


1. 稍 [shāo]2. 稍 [shào]稍 [shāo]本义为禾末,引申为略微:~~。~微。~许。~纵即逝。稍 [shào]〔~息〕军事或体操的口令。……


1. 纵 [zòng]2. 纵 [zǒng]纵 [zòng]放:~虎归山。~火。放任;不拘束:放~。~目四望。~情。~观全局。身体猛然向前或向上:~身。即使:~然。~使。~令。竖,直,南北的方向,与“横”相对:~横交错。~横捭阖(指在政治、……


就是:知识~力量。当时或当地:~日。~刻。~席。~景。在~。~兴(xìng )。就,便:黎明~起。假如,倘若:~使。~便(biàn )。~或。~令。靠近:不~不离。到,开始从事:~位。……





汉语拼音:shāo zòng jí shì





也说少纵则逝。稍微一放松就过去了(多指时间、机会)。宋苏轼《文与可画筼(yún)筜(dāng)谷偃竹记》:“振笔直遂,以追其所见,如兔起鹘(hú)落,少纵则逝矣。” 纵:放。逝:过去,消失。



  • 【解释】:纵:放;逝:消失。稍微一放松就消失了。形容时间或机会等很容易过去。
  • 【出自】:宋·苏轼《文与可画画云当谷偃竹记》:“振笔直遂,以追其所见,如兔起鹘落,少纵则逝矣。”
  • 【示例】:事机万变,~。
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语、定语;用于时间或时机


  1. The winter snow, in fact, should not be part of the winter snow in the winter is only a decoration, a decoration, a fleeting scenery.


  2. The dwarf craned his head around to get a better look, but the thing was gone as suddenly as it had appeared.


  3. These are one of the few ways that energy from transient sources like the wind can be stored in grid-filling quantities.


  4. The deal is capitalizing on what may turn out to be a passing moment of excitement over China's economic recovery.


  5. Sure you do. A fleeting thought that drifts in and out of the transom of your mind. I spend hours, I spend days.


  6. Some of them are fleeting. They pop in, take a look around, then head for the exit without being detected.


  7. In the television experience the eyes and ears are overwhelmed with the immediacy of sights and sounds.


  8. If you capture the fleeting thought and simply share if with world in raw form, no one is likely to understand.


  9. And then, at least for a fleeting second, you ask yourself a question: "Could I be better? "


  1. 工作机会稍纵即逝。

    Jobs are there one minute, gone the next.

  2. 人生机遇稍纵即逝。

    The opportunities of life are here today and gone tomorrow.

  3. 它垂手可得,却稍纵即逝。

    It is readily available, but fleeting.

  4. 稍纵即逝的感觉因他而生。

    I feel it start then melt away.

  5. 稍纵即逝得爱, 轰隆梦一场。

    A moment a love, a dream aloud.

  6. 稍纵即逝的爱,轰隆梦一场。

    A moment a love, a dream aloud.

  7. 稍纵即逝短暂易逝的状态或性质。

    The state or quality of being transient.

  8. 再美的爱情也只是稍纵即逝。

    Again love the United States is only a flash in the pan.

  9. 青春和爱情稍纵即逝,白头即是悲哀。

    Love with youth flies swift away, Age is not but sorrow.

  10. 稍纵即逝的流年光景,诠释着夜的美丽。

    Transient time, the interpretation of a night of beauty.

  11. 给他人,这是一个稍纵即逝的思考。

    To others, it's a fleeting thought.

  12. 她脑海掠过一个稍纵即逝的念头。

    A fleeting thought went through her mind.

  13. 失败是无可避免的,成功则是稍纵即逝的。

    Failure is inevitable. Success is elusive.

  14. 商人要善于抓住稍纵即逝的市场机遇。

    Business people must be good at taking advantage of every fleeting window of opportunity.

  15. 然而爱稍纵即逝,而人生却一片渺茫。

    However likes being fleeting, but a life actually uncertainness.

  16. 你那稍纵即逝的视线就似一道钝刃,

    When your eyes find me then fall away

  17. 她稍纵即逝的美丽,无法为她找到真正的爱情。

    Her transient beauty cannot find her true love.

  18. 所以,在爱情生活,强度感觉总是稍纵即逝。

    So, in love as in life, intensity of feeling is always fleeting.

  19. 亚也,对你来说生命更加短暂,稍纵即逝。

    AYA, life for you is too short.

  20. 人生是如此地的一瞬间,光阴就是如此稍纵即逝。

    Life is so moment, time is so transient.

  21. 世间万物都是永恒可知的, 即使稍纵即逝。

    All things were known eternally and were poignant in their transiency.

  22. 我们不能犯任何错误因为机会稍纵即逝。

    We can't make any mistakes because we know that there won't be another opportunity.

  23. 我们遵行上帝指示的机会同样也是稍纵即逝。

    Our opportunities to obey God's promptings are also fleeting.

  24. 当然,我们短暂、稍纵即逝的一生的确需要好好利用。

    It is certainly true that we need to make the most of the short, fleeting life we have.

  25. 有的感慨时间的稍纵即逝, 却不付诸行动去把握时间。

    Some regrets time flit, but not into action to grasp the time.

  26. 我第一次对那头山羊感到了稍纵即逝的同情。

    For the first time I felt a fleeting sympathy for the goat.

  27. 渴望只不过是一个念头,一阵冲劲,稍纵即逝。

    Desire is only a thought,an impulse.

  28. 我想靠迅速抓紧时间,去留住稍纵即逝的日子。

    I was eager to seize the time quickly to hold those days which were passing up so fast.

  29. 明亮欢快的火焰稍纵即逝,剩下无限的黑暗让人惆怅。

    The bright cheerful flame is fleeting, is left over the infinite darkness to let the human be disconsolate.

  30. 去夺取稍纵即逝的接吻,使我们血液奔流双目发光。

    It quickens our blood and brightens our eyes to snatch kisses that would vanish if we delayed.


  1. 问:稍纵即逝拼音怎么拼?稍纵即逝的读音是什么?稍纵即逝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稍纵即逝的读音是shāozòngjíshì,稍纵即逝翻译成英文是 fleeting



“稍纵即逝”是个多义词,它可以指稍纵即逝(迈克尔·杰克逊纪录片), 稍纵即逝(汉语成语)。