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汉语拼音:zhú lù
《史记·淮阴侯列传》:“ 秦 失其鹿,天下共逐之,於是高材疾足者先得焉。” 裴駰 集解引 张晏 曰:“以鹿喻帝位也。”后因以“逐鹿”喻争夺统治权。
《晋书·凉武昭王李玄盛传》:“於是人希逐鹿之图,家有雄霸之想。” 宋 程大昌 《演繁露续集·谈助·逐鹿》:“ 秦 失其鹿,天下共逐。以天下喻鹿,语虽出於 汉 世,然《春秋》有其语矣。《襄十四年》: 戎子驹支 曰: 殽 之师,‘ 秦 师不復,我诸戎实然。譬如捕鹿, 晋 人角之,诸戎掎之,与 晋 踣之’,则其语尚矣。不独是也,《六韜》: 太公 谓 文王 曰:取天下若逐野鹿,而天下共分其肉。则逐鹿之説久矣,不在 汉 世也。” 清 李渔 《奈何天·分扰》:“两下里分头逐鹿,各仗 韩 卢,并倚昆吾。” 周恩来 《春日偶感》诗之一:“中原方逐鹿, 博浪 踵相踪。”
王西彦 《静水里的鱼》:“‘一个在利禄场中逐鹿惯了的人,’他自顾自地继续着,‘哪里能够了解另一个隐迹山林的人的心境呢?’”
Central Asia area is such an area that converge various civilization and a place which people fight for supremacy.
中亚地区自古以来便是各种文明交汇和列强逐鹿之所。Would like to chase the deer warlords, won the Central Plains, you know there are heroes heroes eye, only you know what is best for you.
想逐鹿群雄,问鼎中原,你有英雄识英雄的慧眼,只有你最知道,什么样的选择最适合你。A good commeven as well as English empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers.
一个优异的英语水平决计受权你享用在你的同龄人的逐鹿上风。A good comminvolving course English empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers.
一个优良的英语水平决心受权你享用在你的同龄人的逐鹿上风。With profound history deposits , it has ever been the place of military competing.
鹤市镇的历史文化底蕴深厚,曾是军事逐鹿之地。Students are provided masterclarses and workshops with visiting professionals and take p good in interning competitions.
学生也能取得来访专家的大师班与专题研讨,资料。参与国际逐鹿。he sat there a long time dreaming his career , faithful to the scout of his possessive instinct.
他坐在那里很久很久,缅怀着自己一生的事业,这一生在占有意识的逐鹿上他是始终如一的。Who can be in competition has become the leading hero time course eagle?
谁能够在英雄逐鹿的时刻成为引领航向的雄鹰?Brazilian legend Pele believes both England and Italy have strong chances of winning the World Cup in Germany this summer.
Somewhere in time, we met on timeless hills.
As a result of development in Sun Dong, did not participate in the Central Plains Guru.
Before it occurs, a number of schools compete for the domination of a given field.
刘邦集团在群雄逐鹿中最终胜出, 创建了汉王朝。
Liu Bang group in the feudal lords vying for the throne of the winner, founded the Han dynasty.
但是, 目前来说, 花旗全球逐鹿所取得的回报非常贫弱。
But this globetrotting has so far yielded meagre returns.
这仍然是一个群雄逐鹿的时代, 只不过参与者已经物是人非。
This is still a time like warring periods, in which only the leading role changes.