


狠,恶毒:~毒。~刻。~虐。~烈。~无人道。可悲伤,使人难受:凄~。悲~。~淡。~剧。~案。~景。~象。~不忍睹。~绝人寰。程度严重:~重(zhòng )。~败。……





汉语拼音:cǎn dàn










  1. 亦作“ 惨澹 ”。暗淡;悲惨凄凉。

    汉 董仲舒 《春秋繁露·治水五行》:“金用事,其气惨淡而白。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·言语》:“ 道壹道人 ……经 吴 中,已而会雪下,未甚寒。诸道人问在道所经, 壹公 曰:‘风霜固所不论,乃先集其惨澹;郊邑正自飘瞥,林岫便已皓然。’” 清 黄宗羲 《<庚戌集>自序》:“四野凶荒,景象惨澹,聊取平日之文自娱。” 鲁迅 《华盖集续编·记念刘和珍君》:“真的猛士,敢于直面惨淡的人生,敢于正视淋漓的鲜血。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第六章:“甚至连瑰丽奇伟的大海,在 道静 暗淡的心目中,也渐渐变得惨淡无光。”

  2. 谓尽心思虑。

    唐 杜甫 《送从弟亚赴河西判官》诗:“踊跃常人情,惨澹苦士志。” 清 黄叔琳 《柏林寺观李晋王画像歌》:“鹰扬虎视空一世,经营惨淡传其真。” 巴金 《家》二二:“仅仅在一刹那间,就可以毁坏她十几年来苦心惨淡地造成的一切。”参见“ 惨澹经营 ”。



  1. Conversely, a number of banks across parts of the US and Europe that have been more brutally savaged by the financial crisis, were punished.


  2. I do not know when, accompanied by me, is no longer the moonlight Jie Jiao, only yellow lights going from bad to worse.


  3. He said: "The outlook remains bleak . . . There are no signs of an early economic recovery. "


  4. Wal-Mart reported another poor quarter in America, with revenue dipping again from stores that have been open for at least a year.


  5. TUI Travel is now planning to merge its French operations to create one brand in the hope that this will turn around its weakest unit.


  6. In the face of this grim picture, you might have expected policy makers to realize that they haven't yet done enough to promote recovery.


  7. Of course, that is well at least half a year from now, and in the mean time BYD is likely to continue to report dismal business results.


  8. Even after being out for over a year the list of apps available for the E61 was pretty dismal.


  9. From a European or American perspective, it is possible to become quite depressed by the prospects for the next decade.


  1. 天色惨淡。

    It was a gloomy day.

  2. 惨淡的生活

    forlorn life.

  3. 惨淡的表情

    A wan expression.

  4. 在惨淡的星光下

    in the dim starlight

  5. 一个惨淡的圣诞节

    A grim and tragic Christmas

  6. 失业者惨淡的前景

    a bleak outlook for the unemployed

  7. 他们的未来是惨淡的。

    And it's a bleak future for them.

  8. 这部电影票房惨淡。

    The film flopped badly at the box office.

  9. 靠老鼠蟾蜍惨淡过活

    I lived off rats and toads and I starved for you

  10. 日子过得又暗, 又惨淡。

    And the days are dark and dreary.

  11. 总有些日子又暗, 又惨淡。

    Some days must be dark and dreary.

  12. 几乎可以用惨淡来形容。

    Can almost be described as dismal.

  13. 没有你的日子无聊惨淡

    The days without you were bleak and boring

  14. 世界未来的惨淡写照。

    a sombre picture of the future of the world

  15. 失业者前景看起来比较惨淡。

    There seems to be a bleak outlook for the unemployed.

  16. 我没法上学,生活很惨淡。

    I was missing school. It was pretty much miserable.

  17. 这书店赚不到钱, 惨淡经营。

    It wasn't making money. I would have had to close it.

  18. 君面惨淡忧郁, 含泪而笑。

    Your face is pale and blue, a tearful smile.

  19. 君面惨淡忧郁兮, 相看带笑泪眼。

    Youce is pale and blue a tearful smile.

  20. 看起来第一年和第二年很惨淡。

    Christina It looks rather bleak for years 1 and 2.

  21. 没有主意,生命便惨淡无光。

    What makes life dreary is the want of motive.

  22. 真正的猛男, 敢于直视惨淡的人生。

    Real macho man presume orthoptic miserably thin life.

  23. 真正的勇者敢于直面惨淡的人生。

    Life has its low points, and we just have to deal with them.

  24. 那年冬天, 很多房地产商惨淡经营。

    That winter was a hard time for most property developers.

  25. 那片土地是一片阴郁惨淡的景象。

    The land is in a dismal condition.

  26. 那片土地是一片阴郁惨淡得景象。

    The land is in a dismal condition.

  27. 撇下那一双圆塔苍白,惨淡,凄清。

    Left their round turrets destitute and pale.

  28. 没有灿烂群星的天空是惨淡无光的。

    It is a sad sky that has no shining stars.

  29. 没有灿烂群星得天空是惨淡无光得。

    It is a sad sky that has no shining stars.

  30. 作者把经济状况描绘得一片惨淡。

    The writer paints a gloomy picture of the economy.


  1. 问:惨淡拼音怎么拼?惨淡的读音是什么?惨淡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惨淡的读音是cǎndàn,惨淡翻译成英文是 dim; dismal

  2. 问:惨淡经营拼音怎么拼?惨淡经营的读音是什么?惨淡经营翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惨淡经营的读音是cǎndànjīngyíng,惨淡经营翻译成英文是 manage the business by paintaking effort...

  3. 问:惨淡的拼音怎么拼?惨淡的的读音是什么?惨淡的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惨淡的的读音是,惨淡的翻译成英文是 cheerless




拼音:cǎn dàn 英文:gloomy;dismal;labourious;arduous;bleak