


1. 苦 [kǔ]苦 [kǔ]像胆汁或黄连的滋味,与“甘”相对:甘~。~胆。~瓜。感觉难受的:~境。~海(原为佛教用语,后喻很苦的环境)。~闷。含辛茹~。吃~耐劳。~恼。为某种事所苦:~雨。~旱。~夏。~于(a.对某种情况感到苦脑;b.表示……


1. 衷 [zhōng]衷 [zhōng]内心:由~。苦~。无动于~。~肠。福,善:“降~于下民”。正中不偏:折~。贴身的内衣。……



汉语拼音:kǔ zhōng








  1. 有苦处或感到为难而又不便说出的心情。

    清 刘献廷 《广阳杂记》卷三:“因忆往事於白云迁客之章,见其中之委曲,盖有大不得已之苦衷,未可为人道者也。”《儿女英雄传》第二五回:“或者我姐姐还有甚么不得已的苦衷,説不出的私话,也不可知。” 巴金 《寒夜》六:“我看她也有她的苦衷,不过她不肯讲出来。”



  1. Although she was unable to recall when Daqing usually receives its first snow of the year, the latest one struck her as being heavy.


  2. It was honest of you to tell your troubles.


  3. If the Don wanted him to show guilt, he would show guilt; if the Don invited grief, he would lay bare his genuine sorrow.


  4. A great many people spoke bitterly and with surprising candor, though, about what they see as a crisis of social justice.


  5. He believes if old Wang Shu is really a recluse savant superior, so he conceals an identity to have real aims.


  6. Turtle, the understanding of my difficulties, please '?


  7. Please understand that ode are unable to make you an offer.


  8. If one day, your mother helpless abandoned you, you don't blindly blame her, she must have her difficulties.


  9. So when I feel bad about my friends always take their grievances to comfort me, this technique is effective.


  1. 比尔,我有苦衷。

    Bill,um.I have my reasons.

  2. 比尔,我有苦衷。

    Bill, um. I have my reasons.

  3. 她也许有她的苦衷。

    She might have her own difficulties.

  4. 不过我有我的苦衷。

    But let's just say I had my reasons.

  5. 应该体谅他的苦衷。

    Allowance must be made for his difficulties.

  6. 你是不是有苦衷呀?

    Is there a special reason?

  7. 他很谅解你的苦衷。

    He understands your difficulties.

  8. 她在我面前倾诉苦衷。

    She poured out complaints before me.

  9. 揪出我心深处的苦衷。

    Find what I'm trying to tell you.

  10. 我们听到他倾诉他的苦衷。

    We listened to him pour out his troubles.

  11. 不是所有人都有难言的苦衷。

    Not everyone has ulterior motives.

  12. 我们理解你不愿出席的苦衷。

    We appreciate your reluctance to attend.

  13. 我需要你把怨言苦衷写下来。

    I shall need your complaints in writing.

  14. 她需要找个人诉诉心里的苦衷。

    She needed to unburden herself to somebody.

  15. 女人有女人的苦衷,男人也有男人的难言之隐。

    Women have their worriesand troubles, so domen.

  16. 我也有苦衷,你难道不明白吗?

    I had a reason. can't you see that?

  17. 你能将苦衷告知是很坦诚的。

    It was honest of you to tell your troubles.

  18. 或许你真的有其它莫名的苦衷。

    Maybe you really got some other difficulties reluctant to mention.

  19. 我们都认真地听着她诉说苦衷。

    We all listened attentively while she poured out her thrones.

  20. 设身处地的去理解别人的苦衷和做法。

    Put yourself in their shoes and try to understand why they think the way they do.

  21. 这个房子曾是个安静的苦衷博物馆。

    This house was one big, silent Museum of suffering.

  22. 请谅解我们不能向你报价的苦衷。

    Please understand that wde are unable to make you an offer.

  23. 她诉说着她的苦衷, 我们都仔细地听着。

    We all listened attentively while she poured out her troubles.

  24. 他也有自己的苦衷和对自己人生的设计呀。

    He has his own reason and design for his life, too!

  25. 我会的治安官,但是凯文好象有苦衷。

    I'll do that sheriff, but Cavin seemed to have a grievance of his own.

  26. 那些苦衷在昨天的会议上已向大家陈述了。

    Those grievances were aired at the meeting yesterday.

  27. 陪审团如果了解你们有苦衷 他们会酌情处理的。

    A jury will forgive a lot when they understand why something happened.

  28. 你不知道我的苦衷,我妻子不爱我,她快把我逼疯了。

    You haven't got my troubles. My wife won't love me and she's driving me round the bend.

  29. 但我有苦衷的,说给你听你就不会对我摆臭脸了。

    But I have good reason, and when you hear it you're not gonna make that face anymore.

  30. 倾吐苦衷是一个为有婚姻危机的人提供咨询服务的组织。

    Relate is an organization which offers a counselling service to people with marriage difficulties.


  1. 问:苦衷拼音怎么拼?苦衷的读音是什么?苦衷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苦衷的读音是kǔzhōng,苦衷翻译成英文是 predicament




拼音:kǔzhōng英语:difficulties that one is reluctant to mention日语:苦衷(くちゅう)。体谅对方的苦衷相手の苦衷を察(さつ)する。