


1. 角 [jiǎo]2. 角 [jué]角 [jiǎo]牛、羊、鹿等头上长出的坚硬的东西:牛~。鹿~。犄~。~质。形状像角的:菱~。皂~。突入海中的尖形的陆地(多用于地名):成山~(在中国山东省)。几何学指从一点引出两条直线所夹成的平面部……





汉语拼音:jué zhú









  1. 竞相争逐。

    《战国策·赵策三》:“且王之先帝,驾 犀首 而驂 马服 ,以与 秦 角逐。”《后汉书·袁术传》:“豪雄角逐,分割疆宇。此与 周 末七国无异,唯彊者兼之耳。” 清 戴名世 《邵生家传》:“若夫从事於声利之途,与世人相角逐,吾不忍为也。” 李大钊 《警告全国父老书》:“即欲攘我权利,亦輒为他国所遏,群雄角逐,赖以苟安。”



  1. At least three other candidates appeared to be preparing to run for the position of LDP head and prime minister.


  2. Mr Huntsman, who's also served as the governor of Utah, said he would formally enter the race in a week's time.


  3. Green was chosen as we aim to pick out participants who can think beyond Green as just a colour and able to achieve design breakthroughs.


  4. for her it was a special relationship , permitting intelligent exchanges.


  5. For two short weeks, thousands of men and women from all over the world will compete and millions more will watch them.


  6. It remains to be seen whether tackling proliferation is something the world's big powers are ready to put ahead of their own rivalries.


  7. Between these thin-obsessed co-workers, it becomes almost a competitive sport to see who can consume the least amount of food.


  8. Strauss-Kahn was widely speculated to be preparing to leave the IMF shortly, to prepare a presidential bid.


  9. Like an athlete in competition, or a scholar in pursuit of the truth, experience is the greatest teacher.


  1. 角逐世界杯

    Compete for the World Cup.

  2. 损人利已的角逐

    a case of dog eat dog

  3. 这是角逐的场所。

    It was an arena of rivalry.

  4. 角逐诺贝尔文学奖

    compete for the Nobel Prize for Literature

  5. 角逐诺贝尔文学奖

    compete for the Nobel Prize for Literature

  6. 残酷的竞争。损人利己的角逐

    A ease of dog eat dog

  7. 为竞争第一名激烈角逐。

    Keen competition for first place.

  8. 他在和十个人角逐。

    He was in competition with ten others.

  9. 大选的激烈角逐刚刚开始。

    The cut and thrust of the general election has just started.

  10. 这份工作的角逐很激烈。

    The competition for this job is fierce.

  11. 竞选中三位候选人的角逐

    a triangular contest in an election

  12. 有三位候选人角逐领导权。

    Three candidates contested the leadership.

  13. 她必须与强手角逐争夺冠军。

    She had to contest against a very strong opponent for the championship.

  14. 入主白宫的角逐今天正式开始。

    The race for the White House begins in earnest today.

  15. 许多角逐的团队有类似的计画。

    Many of the competing teams have similar plans.

  16. 则在互相角逐。赶紧启程吧

    competed for, Just get us out of here.

  17. 有三支队伍参加冠军的角逐。

    Three teams are involved in the chase for the championship.

  18. 这是20部角逐奖项的电影之一。

    This is one of the twenty films in contention for an award.

  19. 这是20部角逐奖项得电影之一。

    This is one of the twenty films in contention for an award.

  20. 这是20部角逐奖项的电影之一。

    This is one of the twenty films in contention for an award.

  21. 这是一场新赛季得新角逐。

    This is a new game new season.

  22. 这是一场新赛季的新角逐。

    This is a new game new season.

  23. 去年我在作文角逐中获了奖。

    Last year I got a prize in the composition contest.

  24. 但我认为我有实力去角逐该奖。

    But I do think I deserve to in the running for it.

  25. 堡垒里的火炮也在参加角逐了。

    A cannon at the fort was taking a hand in the game.

  26. 意大利派了一支强队角逐世界杯。

    Italy fielded a strong team for the World Cup.

  27. 好莱坞的续篇角逐将于夏季见分晓。

    Hollywoods betting sequel summer will set records.

  28. 外国译制片不得参加最佳影片的角逐。

    Dubbed foreign language films will not be allowed to compete for best film.

  29. 她必须与强劲的对手手角逐冠军。

    She had to contest against a very strong opponent for the championship.

  30. 这部电影将不参加电影节奖项的角逐。

    The movie will screen out of competition.


  1. 问:角逐拼音怎么拼?角逐的读音是什么?角逐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:角逐的读音是juézhú,角逐翻译成英文是 compete

  2. 问:角逐拱瓣寄蝇拼音怎么拼?角逐拱瓣寄蝇的读音是什么?角逐拱瓣寄蝇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:角逐拱瓣寄蝇的读音是juézhúgǒngbànjìyíng,角逐拱瓣寄蝇翻译成英文是 Ethilia aemula



“角逐”是个多义词,它可以指角逐(国际文化出版公司出版图书), 角逐(汉语词语), 角逐(2014年中国拍摄电影)。