絮的味道,还闻到早晨陆地上风送来的非洲气息。Today, on an incredibly hot day, my flip flop broke, leaving me to walk barefoot on the hot asphalt for a mile and a half to my car. FML.
今天天气死热,我的拖鞋坏了,害得我在滚烫的柏油路上光脚走了一英里半才上了我的车。FML。Her mistress led her to the door; but when she was beneath it, instead of gold a tub full of pitch was poured down upon her.
她带她走到那一个门前,但当她走进那道门里,一桶柏油倒在她身上。I feel like getting down on my hands and knees, like Pope John Paul II used to do, and kissing the tarmac.
我真想像教皇约翰.鲍尔二世做过的那样,来跪地亲吻柏油路面。Mr. Cronk said the layout was chosen so customers would not feel lost in the asphalt but would enjoy fast and easy access to the shops.
克朗克先生谈到,选择如此布局是为了让消费者不致迷失于柏油路之中并能方便快捷地到达商店。A pure sweet night, and finally we got out on a real narrow tar country road and headed up toward the mountains for sure.
一个清秋酷毙的晚上,我们最终在一条非常狭窄的郊野柏油路上熄了火,确定无疑地赶紧朝山脉前进。I crossed the street, knelt down, put the package I had under my arm down on the asphalt, leaned in and asked the man if he was hurt.
我穿过马路,弯下膝盖,把我胳膊下的包裹放在柏油路上,仔细地观察着老从并询问他有没有受伤。I spent the next half hour with an ice cube and a plastic knife, scraping tar off the bottom of my shoes.