


1. 片 [piàn]2. 片 [piān]片 [piàn]平而薄的物体:卡~。名~。切削成薄的形状:~肉片。少,零星:~段(整体当中的一段)。~刻。~面。~甲不存。指较大地区内划分的较小地区:分~儿开会。〔~假名〕日本文所用的楷书字母。量……




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


相距,隔开:距~。太阳是~地球最近的恒星。离开,分开:分~。~别。~家。~散(sàn)。~职。~异。~间(jiàn )。支~破碎。缺少:办好教育~不开教师。八卦之一,符号是“☲”,代表火。古同“罹”,遭受。古同“缡”,妇女的佩巾。〔~~〕形……



汉语拼音:piàn kè bù lí








  1. The peripatetic Valentine likes to cruise around on his bicycle, so the young filmmakers bought a tandem bike to stay close to him.


  1. 哦,我的心不会片刻相离。

    Wo my heart would surely stay.

  2. 虽然,火车将带走我得人,但我得心,却不会片刻相离。

    And my train will carry me onward though my heart would surely stay.

  3. 虽然,火车将带走我的人,但我的心,却不会片刻相离。

    And my train will carry me onward though my heart would surely stay.

  4. 不即不离说

    the theory of at arm s length.

  5. 不离不弃, 同生共死

    Leave no man behind!

  6. 不离不弃,同生共死!

    Leave no man behind!

  7. 我看这事差不离。

    I think this can be done.

  8. 不离你我臂弯。

    It will be in your arms without leaving mine.

  9. 三句话不离本行

    to talk shop

  10. 有情人永远不离分。

    Those in love would never be in exile.

  11. 你应该拳不离手。

    You need to keep your hand in.

  12. 三句话不离本行。

    Cadgers are aye cracking of crook saddles.

  13. 瓦罐不离井上破。

    The pot goes so often to the water that it is broken at last.

  14. 拳不离手,曲不离口。

    The boxer's fist must stick to its task, and the singer's mouth no rest must ask.

  15. 人们说商不离镖, 镖不离商。

    People say to always dart, dart chain business.

  16. 鹦鹉能言,不离飞鸟

    The parrot can speak but it still belongs to the bird tribe

  17. 我会对你不离不弃

    I will not leave you nor forsake you

  18. 她的不即不离便是她的魅力。

    Its allure was its remoteness.

  19. 话题始终不离帽儿岛。

    Hat Island was the eternal subject.

  20. 一生一起走过, 不离不弃!

    Through a lifetime together, performing!

  21. 则快乐如影随形, 须臾不离。

    Then happiness will follow that person as a shadow that never departs.

  22. 爱给予我们力量。爱, 不离不弃。

    Love gives us power and it will never die.

  23. 我们一直并肩作战, 不离不弃。

    We've been allies for many, many years.

  24. 是生死不离还是放手离去?

    Is still free to leave a chain of life and death ?

  25. 凡是也不离一两动不形式。

    It's a line or two in General.

  26. 故世人有侗不离酸之说。

    The dying person had Dong not to the acid saying.

  27. 鲁莽伴随青年,谨慎不离老人。

    Rashness attends youth, as prudence does old age.

  28. 他对他的妻子始终不离不弃。

    He was constantly at his wife's side.

  29. 围绕中心不离重点服务大局

    Stick to the Point and Take the Whole Situation into Account

  30. 我的吉祥钱币时刻不离身。

    I always carry my lucky penny.

