







汉语拼音:wén kù






  1. 多册成套的图书。多用作丛书名。

    郑振铎 《<现代创作文库>序》:“刚巧,书店里也正有这样一个需要,为了实验这一个理想,便答应下这个文库的编选工作。”如:《万有文库》,《中学生文库》。



  1. The company said that the latest move meant all infringing material had been removed from its library.


  2. Small molecule microarrays are being used in ultra high throughput screening of large combinatorial libraries (see microfluidics ).


  3. Kuo had previously defended Baidu Wenku, saying the firm had already deleted "tens of thousands of infringing items" uploaded by web users.


  4. On a similar issue, Baidu says it has removed almost three million documents from its library.


  5. No part of the CHANT Web Site Reserved Area shall be reproduced or adapted without prior written permission approved by CUHK.


  6. After seven rounds of bacterium-based selection, the enrichment of each round was tested by isotope labeled ssDNA binding assay.


  7. These are replicated individually in bacterial cells to produce a library of different DNA clones .


  8. Examination of genomic libraries from these tissues yielded no conclusive information regarding integration of the fragment into porcineDNA.


  9. AIM: To construct subtractive libraries in association with heat adaptation differential expressed genes.


  1. 抑制消减杂交文库

    suppression subtractive hybridization library

  2. 静嘉堂文库读书记

    A Review on Jing Jia Tang Wen Ku

  3. 莫理循藏书与东洋文库

    The G.E.Morrison and His Collection of Books

  4. 美国弗及尼亚大学电子文库中心。

    Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia.

  5. 小说界文库小说界文库。中短篇系列。

    Series Xiao shuo jie wen ku. Zhong duan pian xi lie.

  6. 由耶鲁大学图书馆提供电子文库。

    The Yale University Library Electronic Text Center.

  7. 金泽文库站东口行政服务处

    Kanazawa Bunko Station Administrative Service Corner

  8. 东洋文库藏现存满文圣经稿本介绍

    An Introduce about the Bible Writed by Manchu Characters in Stock

  9. 用于文库筛选的植物瞬时表达载体的构建

    Construction of A Plant Transient Expression Vector for Library Screening

  10. 在博士论文文库里可以找到很多好论文。

    Many good thesis can be found in the master thesis library.

  11. 在2007年10月2日于中文维基文库注册。

    At 2 October 2007, registered at Chinese Wikisource.

  12. 这项研究发表在内科学文献在线文库中。

    The research was published online in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

  13. 由弗吉尔亚大学图书馆提供数千种电子文库。

    The University of Virginia Electronic Text Center.

  14. 本文简介此类文库的基本作用原理及应用。

    Here, the basic mechanism and the application of phage display random peptide libraries are briefly introduced.

  15. 大麻哈鱼基因文库的构建及其生长激素基因的克隆

    Study on Construction of Salmon Genomic DNA Library and the Cloning of Salmon Growth Hormone Gene

  16. 因此,必须进一步发展生物信息学和基因组文库。

    The further development of bioinformatics and genomic libraries is therefore necessary.

  17. 干旱胁迫下刚毛柽柳消减文库的构建及分析

    Construction and analysis of Tamarix hispida suppression subtractive hybridization library under drought stress

  18. 亚洲璃眼蜱唾液腺差异表达基因文库的构建及分析

    Construction and analysis of the libraries of differentially expressed genes in the salivary glands of the unfed and partially engorged Hyalomma asiaticum

  19. 本发明涉及包含抗体替代轻链序列的构建体和文库。

    The invention concerns constructs and libraries comprising antibody surrogate light chain sequences.

  20. 小分子微辐射被用于大的组合文库的超高度大规模筛选。

    Small molecule microarrays are being used in ultra high throughput screening of large combinatorial libraries.

  21. 奉节脐橙果皮褐变差减文库的构建及初步分析

    Construction and Preliminary Analysis of Subtractive Library for Peel Pitting of'Fengjie'Navel Orange Fruit

  22. 这二个本子基本一样,只是内阁文库本仅存卷三十二。

    This is essentially the same book two, but the cabinet volume library of the remaining 32.

  23. 北美海蓬子盐胁迫条件下抑制差减文库构建与分析

    Construction and Analysis of Differentially Expressed cDNA Library of Salicornia Bigelovii by Using Suppression Subtractive Hybridization


  1. 问:文库拼音怎么拼?文库的读音是什么?文库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文库的读音是wénkù,文库翻译成英文是 book series; library

  2. 问:文库拉拼音怎么拼?文库拉的读音是什么?文库拉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文库拉的读音是Wénkùlā,文库拉翻译成英文是 Venkula

  3. 问:文库本拼音怎么拼?文库本的读音是什么?文库本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文库本的读音是,文库本翻译成英文是 Bunkobon

  4. 问:文库扩增拼音怎么拼?文库扩增的读音是什么?文库扩增翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文库扩增的读音是wén kù kuò zēng,文库扩增翻译成英文是 library amplification

  5. 问:文库构建拼音怎么拼?文库构建的读音是什么?文库构建翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文库构建的读音是wén kù gòu jiàn,文库构建翻译成英文是 library construction

  6. 问:文库筛选拼音怎么拼?文库筛选的读音是什么?文库筛选翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文库筛选的读音是wén kù shāi xuǎn,文库筛选翻译成英文是 library screening

  7. 问:文库列斯库拼音怎么拼?文库列斯库的读音是什么?文库列斯库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文库列斯库的读音是Wénkùlièsīkù,文库列斯库翻译成英文是 Venculescu


