


1. 把 [bǎ]2. 把 [bà]把 [bǎ]拿,抓住:~酒(拿着酒杯)。~玩(拿着赏玩)。控制,掌握:~握。~舵。看守:~守。~门儿。自行车、手推车等的手柄:车~。可以用手拿的小捆:秫秸~儿。专权,一手独揽:~持大权。从后托起小孩两腿使……





汉语拼音:bǎ bǐng








  1. 柄。

    章炳麟 《新方言·释器》:“《诗·小雅》传:‘秉,把也。’古以‘秉’为‘柄’,故今谓‘柄’为‘把柄’,或直言‘把’。” 柳杞 《好年胜景》:“那倒垂着的柳枝上挂着一把铁笊篱,笊篱的把柄向上招摇着,向下垂着圆圆的网盘。” 张勤 《民兵营长》:“梭镖把柄上还吊着一束红缨子。”

  2. 喻指凭证。多指进行交涉或要挟的凭证。

    《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十六:“我交了这一主大银子,难道不要讨一些把柄回去?”《红楼梦》第二一回:“这是一辈子的把柄儿!好便罢,不好偺们就抖出来!” 巴金 《秋》一:“最好我们这一房的人不要给人家抓住说闲话的把柄。”

  3. 操守;主意。

    明 高攀龙 《高子遗书·语五十》:“当得大忿懥、大恐惧、大忧患、大好乐而不动,乃真把柄也。”《警世通言·况太守断死孩儿》:“又有一种男不慕色,女不怀春,志比精金,心如坚石,没来由被旁人播弄,设圈设套,一时失了把柄,堕其术中,事后悔之无及。”

  4. 把持;霸占。

    《元典章·户部八·盐课》:“教人买出盐来把柄著行市,掯勒百姓。” 元 武汉臣 《老生儿》第三折:“如今那好家财则教我那姐夫 张郎 把柄,今日着 刘引孙 剗地受苦。”



  1. Have the children fish for shapes using a broom with a string tied around the handle and a magnet on the end of the string.

  2. The point is that his political opponents and many in the financial markets did not believe him and used "green shoots" as an ironic taunt.

  3. 26They were unable to trap him in what he had said there in public. And astonished by his answer, they became silent.

  4. I have my own ideas, but you may rest assured that I have not caught him in a previous fatal openings. I will not hastily.

  5. in savage impatience he moved little handles and got more noises out of her . but she would not budge.

  6. Meanwhile, Barack Obama's degrees from prestigious universities were, to his critics, evidence of his unfitness for office.

  7. So I counsel younger widows to marry, to have children, to manage their homes and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander.

  8. They used the President's unfulfilled promises as a stick with which to beat the whole government.

  9. Then said these men, We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God.


  1. 给人抓住把柄

    give sb. a handle

  2. 这个把柄松了。

    The handle has come loose

  3. 用作工具的把柄等

    Used for tool handles, etc

  4. 我被他抓住了把柄。

    I was tripped up by him.

  5. 他抓住了我的把柄。

    He's got a hold over me.

  6. 我能抓住他的把柄。

    I can catch him on the hip.

  7. 黄铜棒被用作把柄。

    Brass rod was used for the handles.

  8. 拉开把柄, 取出安全盖。

    Pull open handle, take out safe cover.

  9. 有平行的把柄的旋转的轴。

    Rotating shaft with parallel handle.

  10. 能把柄上个细图吗?

    Could you post detailed pics of hilt

  11. 接受采访,让对方抓住把柄

    any ammunition with that interview.

  12. 然后马修就再没把柄

    And then Matthew won't have anything.

  13. 不要给别人留下把柄。

    Don't do anything that others can hold against you.

  14. 我们可以抓住他们的把柄了。

    That's where we may trip them up.

  15. 别让任何人抓住你的把柄。

    Don't let anyone get a handle on you.

  16. 不要给他们有攻击的把柄。

    Don't give them a handle for attacking.

  17. 要想抓她把柄可不容易啊。

    It may take you a while to get something on her.

  18. 要想抓她把柄可不容易啊。

    It may take you a while to get something on her.

  19. 连杆可以直接带动阀门的把柄。

    The connecting rod may drive a valve stem directly.

  20. 我不担心,他们没抓住我什么把柄。

    I'm not worried, they've got nothing on me.

  21. 他们把柄他们的灾难归之于命运不济

    They ascribed the disaster to an nkind fate

  22. 我转过身, 紧紧握住手杖的把柄。

    I turned round, my hand tightening on the handle of my stick.

  23. 也许你是想抓住我的一个把柄。

    Maybe you want to have something to hold over my head.

  24. 你认为为什么他们没抓住我任何把柄?

    Why do you thinkthey never got me on anything?

  25. 那次旅行我也有一些你的把柄

    Theres a few things I could hold over ur head from that trip.

  26. 也用于其他应用例如挂衣架和把柄。

    It is also used in other applications as coat hangers and handles.

  27. 他不喜欢在细节上被人抓住把柄。

    He did not like to be caught out on details.

  28. 要是没有这些,你仍握有我的把柄。

    Without these, you'd still have a gun to my head.

  29. 我握有你的把柄,你最好把真相告诉我。

    I've got your number. You'd better tell me the truth.

  30. 他不敢开除她,因为他的把柄被她抓住了。

    He is afraid to fire her because she has something on him.


  1. 问:把柄拼音怎么拼?把柄的读音是什么?把柄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:把柄的读音是bǎbǐng,把柄翻译成英文是 hold


