




1. 了 [liǎo]2. 了 [le]了 [liǎo]明白,知道:明~。一目~然。完结,结束:完~。~结。在动词后,与“不”、“得”连用,表示可能或不可能:看不~。办得~。与“得”、“不得”前后连用,表示异乎寻常或情况严重:那还~得!了 ……



汉语拼音:dòng le






  1. 透彻地领悟。

    南朝 梁 沉约 《枳园寺刹下石记》:“深达法相,洞了宗极。” 唐 善生 《送玉禅师》诗:“洞了 曹溪 旨,寧输俗者机。”



  1. Just a pity that this has to rush to go in a hurry, according to the itinerary, this time to xing ping only go there a magical Lianhua Dong.


  2. Take this house back to China and take the Magician into the hole where I found the lamp so that he cannot get out.


  3. If you plan to have a pinhole at the bottom, drill the hole at the center of the bottom now.


  4. Backbone is Chen Ran, " the body, how can people from the Village out of " careful of the awe-inspiring.


  5. Put your face here. Put your face here. You see this, you see this hole right here? Who killed this guy here? WHO KILLED THIS GUY HERE?


  6. the creature came creeping out of his hole.


  7. At the moment, the project that will transform the future of El Hierro doesn't look like much more than a hole in the ground.


  8. Yes, I need a new pair of jeans. Mine have holes in them, 'said Alice.


  9. Some parts of his trousers have rotten out.


  1. 这就是 北京猿人洞了。

    Here's the Peking Man Cave.

  2. 我的上面有洞了。

    Mine have holes in them, 'said Alice.

  3. 你堵住那个洞了吗?

    Did you plug the hole yet?

  4. 你看到这个小洞了没有?

    You see this little hole ?

  5. 我得袜子已经磨出洞了。

    I have worn my socks into holes.

  6. 我的袜子已经磨出洞了。

    I have worn my socks into holes.

  7. 看到这还有个洞了没。

    Look, this one's got a hole in it and stuff.

  8. 托比,准备好18杆进洞了吗

    Toby, you ready to conquer 16 holes?

  9. 他都快把头靠敲出洞了。

    He's going to drum a hole right through the headrest.

  10. 杰克得裤子膝盖处破了洞了。

    Jack's trousers are through at the knees.

  11. 杰克的裤子膝盖处破了洞了。

    Jack's trousers are through at the knees.

  12. 但我的鞋底已经磨出洞了

    But I wore the holes in the soles of these shoes

  13. 你准备好要打十八洞了吗?

    Are you ready to play eighteen holes.

  14. 玛丽亚的鞋子头上有洞了。

    Maria's shoes had got holes in the toes.

  15. 也许他们发现窗户上的那个洞了。

    But maybe they already saw the hole in the window.

  16. 我已经去过一次那个兔子洞了。

    I already went down that rabbit hole once.

  17. 开始喂左边花边的洞了刚才的讲话。

    Start to feed the left lace into the hole that has just been made.

  18. 我明白它为什么又叫千佛洞了。

    I know why it is also called. The Thousand buddha Crottos.

  19. 都快把他的脸盯出一个洞了。

    As if to drill a hole in his face.

  20. 你自己说? ? 几个洞了, 还留它干嘛?

    It's got several holes. Should I toss it ?

  21. 他在被放在这之前身上就有那个洞了?

    He had that hole in him before he landed there?

  22. 是餐后易累还是前面发现藏宝洞了?

    Is it easy to get tired after lunch or they've found the Treasure Cave ahead ?

  23. 在到新疆之前, 我早已听说过千佛洞了。

    I had heard of the Thousand Buddha Caves long before I came to Xinjiang.

  24. 是的,我需要一条新牛仔裤。我的上面有洞了。

    Yes, I need a new pair of jeans. Mine have holes in them,'said Alice.

  25. 向下过两条街就是它的洞了如果你向下走

    I think its burrow is two blocks down. If you go past

  26. 为了纪念他们的功绩, 这个洞就被命名为青年洞了。

    To commemorate their contributions, the tunnel was thus named the Youth Tunnel.

  27. 在比杆赛上, 他要被罚两杆, 球就算进洞了。

    In stroke play, he incurred a penalty of two strokes, and the ball was holed.

  28. 珍和马克继续打高尔夫球。他们就快打完第十洞了。

    Jane and Mark continue golfing. They're about to finish the tenth hole.

  29. 看!这双鞋我三个星期前才买的, 已经破了个洞了。

    Look! I bought these shoes only three weeks ago and there is a hole in them already.

  30. 坐火车去魔法学院真有意思,难道飞毯都穿洞了吗?

    Funny way to get to a wizards'school, the train. Magic carpets all got punctures, have they?