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1. 芥 [jiè]2. 芥 [gài]芥 [jiè]〔~菜〕一年或二年生草本植物,种子黄色,味辛辣,磨成粉末,称“芥末”,作调味品。按用途分为叶用芥菜(如“雪里蕻”);茎用芥菜(如“榨菜”);根用芥菜(如“大头菜”)。小草,喻轻微纤细的事……
汉语拼音:cǎo jiè
亦作“ 草介 ”。草和芥。常用以比喻轻贱。
《孟子·离娄上》:“视天下悦而归己,犹草芥也,惟 舜 为然。”《旧唐书·良吏传下·倪若水》:“草芥贱命,常欲杀身以効忠;葵藿微心,常愿隳肝以报主。” 元 宫天挺 《七里滩》第四折:“九经三史文书册,压着一千场国破山河改。富贵荣华,草介尘埃。”《三国演义》第五回:“ 关 外诸侯, 布 视之如草芥。” 毛泽东 《论持久战》一一九:“亡国论者看敌人如神物,看自己如草芥,速胜论者看敌人如草芥,看自己如神物,这些都是错误的。”
宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷九:“一经兵乱,不肖之人,妄相促迫,草芥其民。” 元 刘壎 《隐居通议·经史二》:“丘墟其宗社,草芥其臣民。”
And I will scatter them as stubble, which is carried away by the wind in the desert.
为此,我必使他们四散,像被旷野里的风捲去的草芥。And South Africa's president, Jacob Zuma, is less prone than his misguided predecessor, Thabo Mbeki, to treat Mr Tsvangirai like dirt.
南非总统雅各布·祖玛不像他的前任,误入歧途的塔博·姆贝基,祖玛不想视茨万吉拉伊如草芥。It will keep your system safe from online scams, identity, theft, spyware, spam, viruses, and suspect commerce sites.
它将让您的系统免受在线诱骗,身份偷盗,间谍软件,草芥邮件,病毒和猜忌网站的威吓。Returning anger and hatred with love and compassion, I let my friends treat me like dirt because I knew they were wounded.
我以爱和同情心回报朋友的愤怒和怨恨,任由朋友们视我如草芥,因为我知道他们的心灵受到了伤害,我希望他们能痊愈。Do not hesitate to visit children and grandchildren, to give to people, such as disposable trash.
子孙视之不甚惜,举以予人,如弃草芥。So it should be ok for American Walmart to cheat Chinese peasants, who ain't worth nothing.
所以美国沃尔玛欺诈中国农民就对了,他们命若草芥。That honor courage and virtue mean everything. That power and money, money and power mean nothing.
信誉、勇气和德行是无价之宝,金钱、权利和地位如同草芥。If Ruth could see me now, was his thought, while he wondered as to what constituted the real dirt.
他心里想,这要是叫露丝看见可不得了,同时猜测那“真正的草芥之民”是怎么回事。We value every life; our enemies value none -- not even the innocent, not even their own.
to treat sb like dirt.
to treat somebody like dirt
People think they can treat me like dirt!
To the real hero life is a mere straw.
He regards iron as straw and bronze as rotten wood.
There were armed people about, people with little regard for human life.
Finding your way to the shopping center is easy as duck.
It neglects even disregards individual life value, regards the life like to be worthless.
子孙视之不甚惜, 举以予人, 如弃草芥。
Do not hesitate to visit children and grandchildren, to give to people, such as disposable trash.
为此, 我必使他们四散, 像被旷野里的风捲去的草芥。
And I will scatter them as stubble, which is carried away by the wind in the desert.
为此, 我必使他们四散, 像被旷野里的风卷去的草芥。
And I will scatter them as stubble, which is carried away by the wind in the desert.