








1. 期 [qī]2. 期 [jī]期 [qī]规定的时间,或一段时间:定~。限~。~限。学~。量词,用于刊物或其他分期的事物:第五~。盼望,希望:~望。~冀。~盼。~待。限度:“征敛无~求索无度”。必,决定:“~死,非勇也”。〔~颐〕指人……



汉语拼音:yáo yáo wú qī








  • 【解释】:形容时间还远得很,不知道哪一天。
  • 【示例】:这件事我不能~地等下去,希望能尽快给以解决。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. Don't let the children wait for your return endlessly, without hope .


  2. For the western Balkans the transition from years of disintegration and war never seems to end.


  3. This compilation seems a never-ending task; I sometimes wonder if I'll live to see the fruits of my labours.


  4. He thought this would take a heavy toll of American lives and prolong the war indefinitely.


  5. If Mr. Bernanke tries one, critics will say he is trying to create the illusion of a recovery when a real one isn't at hand.


  6. Moreover, Mr Obama's most coveted legislative aim, the creation of a sort of national health service, remains elusive.


  7. But the years went by; Elizabeth was as healthy as ever, no one invaded and the Queen grew tired of paying the Countess compliments.


  8. He thought of the war, which would stretch on forever.


  9. But it's exactly the kind of problem a system of government like ours was built to put off.


  1. 遥遥无期!

    Till the cows come home!

  2. 我们相见的日子遥遥无期。

    The day we meet is in the indefinite future.

  3. 我们相见的日子遥遥无期。

    The day we meet is in the indefinite future.

  4. 战役接连不断, 尾声遥遥无期。

    One battle followed another, and the end never came.

  5. 你知道,10年听起来遥遥无期。

    You know, 10 years sounds like an awful long time.

  6. 充分就业好像依然是遥遥无期。

    Full employment still seems light years away.

  7. 除非降价,否则成交将遥遥无期。

    Unless you reduce the price,chance for business is remote.

  8. 文化上的完全独立还遥遥无期。

    Complete cultural independence still lay over the horizon.

  9. 文化上得完全独立还遥遥无期。

    Complete cultural independence still lay over the horizon.

  10. 我梦想的实现显然是遥遥无期。

    The fulfillment of my dream is apparently as far off as ever.

  11. 觉得自己得事业目标遥遥无期吗?

    Do your career goals never seem to be achieved?

  12. 觉得自己的事业目标遥遥无期吗?

    Do your career goals never seem to be achieved?

  13. 别再等待遥遥无期的那一天。

    Don't wait for some distant day to come.

  14. 真正的种族平等似乎仍遥遥无期。

    Genuine racial equality still seems lightyears away.

  15. 当然,人民币可完全兑换仍遥遥无期。

    Full convertibility of the currency, of course, remains remote.

  16. 但是,真正可持续的复苏仍遥遥无期。

    But a truly sustainable recovery remains a distant prospect.

  17. 对较晚期癌症的治疗仍然遥遥无期。

    Treatments for more advanced cancers, however, are farther over the horizon than anybody can see.

  18. 别让孩子遥遥无期地盼望你的归来。

    Dont let the children wait for your return endlessly, without hope.

  19. 如此开放,令人担忧,强国之梦,遥遥无期。

    Such an opening to the outside world, Nothing cannot drive away our worries, The dream of a powerful country, Not within the forseeable future.

  20. 历史的车轮滚滚向前,但黎明的曙光遥遥无期。

    History unfolded quickly, but celebration remained elusive in Maidan.

  21. 我因一直渴望着遥遥无期的事情而倍受折磨。

    I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.

  22. 当最终期限总是遥遥无期时是很容易延期的。

    It's easy to procrastinate when the deadline seems infinitely far away.

  23. 能用的那点儿小钱被繁文缛节拖得遥遥无期。

    The little money that was available was tied up in bureaucratic red tape.

  24. 他想起了这场战争还得遥遥无期地打下去。

    He thought of the war, which would stretch on forever.

  25. 对于刚考入大学的人来说,毕业总是遥遥无期的。

    Graduation seems so far away for those who have just been admitted to university.

  26. 对于刚考入大学的人来说,毕业总是遥遥无期的。

    Graduation seems so far away for those who have just been admitted to university.

  27. 占领罗马仍然遥遥无期,现在必须采取重大的政治决定。

    The capture of Rome is still remote and major political decisions must be taken.

  28. 陷入神话因为她得光辉和美丽, 威尼斯得诱骗遥遥无期。

    Trapped in the myth of her lustrous beauty, Venice beguiles, and remains elusive.

  29. 陷入神话因为她的光辉和美丽,威尼斯的诱骗遥遥无期。

    Trapped in the myth of her lustrous beauty, Venice beguiles, and remains elusive.

  30. 十年过去了,我们大家梦想的世界次序仍然遥遥无期。

    Ten years have passed. The world order we all dreamed of is still in the distance.


  1. 问:遥遥无期拼音怎么拼?遥遥无期的读音是什么?遥遥无期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遥遥无期的读音是yáoyáowúqī,遥遥无期翻译成英文是 describing one who is far from the destination o...



遥遥无期,成语。 形容时间还远得很,不知道哪一天。 非常之久