







汉语拼音:mǐn miè








  1. 灭绝;消失。

    三国 魏 锺会 《檄蜀文》:“往者 汉 祚衰微,率土分崩,生民之命,几於泯灭。” 唐 杜甫 《咏怀古迹》之二:“最是 楚 宫俱泯灭,舟人指点到今疑。” 宋 陈亮 《问答上》:“至于著在人心,不可泯灭者,或有感而后发,或因以泄其餘忿,亦其势然耳。” 孙中山 《香港兴中会宣言》:“倘不得早维持,乘时发愤,则数千年声名文物之邦,累世代冠裳礼义之族,从此沦亡,由兹泯灭,是谁之咎?” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文二集·“题未定”草五》:“我以为介绍别人的作品,删节实在是极可惜的,倘有妙文,大家都应该设法流传,万不可听其泯灭。”



  1. It took a lot out of him, but it never killed his passion for politics; he moved into a new house and carried on.


  2. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


  3. The British enthusiasm for chucking out governments has been unusually dormant in the last thirty years, but it has not died entirely.


  4. I said you were wrong. You insisted you were right. We held each other's hand, and right and wrong disappeared.


  5. The extent and power of the Roman state almost extinguished the concept of international law.


  6. Science can kill as well as create; technology can deaden the human spirit or lift it to the farthermost corners of our imaginations.


  7. But my dreams They aren't as empty As my conscience seems to be.


  8. Meng Haoran's idea is more complicated: Confucianism dominated early with Taoism, Even if officials did not deny in his demands.


  9. Its message is strictly anti-war: The act of killing diminishes humanity, even if it is done for a "just" cause.


  1. 寡廉鲜耻,天良泯灭。

    He who have no shame have no conscience.

  2. 色情让欲望泯灭。

    Status Offline Porn deadens desire.

  3. 但也不能泯灭我的天性

    but I'm also the person that I was born to be.

  4. 即使曾有过也早已泯灭了。

    If she had ever had the virtue in her, it had quite gone out of her.

  5. 影片给人留下了难以泯灭的印象。

    The film left an indelible impression on people.

  6. 任何故事都只能昙花一现, 注定要泯灭。

    Any story is ephemeral and doomed.

  7. 我为某些人的良知人性泯灭而悲哀。

    I lament the loss of humanity in some people.

  8. 但我的梦想并没有象我的良知一样泯灭。

    But my dreams They arent as empty As my conscience seems to be.

  9. 眼泪消融在破碎里,希望也泯灭在灰烬间。

    Ablation in tears broken, devoid of hope in the ashes between.

  10. 你们伤了我的心,强奸了我的灵魂,泯灭了我的良心。

    You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and torched my conscience.

  11. 在琐碎中泯灭的灵性在沉醉和飘扬中苏醒。

    In being trifling the sagacity that disappears in become intoxicated and flutter in regain consciousness.

  12. 但这并不会泯灭老字号网上重生的希望。

    But this can not die out on old name network renascence hope.

  13. 从而泯灭生机, 也就丧失了它的审美本性。

    Hence the music and the dance lost their life and lost their aesthetic character.

  14. 焦虑, 恐惧和缺乏自信会使心情沮丧, 意志泯灭。

    Worry, fear, selfdistrust blows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

  15. 教育者角色的强化, 使生命的灵动与创造被泯灭。

    Aggrandizement of pedagogue part will hinder the intelligence and creativity of the educatee.

  16. 罗马帝国的疆域和势力几乎使国际法的概念归于泯灭。

    The extent and power of the Roman state almost extinguished the concept of international law.

  17. 公民精神因匮乏而泯灭,并且根本没有人注意到它的泯灭。

    The spirit of citizenship died of starvation and no one observed it die.

  18. 最难能可贵的是她良知泯灭之前还有一点点自知之明。

    The most valuable is her conscience, devoid of selfknowledge until there is a little bit.

  19. 我们不是画家, 但我们有丰富的想象力, 有着一颗不泯灭的心。

    We are not artists, but we a wealth of imagination, there is not devoid a heart.

  20. 当光明泯灭时, 狼人英雄愿意牺牲一切抵挡黑暗的侵袭。

    As the light dies, werewolf heroes are willing to sacrifice everything to hold back the darkness.

  21. 那终了的一声简直就是人性泯灭的低泣。生活太艰难,太残酷

    The end is a willow for inhumanity.life is too tough and difficult.

  22. 人的一生尽管有多少波涛起伏, 对生活的热爱却难能泯灭。

    Though one has ups and downs to face down the road, his love for life is hard to fade away.

  23. 这些意象在很大程度上表现出的人性泯灭让她深感惊骇。

    She was horrified at the dehumanisation involved in much of the imagery.


  1. 问:泯灭拼音怎么拼?泯灭的读音是什么?泯灭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泯灭的读音是mǐnmiè,泯灭翻译成英文是 disappear



“泯灭”是个多义词,它可以指泯灭(汉语词汇), 泯灭(梁晓声著小说改编电视剧)。