


1. 底 [dǐ]2. 底 [de]底 [dǐ]最下面的部分:~层。~座。~下(a.下面;b.以后)。海~。~肥。末了:年~。月~。到~。根基,基础,留作根据:刨根问~。~蕴。~稿。~版。图案的基层:白~蓝花的瓶子。何,什么:~事伤感。古同……





汉语拼音:dǐ pái









  1. 扑克牌游戏中未亮出来的牌。比喻留待最后使用的力量。亦比喻底细、内情。



  1. Google: China was prepared to call Google's bluff when the US company threatened to withdraw from the country.


  2. It has not completed the deals, and as an obviously desperate seller, it has handed the potential buyers of the asset manager all the cards.


  3. They want to be sure that he is not dealing off the bottom of the stack of cards.


  4. 'This nation really does not have foreign policy and has no ability. . . it's a shame that (Japan) easily gave up their last cards.


  5. 'It is what I want to say. Now that you know the cards in their hand why don't you make use of it? '


  6. He is placing the bets now and Republicans must be very careful about calling his bluff.


  7. Well, as Sen. McCain is suggesting here, also, never would our administration get out there and show our cards to terrorists. . .


  8. "Red Bull, McLaren and Renault have been very quick and they have shown their cards, while we are still hiding ours, " he said.


  9. The general was made in the hand, the whole deck will lose balance slide down, but some occupation. It seems like, send cards, card.


  1. 你就露了底牌。

    You just tip your hand.

  2. 是时候亮底牌了。

    Cards on the table time.

  3. 还没看你的底牌?

    But what'd you have?

  4. 生活有时发给我们底牌。

    Life sometimes deals us cards from the bottom of the deck.

  5. 谈判对手最后亮了底牌。

    The other side's negotiator came clean at last.

  6. 谈判对手最后亮了底牌。

    The other side's negotiator came clean at last.

  7. 这个经销商亮出他得底牌。

    The dealer faced his last card.

  8. 这个经销商亮出他的底牌。

    The dealer faced his last card.

  9. 这个经销商亮出他的底牌。

    The dealer faced his last card.

  10. 翻出你的底牌游戏攻略

    Pulls out of your hands Introduction

  11. 右手多重藏底牌法

    Right Handed Multiple Bottom Palm

  12. 你可运用神奇眼镜透视对手底牌。

    With the magic glasses, you could see through the cards of your opponents.

  13. 他们不能暴露已经富起来的底牌。

    They could not expose the fact that they were rich.

  14. 七张底牌组合启明星辰新战略

    Seven Cards in the Hand Construct the New Strategy of Venus

  15. 为得到支持, 他们决定把底牌亮出来。

    In order to be supported they decided to lay their cards on the table.

  16. 老早就亮出底牌,既无益又无趣。

    It is both useless and insipid to play with your cards on the table.

  17. 我不是谁的底牌, 但是谢谢你们都信任我。

    I'm not the last card for anyone, but thank you for trusting me.

  18. 通过人们的眼睛知道他们握有什么底牌。

    Knowin what the cards were by the way they held their eyes.

  19. 我们对他们已把话讲清楚了,底牌亮清楚了。

    We have put our cards on the table.

  20. 汤姆不敢对我怎麽样的,因为我对他的底牌一清二楚。

    Tom dear not do anything to me, for I has his number.

  21. 为什么销售人员轻易给客户亮出自己的底牌?

    Why sales perso el easily to customers poaching flashed yourself?

  22. 我们得谈判还没有开始, 我们得底牌就见诸文字了。

    Our fallback position was thus in print before our negotiations had ever begun.

  23. 我们的谈判还没有开始,我们的底牌就见诸文字了。

    Our fallback position was thus in print before our negotiations had ever begun.

  24. 约翰亮了底牌, 告诉了她, 他们付得起多少钱。

    John laid his cards on the table and told her how much they could afford.

  25. 把你得底牌索性都摊出来, 咱们开门见山谈一谈。

    You throw your goods on the table, and we talk a little turkey.

  26. 把你的底牌索性都摊出来,咱们开门见山谈一谈。

    You throw your goods on the table, and we talk a little turky.

  27. 他们想确定发牌人并不是在推牌堆的底牌。

    They want to be sure that he is not dealing off the bottom of the stack of cards.

  28. 继续吧,我喜欢你脸上得粗暴神情,我会揭穿你得底牌

    Bring it on, I like it rough In your face, I call your bluff

  29. 继续吧,我喜欢你脸上的粗暴神情,我会揭穿你的底牌

    Bring it on, I like it rough In your face, I call your bluff

  30. 没有迹象表明美国官方真正掌握知晓维基解密的底牌。

    It is not even clear if U.S. officials actually know what WikiLeaks has.


  1. 问:底牌拼音怎么拼?底牌的读音是什么?底牌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:底牌的读音是dǐpái,底牌翻译成英文是 hand



“底牌”是个多义词,它可以指底牌(2005年中国电视剧), 底牌(电视连续剧), 底牌(阿加莎·克里斯蒂著的推理小说)。