




1. 窕 [tiǎo]2. 窕 [yáo]窕 [tiǎo]细:“小者不~。”有空隙:“充盈大宇而不~”。美好:“秦晋之间,凡美色,或谓之好,或谓之~”。窕 [yáo]妖艳,轻挑:~冶。……



汉语拼音:yǎo tiǎo









  1. 亦作“ 窈窱 ”。娴静貌;美好貌。

    《诗·周南·关雎》:“窈窕淑女,君子好逑。” 毛 传:“窈窕,幽閒也。”《汉书·王莽传上》:“公女渐渍德化,有窈窕之容,宜承天序,奉祭祀。” 颜师古 注:“窈窕,幽闲也。” 唐 韩愈 《送区弘南归》诗:“蜃沉海底气昇霏,彩雉野伏朝扇翬,处子窈窕王所妃,苟有令德隐不腓。” 郭沫若 《女神·梅花树下醉歌》诗:“你从你自我当中,吐露出清淡的天香,开放出窈窕的好花。”

  2. 妖冶貌。

    秦 李斯 《谏逐客书》:“而随俗雅化,佳冶窈窕, 赵 女不立於侧也。”《后汉书·列女传·曹世叔妻》:“入则乱髮坏形,出则窈窕作态。” 李贤 注:“窈窕,妖冶之貌也。”

  3. 指美女。

    汉 蔡邕 《青衣赋》:“金生沙砾,珠出蚌泥;叹兹窈窕,产于卑微。” 宋 梅尧臣 《邃隐堂》诗:“曲房有窈窕,空自事眉额。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·定情》:“寰区万里,徧徵求窈窕,谁堪领袖嬪嬙?”

  4. 喻指才子。

    清 姚鼐 《吊朱二亭》诗:“往昔 朱子潁 ,豪才起 燕 赵 ,向我道君才,五言几 谢朓 ……丙申至 江都 ,遂得访窈窱。”

  5. 深远貌;秘奥貌。

    南朝 宋 宗炳 《明佛论》:“ 萍沙 见报於白兔, 释氏 受灭於昔鱼,以示报应之势,皆其窈窕精深,迂而不昧矣。” 唐 卢照邻 《双槿树赋》:“纷广庭之靃靡,隐重廊之窈窱。” 唐 沉亚之 《送杜憓序》:“ 溶 出诗吟,至夕过百篇,而窈窕之思杂发。”



  1. You compare her with your English women who wolf down from three to five meat meals a day, and naturally you find her a sylph.


  2. Let me explain - you're 25 now and will likely remain pretty hot for the next 5 years, but less so each year.


  3. To stay slim, girls are always seeking the most reasonable diet which will keep them in a good figure.


  4. Yaotiao : game on, the doors are light, dream-like Shaqun, with the aria to stand up to the preserve , smelling a unique and beautiful.


  5. The poor apprentice had both a ready wit, and a handsome face and figure.


  6. The Tootsie Pop appeared -- proving that two sorts of candy are always better than one.


  7. The vases, if a beautiful woman like the gentle and graceful shape porcelain is exquisite, clear, transparent, deep friend loves.


  8. A pretty young girl walked by, holding her white round hat in her hand.


  9. Rose, Rose, I love you with your almond eyes. You smell fragrant and look slender beneath the tropical skies.


  1. 不对,不对,窈窕淑女

    No.No,My fair lady!

  2. 不对,不对,窈窕淑女!

    No. No, My fair lady!

  3. 窈窕淑女, 寤寐求之。

    The youth yearns day and night For the good maiden fair.

  4. 窈窕淑女, 君子好逑

    A good young man is wooing A maiden fair he loves.

  5. 窈窕淑女,寤寐求之。

    The youth yearns day and night For the good maiden fair .

  6. 窈窕淑女,君子好逑。

    A good young man is wooing A maiden fair he loves.

  7. 子慕予兮善窈窕?

    Do you admire me for my lovely form?

  8. 窈窕淑女, 琴瑟友之。

    Lute, play music bright for the bride fair and slender!

  9. 窈窕淑女,琴瑟友之。

    Lute ,play music bright for the bride fair and slender !

  10. 窈窕淑女, 钟鼓乐之!

    Bells and drums, delight the bride so fair and tender!

  11. 窈窕淑女,钟鼓乐之!

    Bells and drums , delight the bride so fair and tender !

  12. 芳香窈窕的你,头顶热带蓝天。

    Fragrant and slender, neath tropical skies.

  13. 古人又云窈窕淑女,君子好逑。

    The ancients again cloud engaging fair lady, gentleman good Qiu.

  14. 软弱的心从来不能赢得窈窕淑女的芳心。

    Faint heart ne'er won fair lady.

  15. 关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑。

    The pass closes the osprey, continent in river. Gentle and graceful girl, gentleman good spouse.

  16. 香帐簇成排窈窕,金针穿罢拜婵娟。

    Hong account cluster rows slim, lovely lilies to wear worship strike.

  17. 臀部的圆翘,自然会带动身材曲线的窈窕。

    Roundspringy butt usually highlights your sylphlike figure.

  18. 臀部得圆翘,自然会带动身材曲线得窈窕。

    Roundspringy butt usually highlights your sylphlike figure.

  19. 这时走来一位窈窕少女, 手中拿着一顶白帽子。

    A pretty young girl walked by, holding her white round hat in her hand.

  20. 你是淑女, 而且窈窕, 而我一向以正人君子自居, 理当求之。

    You are a fair lady, and engaging, but I always with gentleman from reside, should be beg it.

  21. 她在窈窕淑女一片中扮演伊莱莎的角色而获得极大成功。

    She scored a great hit as Eliza in My Fair Lady.

  22. 我常常被朋友或在访问中被问到我们是如何保持这麽窈窕。

    I have been asked so frequently by friends or during interviews on how we stay so slim.


  1. 问:窈窕拼音怎么拼?窈窕的读音是什么?窈窕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窈窕的读音是yáotiǎo,窈窕翻译成英文是 gentle and beautiful

  2. 问:窈窕奶爸拼音怎么拼?窈窕奶爸的读音是什么?窈窕奶爸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窈窕奶爸的读音是Yǎotiǎo Nǎibà,窈窕奶爸翻译成英文是 Mr.; Doubtfire

  3. 问:窈窕淑女拼音怎么拼?窈窕淑女的读音是什么?窈窕淑女翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窈窕淑女的读音是yǎotiǎo shūnǚ,窈窕淑女翻译成英文是 beautiful fair lady; My Fair Lady, a musical fil...

  4. 问:窈窕淑男拼音怎么拼?窈窕淑男的读音是什么?窈窕淑男翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窈窕淑男的读音是Yǎotiǎo Shūnán,窈窕淑男翻译成英文是 Tootsie

  5. 问:窈窕熟女拼音怎么拼?窈窕熟女的读音是什么?窈窕熟女翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窈窕熟女的读音是,窈窕熟女翻译成英文是 Women on the Run

  6. 问:窈窕马来飞虱拼音怎么拼?窈窕马来飞虱的读音是什么?窈窕马来飞虱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窈窕马来飞虱的读音是yǎotiǎoMǎláifēishī,窈窕马来飞虱翻译成英文是 Malaxa delicata





【基本解释】 指心灵仪表兼美的女子样子。亦作"窈窱"