


1. 衷 [zhōng]衷 [zhōng]内心:由~。苦~。无动于~。~肠。福,善:“降~于下民”。正中不偏:折~。贴身的内衣。……





汉语拼音:zhōng cháng








  1. 犹衷情。内心的感情。

    唐 韩偓 《天鉴》诗:“神依正道终潜卫,天鉴衷肠竟不违。” 元 周文质 《蝶恋花·悟迷》套曲:“纸如海样阔,字比针关大,也写不尽衷肠许多。”《醒世恒言·黄秀才缴灵玉马坠》:“两下抱头大哭,哭罢,各叙衷肠。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》八:“淡云和积雪,像是密密诉说衷肠,怨叹生活的枯寂。”

  2. 内心,心中。

    明 高明 《琵琶记·几言谏父》:“妾当初勉承父命,遣事君子。不想君家有白头之父母,青春之妻房。致君衷肠不满,名行有亏。”《白雪遗音·八角鼓·桃杏花香》:“尊夫郎,得欢畅处且欢畅,莫把名利掛衷肠。”

  3. 谓出自内心。

    《南宫词纪·双调柳摇金·再诫风情》:“诚心相劝。衷肠尽言,休恋恶姻缘。”参见“ 衷心 ”。



  1. It's a cliche image: the solo drinker, belly up to the bar, pouring out his (or her) soul to a sympathetic bartender.


  2. When all this fails, Rachel decides to leave right away for London to tell Ross how she feels.


  3. She returned to the charge the next evening and requested her niece to confide in her to unburden her heart.


  4. A splendid idea on Valentine`s Day is to open your heart to your sweet one and let know your feelings for her.


  5. Hey, you! It would be easier to talk with you if we were together.


  6. The party bubbled about them, and she sat listening, supremely content to be by his side.


  7. But Taylor sensed something was wrong and eventually found Dave Barmy chatting affectionately to a woman who was not Laura Skye.


  8. Dear lad, I want to ask you, Would you share words from my heart? Dear lad, I wish I could Herd the cattle and sheep with you.


  9. It revolted him to think that he had ever spoken to her of what he held secret.


  1. 我俩倾诉衷肠。

    We poured our words right from our hearts.

  2. 美人鲜花,倾诉衷肠。

    Beauty flowers speak from the heart.

  3. 她向我倾诉衷肠。

    She poured her heart out to me.

  4. 虽然还来不及互诉衷肠

    Though not more than any heart asks

  5. 他向我们倾诉衷肠。

    He poured his heart out to us.

  6. 他向朋友倾诉衷肠。

    He unlocked his heart to his friend.

  7. 他向同事倾诉衷肠。

    He confided his troubles to his colleague.

  8. 尽量向她吐露衷肠吧。

    Take her into your confidence as much as possible.

  9. 他终於向自己人倾诉衷肠。

    At last, among friends, he was free to speak his mind.

  10. 他终于向自己人倾诉衷肠。

    At last, among friends, he was free to speak his mind.

  11. 两个老朋友互吐衷肠。

    The two old friends exchanged confidences.

  12. 千言万语,难述我对你的衷肠。

    I have a million reasons to love you.

  13. 千言万语,难述我对你的衷肠。

    I have a million reasons to love you.

  14. 和你一起在槲寄生下共诉衷肠

    With you, under the mistletoe

  15. 打开窗户,心上人,听我诉说衷肠。

    Open thy lattice, love, listen to me!

  16. 她觉得很难向人们倾吐衷肠。

    She found it difficult to open out to people.

  17. 他父亲大概不会多向他吐露衷肠。

    His father probably doesn't confide in him a great deal.

  18. 他们开着玩笑, 说不知她是衷肠还是灌肠

    And they had a joke about friend or enema

  19. 他是我的月亮和午夜,我的儿郎我的倾诉衷肠。

    My moon, my midnight, my talk, my son.

  20. 如果你需要有人交谈, 我愿听你倾诉衷肠。

    If you need someone to talk to, I will be the one.

  21. 不要阻止申诉之人以便让其尽诉衷肠。

    Don't stop him from purging his body.

  22. 我只是半心半意地向那好女人倾诉衷肠。

    I had half a mind to open my heart to this fine woman.

  23. 你是那么关心我,那么令人愿意与您倾诉衷肠。

    You are so caring and so easy to talk to.

  24. 那边园中的小树林,我们互诉衷肠的另一地点。

    And the next place that we courted, was in yonder garden grove.

  25. 想起他过去曾经向她倾诉衷肠, 更使她感到厌恶。

    It revolted him to think that he had ever spoken to her of what he held secret.

  26. 尽管她趾高气扬,我也不应当停止向她倾诉衷肠。

    Nor ought I to cease for an instant to lavish upon her all that which she would disdain.

  27. 她们各倾衷肠, 一小时就象一刹那似的过去了。

    An hour had passed like a moment in their expressions of mutual affection.

  28. 幸运的是,专家们已经发现了如何让男人们自诉衷肠的方法。

    Luckily, experts have discovered the tactics you need to use to start him spilling.

  29. 他们甚至不用亲眼看我可怜地撅起嘴 诉说衷肠。

    I mean, they didn't even get to see my sad head tilt with the trembling lower lip.

  30. 让歌声充满我的心房, 让我能永远歌唱对你崇拜爱慕的衷肠。

    Fill my heart with song and let me sing forever more. You are all I sing for all I worship and adore.


  1. 问:衷肠拼音怎么拼?衷肠的读音是什么?衷肠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衷肠的读音是zhōngcháng,衷肠翻译成英文是 innermost feelings




拼音:zhōng cháng词性:名词
