




1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……







汉语拼音:háo fà wú sǔn








  1. There was an earthquake last night, but the hotel was not harmed at all.

  2. The industry was decidedly intact, ready to do business profitably at home and abroad.

  3. Reiko was crying and had a gash on her forehead, but otherwise the child seemed unhurt.

  4. The logic was that if you were preparing for financial apocalypse, you had better not rely on the euro area surviving intact.

  5. He would be one of the few Jedi to return unscathed from that first engagement. . . at least physically.

  6. He looks as if he has emerged unscathed: from a brush with a hostile American president.

  7. Ducking into a corner of their bedroom to avoid the cross fire, Trotsky and his wife managed to escape unscathed.

  8. Hard teeth fox bite with a few iron bars, iron bars intact, and its teeth are out of the blood!

  9. I thought this was all allegorical until I saw you crawl from that flaming zeppelin wreckage unscathed.


  1. 毫发无损的摆脱了打闹。

    Get out of the fracas with his nose unbloodied.

  2. 毫发无损的带出这地方。

    Off this rock in one piece.

  3. 利用电梯井毫发无损的出来。

    Make it out of the elevator shaft unscathed.

  4. 就会毫发无损的放了你们。

    You will all be released unharmed.

  5. 姐妹俩毫发无损的走了出来。

    The sisters walked away unscathed.

  6. 我真不敢相信你竟然毫发无损!

    I can't believe you're still in one piece!

  7. 因此确保债权人毫发无损的决定具有深远意义。

    Thus the decision to keep creditors whole has huge implications.

  8. 据说其他两个女孩毫发无损的回家了。

    it says the other two girls returned home unharmed.

  9. 其盟国叙利亚则迄今毫发无损地度过了此次风暴。

    its Syrian ally has so far weathered the storm without a hitch.

  10. 汤姆弗里德曼曾拿大锤用尽全力敲它 它却毫发无损

    Tom Friedman actually whacked it as hard as he could with a sledgehammer without even scuffing it.

  11. 你无情而高效地抹除目标,然后毫发无损地返回家族地界。

    You eliminate targets with ruthless efficiency and return to your house's compounds unscathed.

  12. 知道它毫发无损,平平安安,那感觉就和呆在屋里差不多。

    To know that it was there, inviolate, was almost the same as being in it.

  13. 这个产业还是毫发无损, 并随时准备在国内外大捞一笔。

    The industry was decidedly intact, ready to do business profitably at home and abroad.

  14. 他是在首场战争后能毫发无损地回来的少数绝地之一。

    He would be one of the few Jedi to return unscathed from that first engagement at least physically.

  15. 在看似离死亡只有一步之遥时, 斑马毫发无损的逃脱了。

    Despite appearing to be just seconds away from imminent death, the striped creature escaped unharmed.

  16. 地板伸出坡面, 因此毫发无损地保留了原地一棵150年的铁木树。

    The floor is elevated, leaving intact a 150yearold ironwood tree.

  17. 澳大利亚墨尔本举行的改装车比赛,发生了一起严重事故。一辆车翻了14圈,但是车手却毫发无损!

    A bad accident in a Stock Car race in Melbourne, Australia. The car does 14 flips and leaves the guy practically untouched!

  18. 而大坝则毫发无损。

    And the dam site is intact, he said.

  19. 你不可能犯错, 结果毫发无损。

    You can't go wrong and come out right.

  20. 那个男人的女朋友成功逃脱,毫发无损。

    The man's girlfriend managed to escape unhurt.

  21. 让它暖和过来,它就会活过来,毫发无损。

    and it warms up, and it's none the worse for wear.

  22. 在这过程中班饱受惊吓, 但他却毫发无损。

    Ben had a big scare but escaped without injury.

  23. 作晚发生了地震, 但这旅馆却毫发无损。

    There was an earthquake last night, but the hotel was not harmed at all.

  24. 就像但以理在狮子洞中,却毫发无损。

    Like Daniel in the den of lions we are unhurt amid destroyers.

  25. 我真没想到在事故中他居然毫发无损。

    I wonder that he wasn't injured in the accident.

  26. 后记青春当如抗倍特板, 千磨万砺, 毫发无损。

    Postscript Youth should be like Compact Grade Laminate, wearresistant.

  27. 玲子还在哭喊,额头被擦伤了,除此之外,毫发无损。

    Reiko was crying and had a gash on her forehead, but otherwise the child seemed unhurt.

  28. 我不需要受伤流血,毫发无损。这就是发挥想象的好处。

    I don't get hurt or bleed, hair doesn't muss; it's one of the advantages of being imaginary.

  29. 没有人提出亚洲会在美国经济突然转弱中毫发无损。

    Nobody is suggesting that Asia would escape unscathed from a sharp American downturn.

  30. 而且它们的捕食者没有谁能在攻击这些甲虫后毫发无损。

    There is no part of the beetle's body that a predator can safely attack.

