如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
游戏:~耍。~笑。~兴(xìng )。~具。~偶。戏弄,搬弄:~弄。~狎。~花招儿。观赏:~赏。~味。瞻~。~物丧志。可供观赏的东西:古~。轻视,忽视:~忽职守。~世不恭。……
1. 伴 [bàn]伴 [bàn]同在一起而能互助的人:伙~。~侣。陪同:~随。陪~。~和(hè)。~舞。~奏。~读(古代官名,中国宋代有南北院伴读,负责宗室子弟的教学,辽、金至明代,皆为亲王府官)。……
汉语拼音:wán bàn
Several of his boyhood friends were shot dead in front of him.
他曾亲眼看见自己的童年玩伴被射杀,倒在他面前。They reminded me of my childhood and how my girlfrinds and I used to spend hours braiding ribbons into our hair.
他们让我想起了我的童年和儿时的玩伴,那时,我经常花几个小时编织发带,戴在头发上。A simple friend seek to talk with you about your problems. A real friend seek to help you with your problems.
玩伴试图谈论你遇到的困难,知己则试图帮你解决困难。One bold LITTLE GIRL runs up to Jake, stops -- staring -- then shrieks with laughter as she runs back to her playmates.
一个勇敢地小女孩跑到Jake面前,停下--盯着他--然后欢笑着跑回她的玩伴那里。She also told Huan Zang that her mother had told her that all of her ghost companions had been reborn as humans.
她也告诉黄章她的母亲说她昔日的那些鬼玩伴们都已经投胎重新做人了。on this happy playmates to the governance of a real estate market, It was not making a futile effort?
靠这对快乐的玩伴中的一个来治理房地产市场,那不是与虎谋皮吗?。The Oakland native gets to eat home-cooked meals, sleep in his own bed and hang out with high-school buddies.
这个土生土长的奥克兰人可以吃到家里的饭,睡在自己的床上,和中学时代的玩伴混在一起。Once I made an arrow, with which I hurt one of my playmates and received scolding from my mother afterwards.
一我使一个箭头,,我伤害之一我的玩伴,被认为标准的的泼妇从我的母亲事后。If you had a "Super parent" who didn't allow you to dress yourself, choose your own playmates or food, you'll end up as a codependent adult.