







汉语拼音:zài qǐ








  1. 再次出仕;再次起用。

    唐 韩愈 《赠别元十八协律》之四:“不知四罪地,岂有再起辰。” 明 沉德符 《野获编补遗·督抚·罗汝敬》:“﹝ 汝敬 ﹞以在 陕 有劳,宥死,戍 赤城卫 ,再起,又以原官抚 陕西 。” 清 陆以湉 《冷庐杂识·何文肃公》:“自古及今,再起者孰能善其终哉?”

  2. 再度兴起。

    毛泽东 《庆祝抗战胜利六周年给斯大林的电文》:“ 苏联 和 中华人民共和国 关于共同防止 日本 侵略势力再起的巩固同盟,使 中国 人民在反对远东侵略势力的斗争中,获得无限鼓舞。”



  1. The vertical load did not help to reduce the lateral displacement at the pile top anymore when it was applied after the lateral load.


  2. "I do not speak about Silva for to avoid more confusion in these times of rumours, " he said.


  3. But after this triumph, which followed a year or so of relative calm in the troubled valley, fresh agitation seems likely.


  4. in postfix notation , the need for parentheses is eliminated and the priority of the operators is no longer relevant.


  5. Napoleon again, like a bolt from the blue , shocked the European countries, are meeting in Vienna of the Anti-Union Law Jingde dumbfounded.


  6. At least eight people have died in renewed fighting in the Somali capital Mogadishu.


  7. They even apply to stipulations and settlements in litigation, where you want an agreement so clear that it avoids future litigation.


  8. condition of the Chinese people burst forth once more in renewed civil war and quickly thereafter passed over into revolution.


  9. Controversy struck again in1998 over her refusal to admit male students on her feminist ethicscourse.


  1. 防止边境冲突再起

    prevent the recurrence of border clashes

  2. 圣诞老人之麻烦再起

    Santa Claus In Trouble Again

  3. 谈判破裂, 烽火再起。

    The flames of war went on when the negotiation broke down.

  4. 谈判破裂,烽火再起。

    The flames of war went on when the negotiation broke down .

  5. 噪声再起, 比先前更大。

    The noise resumed, louder than before.

  6. 吓, 现在鼓声再起

    Porsche may be one of these after rumours of a smaller car, a sort of hark back to the old 928, based on the new Panamera surfaced.

  7. 科比交易事件风云再起。

    Kobe Bryant ended one streak and began another.

  8. 让你平静的心再起涟漪

    To break the silence deep inside of you

  9. 循环一个半小时再起钻。

    Circulate for one and half hours before pulling out.

  10. 中美知识产权合作再起硝烟

    Dispute Occurred Once Again Between Sino and U.S. Intellectual Property Rights Cooperation

  11. 一切问题又再起尖锐的锋芒。

    All problems recover their sharp edge.

  12. 再起风时, 火又燃烧起来了。

    The fire flamed out when the wind blew again.

  13. 还有,你能不能再起草份文件。

    In fact, could you draw up the papers.

  14. 万一魔心再起,可能再度污染幽冥剑!

    Yin zhong may contaminate the Hades sword if he turns evil once more!Heck!

  15. 在建设和平中,我们还正在预防战事再起。

    In building peace, we are also preventing the recurrence of war.

  16. 浩劫再起,妖魔横行,仙剑出鞘,天下归心!

    Disaster again, running demons, kept unsheathed, and the world to the heart!

  17. 盗版光碟无法彻底杜绝,整治过后又沉滓再起。

    The production of pirated video discs can't be completely stopped. Stop one producer, and a new one will take their place.

  18. 等人齐了我再起锅,免得太早了饭就凉了。

    I will take the food out of the cauldron when everyone is here, so the food wont be cold.

  19. 等人齐了我再起锅,免得太早了饭就凉了。

    I will take the food out of the cauldron when everyone is here, so the food won't be cold.

  20. 起初,有一些危言耸听得人预言战争会重新再起。

    At first the alarmists prophesied a renewal of the war.

  21. 起初,有一些危言耸听的人预言战争会重新再起。

    At first the alarmists prophesied a renewal of the war.

  22. 所以,如果爷爷不想再起战事,最好的办法就是。

    So, if the grandpa doesnt meditation heave a war repeatedly, the best direction be.

  23. 这批货物要先走水路,到天津以后再起旱。

    This batch of goods shall be firstly delivered by water, and then by land after Tianjin.

  24. 在世界许多地方种族冲突再起引起人们的关注。

    The resurgence of ethnic conflict in many parts of the world is a source of concern.

  25. 如果说互联网是个江湖,是江湖就会风声再起,血雨腥风。

    If the Internet is a quack, quack will wind breaks out, Xueyuxingfeng.

  26. 如果双方再起冲突, 对全党团结将是个灾难。

    If the two sides conflict with each other again, it will be disastrous for Party unity.

  27. 可是我有害怕见到她让自己的心再起勃然。

    But I fear there is to see her again so that their hearts agitatedly.

  28. 委员会的努力是巩固和平和预防冲突再起的关键组成部分。

    The efforts of the Commission constitute an essential component in solidifying peace and preventing relapse into conflicts.

  29. 约拿单因爱大卫如同爱自己的性命, 就使他再起誓。

    And Jonathan caused David to swear again, because he loved him for he loved him as he loved his own soul.

  30. 要麽更有可能的,就是通胀再起,而债券投资人输得精光

    or, more likely, inflation resurges and investors in bonds lose their shirts.


  1. 问:再起拼音怎么拼?再起的读音是什么?再起翻译成英文是什么?

    答:再起的读音是,再起翻译成英文是 resurge

  2. 问:再起动拼音怎么拼?再起动的读音是什么?再起动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:再起动的读音是,再起动翻译成英文是 restarting

  3. 问:再起始拼音怎么拼?再起始的读音是什么?再起始翻译成英文是什么?

    答:再起始的读音是zài qǐ shǐ,再起始翻译成英文是 reinitiation

  4. 问:再起弧拼音怎么拼?再起弧的读音是什么?再起弧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:再起弧的读音是zài qǐ hú,再起弧翻译成英文是 reignition of arc

  5. 问:再起草拼音怎么拼?再起草的读音是什么?再起草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:再起草的读音是,再起草翻译成英文是 redraft

  6. 问:再起始区拼音怎么拼?再起始区的读音是什么?再起始区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:再起始区的读音是zài qǐ shǐ qū,再起始区翻译成英文是 reinitiator

  7. 问:再起始位点拼音怎么拼?再起始位点的读音是什么?再起始位点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:再起始位点的读音是zài qǐ shǐ wèi diǎn,再起始位点翻译成英文是 reinitiation site

  8. 问:再起始恢复拼音怎么拼?再起始恢复的读音是什么?再起始恢复翻译成英文是什么?

    答:再起始恢复的读音是zài qǐ shǐ huī fù,再起始恢复翻译成英文是 reinitiation recovery



再起 zàiqǐ 〖resurgence〗重新起用;重新恢复地位 东山再起 三国杀中的

【再起】 摸牌阶段,若你已受伤,你可以放弃摸牌并展示牌堆顶的X张牌,X为你已损失的体力值,其中每有一张♥牌,你回复1点体力,然后弃掉这些♥牌,将其余的牌收入手牌。 武将:孟获