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1. 难 [nán]2. 难 [nàn]3. 难 [nuó]难 [nán]不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(……
汉语拼音:nán nài
《隋书·裴蕴传》:“老革多姦,将贼胁我。欲搭其口,但隐忍之,诚极难耐。”《新五代史·汉臣传·史弘肇》:“ 弘肇 不喜宾客,尝言:‘文人难耐,呼我为卒。’” 王愿坚 《普通劳动者》:“六月中旬的天气已经够热了,这下午三四点钟时分,更是一天里最难耐的时候。”
Last night had been particularly brutal, and I had no desire to revisit the scene of the suffering.
昨晚的经历实在残暴难耐,我一点也不想再回顾那一幕。As the sun began to steal in upon the boys, drowsiness came over them, and they went out on the sandbar and lay down to sleep.
62太阳渐渐升起来,照在孩子们的身上,他们感到困倦难耐,就从林子里走出来,到沙滩上躺下来睡觉。Like an angel of hell, he rises swiftly, and changing into a bat, flies pell-mell to the cottage of his tantalizing victims.
如同飞出地狱的使者,他敏捷地起身,变为一只蝙蝠,心急难耐地匆忙飞向受害者的小屋。Along the way, intolerable heat, but we are happy to talk about the box in the car, seems to feel the hot weather.
一路上,酷暑难耐,但我们高兴地在车箱里谈论着,似乎感觉不到天气的炎热。At last , bearing in her arms the infant progeny of Jove , she reached Lycia, weary with her burden and parched with thirst .
最后她来到吕西亚,怀里抱着朱庇特幼小的子嗣,疲乏不堪,口渴难耐。Lincoln grimly trying to enjoy the play, until he's so miserable he digs up his heart and stabs it himself.
最后,终于痛苦难耐的他把他的心又挖出来,亲手把它刺死。Elom vision is so sensitive to the dark that bright lights can painfully stun an Elom.
伊洛姆人的视觉对黑暗环境敏感,亮光会让他们晕眩难耐。They set forth at daybreak to see a man beheaded, twenty in all, and Bran rode among them, nervous with excitement.
为数二十人的队伍于破晓时分启程,布兰策马置身其间,满心焦虑又兴奋难耐。Third, the intolerable pressure era of white-collar men's personality and characteristics of marriage, birth out of the competition.