







汉语拼音:chuāng kuàng








  1. The remaining, only the unknown flower vine winding window frames, and only abandoned the cage, only the barren life of the sky.

  2. The sash was stuck, however, and would not yield, so he sat down dejectedly and began pulling at his collar.

  3. He stepped out on to the narrow ledge and, holding the frame, stretched across to wipe away the annoying smudge.

  4. As the side of the ship's body doesn't have thickness, I made frames around the gunports as it can be seen on the real ship.

  5. But she had asked the landlord two days ago if all the windows could be checked, both the sash locks and the weather stripping.

  6. The lawyer came over, loosened the sash with one blow of his red fist, and sent the window up a few inches.

  7. Window frames are easy to hit , Box Office wall joints must dense , and not seamless .

  8. The door and window are the factory has been done, double deck glass is sealed, give you together even doorcase window frame.

  9. Another house has been transformed into a Greek island-style mansion with white walls, rounded-off edges and blue door and window frames.


  1. 窗框的横挡

    meeting rail.

  2. 窗框翘曲了。

    The window frame was warped.

  3. 金属窗框油灰

    metal sash putty

  4. 窗框滑轮槽凿

    sash pocket chisel

  5. 窗框垂到地上。

    The curtain falls to the floor.

  6. 窗框不是很正。

    The window frame isn't quite true.

  7. 门,窗框上槛檐板

    architrave cornice.

  8. 窗框已经开始变形。

    The window frames had begun to warp.

  9. 窗框已经发黄了。

    The curtains have been yellowed.

  10. 窗子上挂着窗框。

    There were curtains hanging over the window.

  11. 窗框和壁纸很相配。

    The curtains and the wallpaper match well.

  12. 窗框已经完全腐烂了。

    The window frames had completely rotted away.

  13. 窗在窗框中嘎嘎作响。

    The window jarred in the frame.

  14. 窗子在窗框中嘎嘎作响。

    The window jarred in the frame.

  15. 窗框上的油漆在剥落。

    The paint was peeling on the window frames.

  16. 窗框已经完全烂掉了。

    The window frame had rotted away completely.

  17. 那名窃贼溜到窗框後面。

    The thief slid behind a curtain.

  18. 那名窃贼溜到窗框后面。

    The thief slid behind a curtain.

  19. 窗框挂得有点不对劲。

    There is something wrong with the hang of the curtains.

  20. 改进了窗框固定件的形式。

    Improving forms of window frame fixings.

  21. 窗框通过折叶向外开的窗框

    A window sash that opens outward by means of hinges.

  22. 我需要装一个新的窗框。

    I need to install a new window frame.

  23. 窗框和百叶窗的阳极氧化铝。

    Window frames and shutters are anodised aluminium.

  24. 窗框这种开口的带玻璃的框架窗框

    A framework enclosing a pane of glass for such an openinga sash.

  25. 她把窗钩钉在窗框上了。

    She fixed hooks to the window frame.

  26. 尝试绘画你的模型和红窗框。

    Try painting your molding and window frames red, too.

  27. 窗玻璃窗框内的玻璃或类似材料

    A pane of glass or similar material enclosed in such a framework.

  28. 封锁的窗框今天依然可以看到。

    The blocked up window frames can still be seen today.

  29. 我们给窗户挂上绿蓝窗框吧。

    Let us hang the windows with green curtains.

  30. 窗框在大梁的重压下垮掉了。

    The window frame folded up under the heavy weight of the beam.


  1. 问:窗框拼音怎么拼?窗框的读音是什么?窗框翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗框的读音是chuāngkuàng,窗框翻译成英文是 window frame; sash; windowsill

  2. 问:窗框钢拼音怎么拼?窗框钢的读音是什么?窗框钢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗框钢的读音是chuāng kuàng gāng,窗框钢翻译成英文是 casement section

  3. 问:窗框上槛拼音怎么拼?窗框上槛的读音是什么?窗框上槛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗框上槛的读音是chuāng kuàng shàng kǎn,窗框上槛翻译成英文是 window head

  4. 问:窗框中槛拼音怎么拼?窗框中槛的读音是什么?窗框中槛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗框中槛的读音是chuāng kuàng zhōng kǎn,窗框中槛翻译成英文是 window transom

  5. 问:窗框凹槽拼音怎么拼?窗框凹槽的读音是什么?窗框凹槽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗框凹槽的读音是chuāng kuàng āo cáo,窗框凹槽翻译成英文是 window recess

  6. 问:窗框压条拼音怎么拼?窗框压条的读音是什么?窗框压条翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗框压条的读音是chuāng kuàng yā tiáo,窗框压条翻译成英文是 window bead

  7. 问:窗框支架拼音怎么拼?窗框支架的读音是什么?窗框支架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗框支架的读音是chuāng kuàng zhī jià,窗框支架翻译成英文是 sash bracket

  8. 问:窗框槽刨拼音怎么拼?窗框槽刨的读音是什么?窗框槽刨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗框槽刨的读音是chuāng kuàng cáo bào,窗框槽刨翻译成英文是 sash knife

  9. 问:窗框滑槽拼音怎么拼?窗框滑槽的读音是什么?窗框滑槽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗框滑槽的读音是chuāng kuàng huá cáo,窗框滑槽翻译成英文是 runway

  10. 问:窗框滑轮拼音怎么拼?窗框滑轮的读音是什么?窗框滑轮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗框滑轮的读音是chuāng kuàng huá lún,窗框滑轮翻译成英文是 frame pulley

  11. 问:窗框竖框拼音怎么拼?窗框竖框的读音是什么?窗框竖框翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗框竖框的读音是chuāng kuàng shù kuàng,窗框竖框翻译成英文是 impost

  12. 问:窗框镶板拼音怎么拼?窗框镶板的读音是什么?窗框镶板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗框镶板的读音是chuāng kuàng xiāng bǎn,窗框镶板翻译成英文是 window lining

  13. 问:窗框防腐剂拼音怎么拼?窗框防腐剂的读音是什么?窗框防腐剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗框防腐剂的读音是chuāng kuàng fáng fǔ jì,窗框防腐剂翻译成英文是 par-tox

  14. 问:窗框两侧斜边拼音怎么拼?窗框两侧斜边的读音是什么?窗框两侧斜边翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗框两侧斜边的读音是chuāng kuàng liǎng cè xié biān,窗框两侧斜边翻译成英文是 flanning

  15. 问:窗框用规格料拼音怎么拼?窗框用规格料的读音是什么?窗框用规格料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗框用规格料的读音是chuāng kuàng yòng guī gé liào,窗框用规格料翻译成英文是 sash stuff

  16. 问:窗框边框内侧拼音怎么拼?窗框边框内侧的读音是什么?窗框边框内侧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗框边框内侧的读音是chuāng kuàng biān kuàng nèi cè,窗框边框内侧翻译成英文是 esconson



窗框是墙体与窗的过渡层,起一个固定以及防止周围墙体坍塌的作用。 因为玻璃的形状是千奇百怪的,所以窗框质地经常是可塑性强的物质,比如说木头,塑料等等。