


1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……





汉语拼音:shí táng






  1. 食用的糖,如白糖、红糖等。



  1. The social critic in her says that corn syrup and the cheap candy produced with it have unhinged our notions of how much candy is too much.


  2. Zoellick believes that food prices continued to rise this year, sugar, increased consumption of meat is an important driving force.


  3. To be sure, Asia has long been a significant influence on world sugar markets.


  4. Sugar's scorching rally may be far from over, as expectations of a surge in imports by China are keeping markets sweet.


  5. Frustrated fire officials are turning to a private company to help fight a stubborn blaze at a sugar refinery .


  6. We have a deal with him in sugar.


  7. Both incidents, from the perspective of a farmer and a sugar dealer, must have seemed random.


  8. therefore, starches should make up the bulk of the diabetic diet, and sugar only a small amount.


  9. Selected essentials like rice, sugar, cooking oil, flour and domestic transportation would not be subjected to GST.


  1. 粗劣的食糖

    bastard sugar.

  2. 食糖就要用光了。

    Th sugar is getting low.

  3. 食糖的产量下降了。

    The production of sugar dropped.

  4. 大米,食糖和其他商品。

    Rice Husk ash, Rice, Sugar and Other Commodities.

  5. 白根的甜菜,食糖的原料。

    whiterooted beet grown as a source of sugar.

  6. 他特别看好大米和食糖。

    He particularly likes rice and sugar.

  7. 食糖是糖果的主要成分。

    Sugar is the main constituent of candy.

  8. 报纸报道说食糖要涨价。

    The newspapers report that sugar will be dearer.

  9. 食糖一磅涨了5分钱。

    Sugar has advanced five cents a pound.

  10. 夹越桔和食糖的馅饼。

    Pie containing blueberries and sugar.

  11. 建立食糖加工厂的耗资是巨大的。

    Sugar processing facilities are expensive to build.

  12. 把融化了的黄油与食糖调匀。

    Blend together the melt butter and sugar.

  13. 在这个食谱中,可用蜂蜜代替食糖。

    Honey can substitute for sugar in this recipe.

  14. 大米黑米香橙汁桂花食糖面包粉等。

    rice, purple rice, orange juice, dried laurel, sugar, crumb.

  15. 采购产品稻壳灰,大米,食糖和其他商品。

    Rice Husk ash, Rice, Sugar and Other Commodities.

  16. 大米黑米香橙汁桂花食糖热狗粉等。

    I also thought of Wu Gang laurel and rabbit being cut scenes, they must be very hard!

  17. 这包括大米、食糖、牛奶、植物油和儿童食品。

    These include rice, sugar, milk, vegetable oil and children's food.

  18. 她正嘟哝着抱怨她那走味的陈年食糖。

    She was mumbling away about her rotten old sugar.

  19. 食糖和香蕉的出口数量和价值都下降了。

    Sugar and banana exports have declined in both volume and value.

  20. 经过一星期的谈判,他们的食糖生意成交了。

    They closed the deal in sugar after a week of negotiation.

  21. 经过一星期得谈判,他们得食糖生意成交了。

    They closed the deal in sugar after a week of negotiation.

  22. 我们要采购稻壳灰, 大米, 食糖和其他商品。

    We want to buy Rice Husk ash, Rice, Sugar and Other Commodities.

  23. 黄油、食糖和面粉各一磅的条状蛋糕。

    Rich loaf cake made of a pound each of butter and sugar and flour.

  24. 主次波长新光度法测定食糖中的二氧化硫

    The New Spectrophotometry with Dominant and Secondary Wavelengh for Sulphur Dioxide in Sugar.

  25. 专栏6。2根据食糖政策的情况指出了这几点。

    Box 6.2 spells out these points with reference to sugar policy.

  26. 我在购物单上加了黄油和食糖两样东西。

    I added butter and sugar to my shopping list.

  27. 提倡低糖饮料得运动使食糖生产者甚为恼怒。

    Drives to popularize drinks with low sugar content raise the hackles of sugar producers.

  28. 提倡低糖饮料的运动使食糖生产者甚为恼怒。

    Drives to popularize drinks with low sugar content raise the hackles of sugar producers.

  29. 年初以来,食糖的期货价格几乎已经翻了一番。

    Louis Dreyfus, a French commodities giant, bought Santelisa Vale, a large processor of sugar cane, in April.

  30. 他在19世纪70年代初期得到了一种新的食糖专利。

    In the early1870s he patented a new kind of sugar.


  1. 问:食糖拼音怎么拼?食糖的读音是什么?食糖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:食糖的读音是shítáng,食糖翻译成英文是 sugar

  2. 问:食糖消费税拼音怎么拼?食糖消费税的读音是什么?食糖消费税翻译成英文是什么?

    答:食糖消费税的读音是shí táng xiāo fèi shuì,食糖消费税翻译成英文是 sugar excise tax


