




1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……







汉语拼音:jiǔ ér jiǔ zhī








  • 【解释】:经过了相当长的时间。
  • 【出自】:清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第十三回:“因置大缸一口,内中贮水,日日伏其中,习其水性,久而久之,竟能在水一日之久。”
  • 【示例】:~,凡在上海来来往往的人开口便讲应酬,闭口也讲应酬。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作状语;作时间用语


  1. Over time, the child before the parents did not dare open their hearts, always in a depressed state of mind.

  2. Slowly, over time, he developed a reputation for doing what he said he would, and his projects got bigger and bigger.

  3. Just for her own kin, indeed is how don't say as well, for period passes we then also no one asked.

  4. Over time, Yancey's kidneys had failed to the point where he now needed 15 hours of dialysis a week to stay alive.

  5. Over time, the buildup of plaque deposits can rupture and cause total blockage of the blood flow to the heart.

  6. I'm not going to tell you how to take responsibility for your life, but once you make the decision, the how will become apparent over time.

  7. As most words would be repeated again and again in the book, such a reading habit helps students to establish long time memory.

  8. As time passes, people began to believe: natural power and social force become an irresistible combination of "destiny" .

  9. Due to the vibrational pull of your earth over time . . . a certain level of this LOVE could not be accepted upon your planet.


  1. 久而久之, 浓情转淡。

    He only kisses his wife when he has run out of napkin.

  2. 久而久之,浓情转淡。

    He only kisses his wife when he has run out of napkin .

  3. 久而久之, 他习惯了孤独。

    As time passed, he got accustomed to being alone.

  4. 塑料久而久之便会退色。

    Plastic tends to discolour with age.

  5. 久而久之,看来他们终归得结婚。

    It always seemed as though they would marry in the end.

  6. 久而久之, 我竟视它为知己了。

    I gradually regarded it as my best friend.

  7. 贝6岁开始我们就这么做,久而久之

    We started doing it when Bay was six.

  8. 机器要不好好养护,久而久之就要生锈。

    If the machinery were not maintained properly, It would get rusty as time passes.

  9. 久而久之, 他们领悟了这样的美学思想。

    Over time, they learned the aesthetic.

  10. 久而久之, 他们的心眼儿就都变坏了。

    After a long time they get mean.

  11. 只要你注意搜集,久而久之,资料就丰富了。

    If you keep on collection, in time you'll have a wealth of data.

  12. 久而久之, 我们的班集体就会整体落下。

    As time passes, our class will overall drop.

  13. 久而久之, 岩石在水的作用下被蚀穿了。

    Time and water had eaten through the rocks.

  14. 久而久之,岩石在水的作用下被蚀穿了。

    Time and water had eaten through the rocks.

  15. 久而久之, 我也渐渐忘记了话是怎样讲的

    As time goes back, I have also forgotten how to speak

  16. 久而久之, 我就了解了几乎所有的欺骗技俩。

    As time passes, I understanding almost all of cheat tricks.

  17. 久而久之, 她在英语学习上取得了巨大的进步。

    She made great progress in English study over time.

  18. 这样的反应真叫人难堪。久而久之,简直叫人觉得可怕。

    It was extraordinarily embarrassing, and, after a while, horrible.

  19. 久而久之, 母亲礼拜日和拜望双亲日逐渐合为一体。

    Over time the church festival blended with the Mothering Sunday celebration.

  20. 民族认同感如斯滋长,久而久之必然可以称呼为国号。

    As a sense of national identity grew so did the use of national names.

  21. 久而久之, 她开始接受, 甚至笑对这不间断的折磨。

    Over time, she began toaccept, even laugh, at the relentlessness.

  22. 久而久之, 这些投资便创造出源源不断的固定额外收入。

    These investments create a solid passive income stream that grows over time.

  23. 久而久之, 这种强烈的渴望反而会成为理智思考的障碍。

    In the course of time, this kind of strong desire will become rational thinking obstacles.

  24. 久而久之,这项技术传播到了其他国家并得到利用。

    Over time, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries.

  25. 久而久之, 音乐使我们自然流畅地进入不约而同的默契。

    As time passes, music makes our nature glibly enters the tacit agreement that happen to coincide.

  26. 久而久之, 不教这英语教学的终极目标也就达到了。

    By and by, the ultimate goal of shaping without teaching will be achieved.

  27. 久而久之, 青年这种兴趣的发展就会带来社会的积极发展。

    Over time, the development of such interest in young people would lead to positive evolution of societies.

  28. 他表示,但是久而久之,促使关系正常化的希望会慢慢消失。

    But, he added, The hope to normalize faded over time.

  29. 我鼓励他跟我朗读这些词,久而久之他就开始自己读了。

    I'd encouraged him to say the words after me, and over time he began saying the words himself.

  30. 久而久之,三脚猫一词成了做事技艺不精的意思了。

    Gradually, the word is changed to mean being unprofessional in doing things.


  1. 问:久而久之拼音怎么拼?久而久之的读音是什么?久而久之翻译成英文是什么?

    答:久而久之的读音是jiǔ'érjiǔzhī,久而久之翻译成英文是 over time





【示例】:~,凡在上海来来往往的人开口便讲应酬,闭口也讲应酬。 ◎清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一回


