







汉语拼音:xīn shēng







  1. 谓言语。

    汉 扬雄 《法言·问神》:“故言,心声也;书,心画也。” 宋 邵博 《闻见后录》卷六:“心声不足以发其奥,心画不足以形其妙。” 金 元好问 《论诗》诗之六:“心画心声总失真,文章寧復见为人。”

  2. 指以诗歌为主的文学作品。

    鲁迅 《坟·摩罗诗力说》:“盖人文之留遗后世者,最有力莫如心声。”

  3. 心里的话,真诚的意愿。

    胡惠生 《答友人粤中》诗:“答君数十字,聊与证心声。”粤剧《关汉卿》第五场:“你唱‘官吏们无心正法,使百姓有口难言’,把我们心声代吐。” 魏巍 《东方》第四部第十六章:“他也许没有想到他是代表了 中国 大地亿万人民的心声。”

  4. 指思想感情与文采。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·夸饰》:“然饰穷其要,则心声锋起;夸过其理,则名实两乖。”

  5. 心跳的声音。

    杨笑影 《赤子之心》:“ 王国军 紧贴着心爱的炮,听见自己激跳的心声。”



  1. He said he doesn't understand why so many people with problems have to confide in him.


  2. If I stay here just a little bit longer, If I stay here, won't you listen to my heart, oh my heart?


  3. "At a time when I felt I had no say in anything, " she said, "Dr. Chang listened. "


  4. The death of communism provided an opportunity to rescue the man from his self-appointed disciples and hear what he himself had to say.


  5. She knew that she had to lead her own life. And though it meant losing her mother's support, Perera spoke the truth of her heart.


  6. This voice is just one of many in a region where a new generation is refusing to be denied their rights and opportunities any longer.


  7. Trees alongside lake seem to understand their love and blooms many colorful flowers.


  8. They would not listen, They did not know how, Perhaps they'll listen now.


  9. Our guest tonight is a man of ambition who once confided to me that his ultimate dream was to have his picture on a postage stamp .


  1. 言为心声。

    Your conversation is the mirror of your thoughts.

  2. 胎心声听诊器

    foetal stethoscope

  3. 心声传声器

    PCG microphone.

  4. 我们互说心声。

    We say heartfelt wishes mutual.

  5. 听取民众的心声。

    Listen to the people.

  6. 西非华人的心声

    Aspirations of a Chinese in West Africa

  7. 他向我吐露心声。

    He poured out his heart to me.

  8. 它还是人民心声的遗迹

    A vestige of the vox populi

  9. 她向贝蒂吐露了心声。

    She spoke her mind to Betty.

  10. 一个挪威华人的心声

    Aspirations of a Chinese in Norway

  11. 现在不是吐露心声的时候。

    You are best not to confide in anyone right now.

  12. 上帝可曾听到我的心声?

    Did God hear it from me?

  13. 你到时只要说出心声

    When you get up there, just speak from the heart.

  14. 儿 童, 家长和农民的心声

    Voices of children, parents, and farmers

  15. 爱, 暗中, 我用狐疑的心声。

    Beloved, I, amid the darkness greeted.

  16. 无父的朋友听到我的心声。

    The Friend of the fatherless heard.

  17. 政治家们也流露出他们得心声。

    Politicians added their voice to the outpouring.

  18. 政治家们也流露出他们的心声。

    Politicians added their voice to the outpouring.

  19. 我希望你能听得到我的心声

    So I hope you're going to hear this.

  20. 你的主人对你吐露过心声吗?

    Has your master confided in you?

  21. 一个流星蝴蝶剑玩家心声!

    A meteor butterfly sword play with the heartfelt wishes!

  22. 远离民众心声,更是亡国之本。

    Away from the aspirations of the people, is the subjugation.

  23. 她都是你愿意吐露心声的人。

    She's who you wantto talk to.

  24. 这反映了全国要求改革的心声。

    This gives expression to the national aspirations for reforms.

  25. 音乐同时也表达了作曲家的心声。

    Music is also an expression of the composer.

  26. 他的讲话道出了我们的共同心声。

    I think he spoke for all of us.

  27. 你真的希望我向你吐露心声吗?

    Do you really expect me to unburden myself to you?

  28. 我想要直接倾听这一代的心声。

    I wanted to hear directly from this generation.

  29. 音乐是我的心声灵魂的原声带。

    And the music is the voice of my heart the soundtrack of the soul.

  30. 这是他们得心声, 也是我们对失恋得心声。

    It is their voice, but also our lovelorn heart.


  1. 问:心声拼音怎么拼?心声的读音是什么?心声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心声的读音是xīnshēng,心声翻译成英文是 feelings; aspirations; thinking



“心声”是个多义词,它可以指心声(北京时代弄潮文化发展有限公司出版图书), 心声(散文集), 心声(汉语词语), 心声(医学术语)。