







汉语拼音:huǐ lín







毁林 [huǐ lín]
  1. 毁林容易导致生境的破坏、生物多样性的流失以及干旱。毁林还会把原本是二氧化碳的“汇”变成又一个向大气排放二氧化碳的“源”。人为因素的森林破坏包括森林采伐,人类引起森林火灾,酸雨和引进的物种。自然因素的森林破坏包括森林火灾、昆虫、物种之间的竞争等。



  1. It is often accused of levelling the rainforest to create its farms, but hardly any of this new land lies in Amazonia; most is cerrado.


  2. Studies have been carried out on the relationships between rural poverty and deforestation and population growth and deforestation.


  3. Clearing forests may enrich those who are doing it, but over the long run it impoverishes the planet as a whole.


  4. Until very recently, developing the Amazon was the priority, and some settlers feel betrayed by the new stigma surrounding deforestation.


  5. If the present rate of deforestation is allowed to continue, the consequences for the earth will be great.


  6. REDD forms part of the negotiations on a successor to the Kyoto protocol, which will reach a climax at meetings in Copenhagen this December.


  7. Between 2000 and 2006 Indonesia planted roughly half a million hectares of oil palm a year, mostly on recently deforested land.


  8. Or they might be supplied with fertiliser and asked to clear less forest for planting maize.


  9. Globalisation is speeding up the process by boosting the demand for agricultural goods produced in tropical countries.


  1. 制止毁林开荒

    The practice of reclaiming wasteland by deforestation should be curbed.

  2. 快速毁林也破坏了他们的栖息地。

    Rapid deforestation is also destroying their habitat.

  3. 三是由毁林开荒向退耕还林的转变。

    Third, shifting from devastating forests for arable land to returning farmland to forests.

  4. 毁林和荒漠化的速度几乎是造林速度的29倍。

    The rate of deforestation and desertification was almost29 times the rate of forestation.

  5. 毁林和荒漠化得速度几乎是造林速度得29倍。

    The rate of deforestation and desertification was almost29 times the rate of forestation.

  6. 水土流失的主要原因是毁林开垦,陡坡种植。

    The main cause of soil erosion is deforestation for farmland reclamation and Cultivation on steep slopes.

  7. 大多数是受到土地退化,干旱和毁林的影响。

    Most of them are affected by land degradation, drought and deforestation.

  8. 刑事勘验技术在毁林案件侦破工作中的应用

    Applying of Criminal Inquisition Technique in Investigating Deforestation Case.

  9. 薪材短缺是毁林后果的最明显和最引人注目的实例。

    Firewood scarity offers the most visible and dramatic example of deforestation's effects.

  10. 薪材短缺是毁林后果得最明显和最引人注目得实例。

    Firewood scarity offers the most visible and dramatic example of deforestation's effects.

  11. 毁林的后果迫切需要更多的资助, 清醒的头脑和真知灼见。

    The deforestation dilemma still cries for more commitment, clarity, and vision.

  12. 不可持续的做法和非法伐木已经成为毁林的主要因素。

    Unsustainable practices and illegal logging have been major factors contributing to deforestation.

  13. 同时,还就技术转让和减少毁林排放作出了决定。

    Decisions were also made on technology transfer and reducing emissions from deforestation.

  14. 有人批评这些数字忽略对毁林和森林退化的赔偿。

    Those figures have been criticized for neglecting compensation for deforestation and forest degradation.

  15. 北美洲、中美洲和大洋洲也有毁林现象,但程度较轻。

    North and Central America, as well as Oceania, also suffered deforestation, but to a lesser degree.

  16. 有七个缔约方提出了减缓毁林和森林更新的项目。

    Seven Parties proposed projects to slow deforestation and assist regeneration.

  17. 这对降低毁林和森林退化产生的排放制度也非常重要。

    This will also be important in relation to schemes for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.

  18. 飞机在密林中撞毁。

    The plane had cracked up in the heavy trees.


  1. 问:毁林拼音怎么拼?毁林的读音是什么?毁林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毁林的读音是huǐlín,毁林翻译成英文是 deforest

  2. 问:毁林辟田拼音怎么拼?毁林辟田的读音是什么?毁林辟田翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毁林辟田的读音是huǐ lín pì tián,毁林辟田翻译成英文是 disafforestation