


1. 隐 [yǐn]2. 隐 [yìn]隐 [yǐn]藏匿,不显露:~藏。~匿。~居。~士。~讳。伤痛:~恻。怜悯:恻~之心。隐 [yìn]倚,靠:~几而卧(靠着几案睡眠)。……





汉语拼音:yǐn tòng









  1. 内心深处深感苦痛。

    《公羊传·成公三年》“新宫者何, 宣公 之宫也。 宣 宫则曷为谓之新宫,不忍言也” 汉 何休 注:“亲之精神所倚,而灾,孝子隐痛不忍正言也。”

  2. 指内心深处的痛苦。

    清 龚自珍 《乙酉除夕梦返故庐见先母及潘氏姑母》诗:“门内沧桑事,三人隐痛深。”

  3. 轻微的疼痛。

    清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷二:“ 周 幼时误吞铁针,着肠胃间,时作隐痛。”

  4. 喻难言之隐。

    茅盾 《子夜》十七:“他立刻悟到自己无意中又闯了祸,触着了 吴荪甫 他们的隐痛了。”



  1. The happy look in her big blue eyes struck him like the pain of an old wound.


  2. She added that delays had already pushed up the amount needed to support Greece, and further pain could be in store.


  3. However, a few people in the early stages of high blood pressure may have dull headaches, dizzy spells, or more nosebleeds than usual.


  4. Limply , left secret anguish issuing an abdomen, inappetence, the hair faints, it what drug take is good to what drug take?


  5. How is dazed head secret anguish feels but is the body icy, heat sweats to return a responsibility?


  6. Do not juvenile, Yet, no one turned a blind eye, sees their talents wasted a lot of pain, it is lonely.


  7. Furthermore, investors' well-known tendency to discount the future, so helpful to the market in 2009, could be a pain to it in 2010.


  8. Results: The main symptoms occurred in testis with no pain or secret anguish, and histological feature was diffuse Non-Hodgkin s Lomphoma .


  9. Larger stones in the pelvis in the mobility of a smaller, more pain for Duntong, sometimes pain.


  1. 我右耳隐痛。

    I have a dull pain in my right ear.

  2. 我感觉到隐痛。

    I feel a dull pain.

  3. 良心的谴责。隐痛

    the worm of conscience

  4. 硫磺岛的隐痛

    Secret anguish in Liuhuang Land.

  5. 痛经受持久的隐痛

    To suffer a dull, sustained pain.

  6. 我有一个地方隐痛。

    I feel a dull ache.

  7. 我的腹部有点隐痛。

    I have a dull pain in the stomach.

  8. 我的胯部感到隐痛。

    I have a dull heavy ache in the crotch.

  9. 但是他依隐痛继续拍摄。

    But he gamely went ahead with the shoot.

  10. 左下腹隐痛是什么原因?

    What reason is left secret anguish issuing an abdomen ?

  11. 话语是无法表达这些隐痛的。

    Words could not express the dull pain of these things.

  12. 她觉得头的后部一阵隐痛。

    She felt a dull ache at the back of her head.

  13. 多数患者有腹部的隐痛或不适。

    The majority of patients have vague abdominal pain or discomfort.

  14. 我所能感到的只是我的下巴的不断的隐痛。

    All I could feel was a constant dull pain in my jaw.

  15. 他只觉得一阵隐痛在撕裂他的头颅。

    He only felt the dull pain exploding in his skull.

  16. 没有任何语言能够表达我心灵中的隐痛。

    No words can express the secret agony of my soul.

  17. 仅仅是肚子有点痛。我的腹部有点隐痛。

    It was only a tummy ache. I have a dull pain in the stomach.

  18. 胃里得隐痛已经愈来愈麻木, 愈来愈不觉得了。

    The dull ache in his stomach had been growing duller and fainter.

  19. 这是一咱隐痛。我不知道是什么引起的。

    It's dull sort of pain, and I do not know what causes it.

  20. 这是一咱隐痛。我不知道是什么引起得。

    It's dull sort of pain, and I do not know what causes it.

  21. 腹中的隐痛使他不可能作连贯的思考。

    The dull ache in his belly made consecutive thought impossible.

  22. 这是一种隐痛,我不知道是什么引起的。

    It's a dull sort of pain, and I don't know what's earning it.

  23. 您的膝关节外侧有隐痛,僵硬,或触痛吗?

    Is the outside of your knee achy, stiff, or tender?

  24. 如果你提取婚姻,就会触及到她的隐痛。

    If you mention marriage, you'll touch her on a tender spot.

  25. 胃里的隐痛已经愈来愈麻木,愈来愈不觉得了。

    The dull ache in his stomach had been growing duller and fainter.

  26. 心韵, 像深夜呼啸的风, 撩拨着心里的隐痛。

    At heart, like a charm, the wind blow what tickling of home.

  27. 岳飞的宣言刺痛了现在南宋皇帝的隐痛。

    The Universal Declaration of Yue Fei of the Southern Song emperor now prick of pain.

  28. 当保罗取笑约翰的长相时,他击中了约翰的隐痛。

    When Paul made fun of John's appearance, he struck close to home.

  29. 它的痛感为整个腰部绵绵作痛、隐痛,酸软无力。

    It's pain for the whole of the waist, followed by Zuo Tong, pain, weakness Suanruan.

  30. 头昏头隐痛感觉热冒汗可是身体冰凉是怎么回事?

    How is dazed head secret anguish feels but is the body icy, heat sweats to return a responsibility?


  1. 问:隐痛拼音怎么拼?隐痛的读音是什么?隐痛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐痛的读音是yǐntòng,隐痛翻译成英文是 secret anguish; hidden suffering; dull pain

  2. 问:隐痛不止拼音怎么拼?隐痛不止的读音是什么?隐痛不止翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐痛不止的读音是,隐痛不止翻译成英文是 achy




【注音】:yǐn tòng

【释义】:内心藏有的不愿告诉人的痛苦:欲言不语,似有难言的隐痛。 (1) 内心深处深感苦痛。新宫者何,宣公之宫也。宣宫则曷为谓之新宫,不忍言也 《公羊传·成公三年》汉 何休 注:“亲之精神所倚,而灾,孝子隐痛不忍正言也。” (2) 指内心深处的痛苦。门内沧桑事,三人隐痛深。 清 龚自珍《乙酉除夕梦返故庐见先母及潘氏姑母》诗 (3) 轻微的疼痛。周幼时误吞铁针,着肠胃间,时作隐痛。 清 袁枚《随园诗话》卷二 (4) 喻难言之隐。他立刻悟到自己无意中又闯了祸,触着了吴荪甫他们的隐痛了。 茅盾《子夜》十七