


1. 曾 [zēng]2. 曾 [céng]曾 [zēng]指与自己中间隔两代的亲属:~祖父。~孙。古同“增”,增加。竟,简直,还(hái ):“以君之力~不能损魁父之丘,如太山、王屋何?”姓。曾 [céng]尝,表示从前经历过:~经。未~……


1. 几 [jī]2. 几 [jǐ]几 [jī]小或矮的桌子:茶~儿。将近,差一点:~乎。~至。苗头:知~其神乎。几 [jǐ]询问数量多少(估计不太大)的疑问词:~个人?~何(a.多少,如“人生~~?”b.研究点线面体的性质、关系和计算方法……


1. 何 [hé]2. 何 [hē]3. 何 [hè]何 [hé]疑问代词(a.什么,如“~人?”b.为什么,如“~必如此?”c.哪样,怎样,如“~不?”“~如?”d.哪里,如“~往?”e.发表反问,如“~乐而不为?”)。副词,多么:~其壮……





汉语拼音:céng jǐ hé shí







  • 【解释】:曾:曾经;几何:若干、多少。才有多少时候。指没过多久。
  • 【出自】:宋·王安石《祭盛侍郎文》:“补官扬州,公得谢归。曾几何时,讣者来门。”
  • 【示例】:~,他自己去做了一个小小的官儿回来,而他又劝我去学法政了。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作分句;指时间过去不久


  1. There was a time when the wireless. Turns out to the site. In a bucket of gold. But today. Still falling so far.


  2. For a time, it looked as if public anger over the financial crisis of two years ago would be confined to Wall Street banks.


  3. Once upon a time, students who were willing and able to work hard could obtain an affordable, high-quality education at a public university.


  4. Once upon a time, the relationship with him was the direction of my life.


  5. Once upon a time, late at night, only the sound of keyboard percussion, only to wait for a flashing her head waves driven by mood!


  6. There was a time when the great American economy could set its own course, and the rest of the world adjusted.


  7. Only a short while ago, You always lead by the hand with me, If you haven't to do I maybe stop to wait for you to return.


  8. Once upon a time, fairy was a perfectly acceptable catchall for a variety of creatures, but now it has taken on too many associations.


  9. Once upon a time, there was a myth that China was decoupled from the rest of the global economy.


  1. 曾几何时他们把手术室

    There was a time when they used to call operating rooms.

  2. 曾几何时,俺也曾经能说会道。

    Once I was able to speak well.

  3. 曾几何时, 他变得这么高?

    When did he grow to be so tall?

  4. 曾几何时, 她变得这么漂亮?

    When did she get to be a beaut?

  5. 曾几何时那是我们的主场。

    Previously it was a home race for us.

  6. 曾几何时我们山盟海誓携手并进

    We vowed the vows and walked the walk

  7. 我不记得曾几何时见过她。

    I don't remember ever seeing her any time.

  8. 曾几何时,下辈子我还记得你,记得

    Not long ago, Xia Beizai I still remember you, remember.

  9. 曾几何时,我们的恐惧预测将来。

    Once in a while, our fears can predict the future.

  10. 曾几何时,天花被认为是不治之症。

    Smallpox was once considered incurable.

  11. 曾几何时, 我想知道什么是爱。

    Once upon a time, i wanted to know what love was.

  12. 曾几何时在深夜眼看天色渐弱

    Late ever night the colours fade from the sky

  13. 曾几何时, 我已不再揽镜自照。

    Long says before, I had not mirrored myself.

  14. 曾几何时,在一段短暂的时光里。

    Once upon a time, in a short time.

  15. 曾几何时,我一天抽了三包烟。

    Not long since, I took out three packs of smokes for a day.

  16. 曾几何时,你飞入了别人的世界。

    And then, time flew you away into someone else's world.

  17. 曾几何时,人类与海洋中的生灵唇齿相依。

    Once, man and those in the water were linked.

  18. 曾几何时,长春君子兰贵如金山银山。

    But, if your Changchun with kaffir Jinshanyinshan.

  19. 曾几何时, 希望得迷失折断了梦想得翅膀。

    Whose wings loss of hope had lamed.

  20. 曾几何时,希望的迷失折断了梦想的翅膀。

    Whose wings loss of hope had lamed.

  21. 曾几何时, 极富开始跑出电池电力, 然后。

    Before long, Reverie begins to run out of battery power, and then.

  22. 曾几何时, 为了情, 我们流下感恩得热泪。

    Not long ago, in order to the situation, we shed tears of gratitude.

  23. 曾几何时,为了情,我们流下感恩的热泪。

    Not long ago, in order to the situation, we shed tears of gratitude.

  24. 曾几何时,我开始对别的女人没有兴趣了。

    Not long since, I started not interested in another woman.

  25. 曾几何时,问题和解决方案都是明摆着的。

    In the good old days, the problem and the solution were clear.

  26. 曾几何时,天气是一个安全的谈论话题。

    There was a time when talking about the weather was a safe topic of conversation.

  27. 曾几何时,我们在这个校园度过了青春时光。

    Not long ago, we spent our youth on this campus.

  28. 曾几何时,我们在这个校园度过了青春时光。

    Not long ago, we spent our youth on this campus.

  29. 曾几何时,有一个名为沙龙的小美人鱼。

    Once upon a time there was a little mermaid named Ariel.

  30. 曾几何时,我一个礼拜内换了三个女朋友。

    Not long since, I changed three girl friends in a week.


  1. 问:曾几何时拼音怎么拼?曾几何时的读音是什么?曾几何时翻译成英文是什么?

    答:曾几何时的读音是céngjǐhéshí,曾几何时翻译成英文是 In a short time