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1. 追 [zhuī]2. 追 [duī]追 [zhuī]赶,紧跟着:~逐。~逼。~随。~光。~剿。~捕。~奔逐北。回溯过去,补做过去的事:~溯。~悼。~加。~认。竭力探求,寻求:~问。~寻。~究。~索。追 [duī]雕琢:~琢(雕刻)。古……
汉语拼音:zhuī niàn
《左传·成公十三年》:“復脩旧德,以追念前勋。”《汉书·淮南厉王刘长传》:“追念辠过,恐惧,伏地待诛不敢起。”《古今小说·吴保安弃家赎友》:“时朝廷正追念 代国公 军功,要録用其子姪。” 阿英 《回忆杜国庠同志的文学活动》:“追念亡友,缅怀先烈,将怎样的加倍努力,才能无负于党的期望。”
Yet I will remember the covenant I made with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with you.
然而我要追念在你幼年时与你所立的约,也要与你立定永约。He never separated the memory of this man from the memory of his father, and he associated them in his veneration .
他从不把对这人的追念和对他父亲的追念分开来,他把他俩合并在他崇敬的心中。For the sake of your name do not despise us; do not dishonor your glorious throne. Remember your covenant with us and do not break it.
求你为你名的缘故,不厌恶我们,不辱没你荣耀的宝座。求你追念,不要背了与我们所立的约。They remembered not his hand, nor the day when he delivered them from the enemy.
他们不追念他的能力(原文作手),和赎他们脱离敌人的日子。Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering.
你们要追念往日,蒙了光照以后,所忍受大争战的各样苦难。He came to the cemetery to recall those brothers who had fought shoulder to shoulder with him.
他来到墓地追念那些和他并肩战斗过的兄弟们。Jer 14: 21 Do not abhor us, for thy name's sake, do not disgrace the throne of thy glory, remember, break not thy covenant with us.
耶14:21求你为你名的缘故,不厌恶我们,不辱没你荣耀的宝座。求你追念,不要背了与我们所立的约。The memorial was Built in memory of those who died in the war.
这纪念碑乃是为追念战亡的士兵而建立的。En Temple Tang is 22 years Zhenguan Prince Edward Lee governance in order to remember his mother, Queen Wende built.