







汉语拼音:yáo dàng








  1. 摇摆晃荡。

    《文子·精诚》:“四时失政,镇星摇荡。” 汉 司马相如 《上林赋》:“汎淫泛滥,随风澹淡,与波摇荡,奄薄水渚。” 唐 柳宗元 《法华寺石门精室三十韵》:“羈木畏飘浮,离旌倦摇荡。” 朱自清 《温州的踪迹·绿》:“瀑布在襟袖之间;但我的心中已没有瀑布了。我的心随潭水的绿而摇荡。”

  2. 动荡。

    《史记·郦生陆贾列传》:“ 楚 汉 久相持不决,百姓骚动,海内摇荡。”

  3. 撼动,摇动。

    《后汉书·邓骘传》:“ 凉部 叛 羌 摇荡 西州 ,朝廷忧之。” 南朝 陈 虞寄 《谏陈宝应书》:“夫以 王琳 之彊, 侯瑱 之力,进足以摇荡中原,争衡天下。” 元 谷子敬 《城南柳》第四折:“从此后溪花喜有人相傍,巖枝怕甚风摇荡。”

  4. 鼓动,鼓舞。

    《庄子·天地》:“大圣之治天下也,摇荡民心,使之成教易俗。” 南朝 梁 锺嵘 《诗品·总论》:“气之动物,物之感人,故摇荡性情,形诸舞咏。”



  1. of course , it ' s easy to ignore the downside and all the warning signs when an exciting new romance is just starting.


  2. I admire McEwan, enjoy his novels, often read them in a sitting or two, but do not feel transported by him.


  3. Southern Chung Rong said: "The air of the animals, the moving object, it passes temperament, form and spirit dance Wing. "


  4. Mix Vodka And Cointreau with Ice in a shaker and pour into a tall glass. Add the 7-Up to taste.


  5. The rings of waves spread outward, causing the reflections of the cherries and pines to tremble on the surface of the pond.


  6. some graphical elements make the game come to life: birds flying over, cables swaying in the wind, a lot of explosions, etc.


  7. Jasmine, quietly elegant of swaying in the wind.


  8. These are found on the surface of many of the body's cells, and sway to and fro in moving fluid.


  9. Behold, I will crush you to the ground, as a cart does when it is full of sheaves.


  1. 摇荡后入杯。

    Shake well with cracked ice. Strain into shot glass.

  2. 灯在微风中摇荡。

    The lamp swung in the breeze.

  3. 小船在波浪中摇荡。

    The boat rocked from side to side in the waves.

  4. 树枝在风中微微摇荡。

    Branches sway gently in the wind.

  5. 使某人能够前后地摇荡。

    Supports someone swinging back and forth.

  6. 水桶吊在绳上来回摇荡。

    The bucket swung from the end of a rope.

  7. 船只在大浪中剧烈摇荡。

    The ship rocked violently in the huge waves.

  8. 茉莉花,淡雅的在风中摇荡。

    Jasmine, quietly elegant of swaying in the wind.

  9. 摇荡的桶使一些牛奶溢出。

    SWAYThe sway of the pail caused some milk to spill out.

  10. 一条小船在波浪中摇荡着。

    A boat was tossing on the waves.

  11. 我的心随潭水的绿而摇荡。

    My heart was dancing with the green of the pool.

  12. 舰船摇荡运动的混沌动力学分析

    Chaotic dynamics analysis of ship swaying motion.

  13. 小船在水中轻轻地来回摇荡。

    The boat was rocking gently to and fro in the water.

  14. 小女孩坐在秋千上来回摇荡着。

    The little girl sat on the swing, swinging herself Backwards and forwards.

  15. 摇荡物体周围粘性流的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Viscous Flow Around an Oscillating Body

  16. 远处的河水不可思议地凸起着摇荡着。

    The faroff river water was rising in swells of unbelievable height.

  17. 远处得河水不可思议地凸起着摇荡着。

    The faroff river water was rising in swells of unbelievable height.

  18. 多个同频摇荡剖面引起的水面波辐射

    Water Surface Wave Radiation Generated by Multiple Cylinders Oscillating With Identical Frequency

  19. 暴风雨中, 这艘船为海上得巨浪所摇荡。

    The ship was tossed by the ocean billows in the storm.

  20. 暴风雨中,这艘船为海上的巨浪所摇荡。

    The ship was tossed by the ocean billows in the storm.

  21. 加入碎冰摇荡,入海波杯,饰以凤梨角。

    Shake ingredients well with crushed ice. Pour into highball glass. Garnish with pineapple wedge.

  22. 船舶在大风浪中非线性摇荡运动建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of the Ship's Nonlinear Motions in Heavy Seas

  23. 舰船在风浪中摇荡时, 螺旋桨推力将发生明显变化。

    When a ship goes in waves, the propulsion thrust will fluctuate remarkably.

  24. 长长的红色影子让墙上的狮子像水波一般摇荡着。

    Tall red shadows make the lions on the walls sway with a wavelike motion.

  25. 类人猿一般藉摇荡得方式移动,偶尔两脚直立而行。

    Apes typically move about by swinging, and they tend to stand erect, occasionally walking on two feet.

  26. 类人猿一般藉摇荡的方式移动,偶尔两脚直立而行。

    Apes typically move about by swinging, and they tend to stand erect, occasionally walking on two feet.

  27. 而船舶的各种摇荡运动中, 横摇运动对船舶的危害最大。

    In various ship swing motion, roll motion is the most serious and destructive.

  28. 船儿轻轻摇荡,波声潺潺悦耳,孩子们不久就睡着了。

    The boat tossed slightly, the billow sounded sweet, the children fell sleep soon.

  29. 船儿轻轻摇荡,波声潺潺悦耳,孩子们不久就睡了。

    Lulled by the gentle motion and soothed by the rippling music of the waves the babies soon fell asleep.

  30. 小瓶用于盛调味品的一个小瓶,小罐或小摇荡器

    A small bottle, pot, or shaker for holding a condiment.


  1. 问:摇荡拼音怎么拼?摇荡的读音是什么?摇荡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摇荡的读音是yáodàng,摇荡翻译成英文是 sway




拼音:yáo dàng 基本解释 [rock;sway] 摇晃摆动 详细解释 1. 摇摆晃荡。 《文子·精诚》:“四时失政,镇星摇荡。” 汉 司马相如 《上林赋》:“泛淫泛滥,随风澹淡,与波摇荡,奄薄水渚。” 唐 柳宗元 《法华寺石门精室三十韵》:“羁木畏飘浮,离旌倦摇荡。”朱自清 《温州的踪迹·绿》:“瀑布在襟袖之间;但我的心中已没有瀑布了。我的心随潭水的绿而摇荡。” 2.动荡。 《史记·郦生陆贾列传》:“ 楚 汉 久相持不决,百姓骚动,海内摇荡。” 3. 撼动,摇动。 《后汉书·邓骘传》:“ 凉部 叛 羌 摇荡 西州 ,朝廷忧之。” 南朝 陈 虞寄 《谏陈宝应书》:“夫以 王琳 之彊, 侯瑱 之力,进足以摇荡中原,争衡天下。” 元 谷子敬 《城南柳》第四折:“从此后溪花喜有人相傍,岩枝怕甚风摇荡。” 4. 鼓动,鼓舞。 《庄子·天地》:“大圣之治天下也,摇荡民心,使之成教易俗。” 南朝 梁 钟嵘 《诗品·总论》:“气之动物,物之感人,故摇荡性情,形诸舞咏。”