




1. 据 [jù]2. 据 [jū]据 [jù]凭依、倚仗:~点。~险固守。占有:窃~。盘~。~为己有。可以用做证明的事物:字~。证~。单~。论~。契~。言之有~。按照:~实。~称。依~。~事直书。据 [jū]〔拮~〕见“拮”。……



汉语拼音:píng jù







  1. 占据。

    《周书·陆腾传》:“州民 李广嗣 、 李武 等凭据巖险,以为堡壁,招集不逞之徒,攻刼郡县,歷政不能治。” 唐 柳宗元 《剑门铭》:“凭据势胜,厚其兇徒。皇帝之仁,宥而不诛。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·段公子》:“镇署三堂后,有窰五圈,窰上覆楼五楹,绕以女墙,旧为狐所凭据。”

  2. 依据,根据。

    《魏书·山伟传》:“后人执笔,无所凭据,史之遗闕, 伟 之由也。” 唐 颜师古 《封禅议》:“委巷浮説,不足凭据。”

  3. 凭证,证据。

    唐 白居易 《论姚文秀打杀妻状》:“况 阿王 已死,无以辨明。 姚文秀 自云相争,有何凭据?”《元典章·户部五·典卖》:“又有权豪势要人等,不问有无告官凭据,輒便收买。”《花月痕》第十回:“ 剑秋 道:‘我给你一个凭据罢。’説着进去,半晌取出一把摺扇递给 荷生 。” 茅盾 《子夜》十三:“我说 周二姐 是 钱葆生 的走狗,我有凭据。”

  4. 依恃;倚仗。

    明 李贽 《寄答京友书》:“幸而登上第,有凭据,可藉手以荐之矣。”《儒林外史》第一回:“功名富贵无凭据,费尽心情,总把流光误。”



  1. Note that this value matches the name attribute of the credential store gbean shown in Listing 11.


  2. For Villas-Boas to say otherwise would cast doubt on the championship credentials of his own side, who have themselves fallen behind City.


  3. The credentials that are used to run the program may not be able to gain access to the same network share.


  4. The named credential feature is usually used to pass on credentials while invoking Web services from within the application.


  5. These connections may correspond to different databases, or to different credentials for the same database.


  6. DCOM authenticates the credentials of the client when the server receives the request at the beginning of each remote procedure call .


  7. I had neither a receipt nor any other proof that I had given the man my money. It was his word against mine.


  8. Authenticated access is defined as an exchange of user or application credentials between the server software and a user or device.


  9. Specifies whether the default network credentials on this host should be used for SMTP transactions.


  1. 这是我租车凭据。

    This is my voucher.

  2. 我也有那个凭据,所以。

    Aand I have that authorization thingy, so.

  3. 无凭据的, 不许出境。

    Without such invoices, the articles may not be taken out of china.

  4. 无凭据的,不许出境。

    Without such invoices, the articles may not be taken out of china.

  5. 身份验证是安全凭据的验证。

    Authentication is the validation of security credentials.

  6. 您键入的凭据不正确。

    The credentials you typed are incorrect.

  7. 允许通过网络传递登录凭据。

    Allows logon credentials to flow across the network.

  8. 这很难取得可靠的凭据。

    It is difficult to obtain reliable evidence.

  9. 控件不支持凭据的传递。

    Control does not support passing credentials.

  10. 使用默认凭据成功连接网络。

    The network connection was made successfully using default credentials.

  11. 这张发票是你购物的凭据。

    The receipt is your proof of purchase.

  12. 这张发票是你购物得凭据。

    The receipt is your proof of purchase.

  13. 文件访问基于相同的管理凭据。

    File access is based upon the same administrative credentials.

  14. 其实这就是我女儿贞洁的凭据。

    But here is the proof of my daughter's virginity.

  15. 我们没有让你免费旅行的凭据。

    We have no record of your entitlement to free travel.

  16. 我们没有让你免费旅行得凭据。

    We have no record of your entitlement to free travel.

  17. 要从服务器中删除的凭据的名称。

    Is the name of the credential to remove from the server.

  18. 用于此主服务器连接的凭据的名称。

    Name of the credential used for this master server connection.

  19. 它无疑也是诠释人性的最好凭据。

    It is also the interpretation of human nature is no doubt the best credentials.

  20. 为选定的提供程序提供适当的安全凭据。

    Provide security credentials as appropriate for the selected provider.

  21. 这血就是神与你们立约的凭据。

    Saying, This is the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined unto you.

  22. 借据说明已收到欠款的证明或凭据

    A certificate or voucher acknowledging a debt.

  23. 此登录信息在凭据库中捕获。

    This login information is captured in a credential store.

  24. 阵列中无服务器时无法添加凭据。

    Credentials cannot be added when there are no servers in the array.

  25. 警告用户凭据不能在本地连接使用。

    WARNING user credentials cannot be used for local connections.

  26. 使用数据集中定义的凭据来运行包。

    The credentials that you define in the dataset are used to run the package.

  27. 包含管理员用来管理凭据库的工具。

    Contains tools for administrators to manage the credential store.

  28. 务必保护该帐户的凭据以避免误用。

    Be sure to safeguard the account credentials to prevent misuse of the account.

  29. 你可以用你注销的支票作为已支付的凭据。

    You can use your cancelled check as proof of payment.

  30. 安装和注册数据访问接口需要管理员凭据。

    You need administrator credentials to install and register data providers.


  1. 问:凭据拼音怎么拼?凭据的读音是什么?凭据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凭据的读音是píngjù,凭据翻译成英文是 credentials



pínɡ jù 凭据 1.占据。《周书·陆腾传》:“州民 李广嗣 、 李武 等凭据巖险,以为堡壁,招集不逞之徒,攻刼郡县,历政不能治。” 唐 柳宗元 《剑门铭》:“凭据势胜,厚其凶徒。皇帝之仁,宥而不诛。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·段公子》:“镇署三堂后,有窰五圈,窰上覆楼五楹,绕以女墙,旧为狐所凭据。” 2.依据,根据。《魏书·山伟传》:“后人执笔,无所凭据,史之遗阙, 伟 之由也。” 唐 颜师古 《封禅议》:“委巷浮说,不足凭据。” 3.凭证,证据。 唐 白居易 《论姚文秀打杀妻状》:“况 阿王 已死,无以辨明。 姚文秀 自云相争,有何凭据?”《元典章·户部五·典卖》:“又有权豪势要人等,不问有无告官凭据,辄便收买。”《花月痕》第十回:“ 剑秋 道:‘我给你一个凭据罢。’说着进去,半晌取出一把摺扇递给 荷生 。” 茅盾 《子夜》十三:“我说 周二姐 是 钱葆生 的走狗,我有凭据。” 4.依恃;倚仗。 明 李贽 《寄答京友书》:“幸而登上第,有凭据,可藉手以荐之矣。”《儒林外史》第一回:“功名富贵无凭据,费尽心情,总把流光误。” 凭据 SQL Server 2005 凭据是包含连接到 SQL Server 以外的资源时所需的身份验证信息(凭据)的记录。SQL Server 在内部使用此信息。大多凭据都包含一个 Windows 用户名和密码。 存储在凭据中的信息使通过 SQL Server 身份验证连接到 SQL Server 2005 的用户可以访问服务器实例外部的资源。如果外部资源为 Windows,则此用户将作为在凭据中指定的 Windows 用户通过身份验证。单个凭据可映射到多个 SQL Server 登录名。但是,一个 SQL Server 登录名只能映射到一个凭据。 系统凭据是自动创建的,并与特定端点关联,系统凭据名以两个哈希符号 (##) 开头。