











汉语拼音:shù zhī gāo gé








  • 【解释】:高阁:储藏器物的高架。捆起来以后放在高高的架子上。比喻放着不用。
  • 【出自】:《晋书·庾翼传》:“此辈宜束之高阁,俟天下太平,然后议其任耳。”
  • 【示例】:如果有了正确的理论,只是把它空谈一阵,~,并不实行,那末,这种理论再好也是没有意义的。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义


  1. When in doubt, put it in a storage container, label it with today's date, and put it out of sight for a few months.

  2. Plague with a lie, how shall i do? shelved moths into a flame, or do not care about that? I do not know, maybe the same.

  3. The video ultimately was made but, like B-SPAN itself, it was quietly mothballed when he left the bank a year later.

  4. "We're not ready to walk away from the printed product, " explains Ann Moore, the boss of Time Inc.

  5. Politicians have escaped corruption charges because probes often are held up in parliament until a statute of limitations expires.

  6. They shelved the pork-packer's son and the banker's son, and sat down to consider the Governor's son and the son of the Congressman.

  7. Many online services kept their data locked up, because there was no way to make money from them. All this is changing.

  8. Once elections were won, the issues that fired up the base almost always took a back seat to the economic concerns of the elite.

  9. We need concerted, collaborative action now to make sure that we start finding solutions and do not lock in the problem.


  1. 把梦束之高阁,

    Chase dream shelved and forgotten

  2. 所有条约都被束之高阁。

    The treaties were out the window.

  3. 因此今晚暂且将时间束之高阁

    So tonight gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf

  4. 这些常用书怎么能束之高阁呢

    How can you put aside these commonly used books.

  5. 这些常用书怎么能束之高阁呢?

    How can you put aside these commonly used books?

  6. 我们已把那个老模型束之高阁了。

    We've put that old model on the shelf.

  7. 框架可能已被束之高阁了近50年。

    The frame had probably been on the shelves there for 50 years.

  8. 框架可能已被束之高阁了近50年。

    The frame had probably been on the shelves there for 50 years.

  9. 所以,我们得把阴谋论束之高阁了。

    We'll have to put this conspiracy theory back on the shelf.

  10. 那个自私的人把自己束之高阁。

    The selfish man put himself on the shelf.

  11. 很多人买了书就束之高阁。

    Many people buy books and just let them gather dust.

  12. 最初的建议几年前就束之高阁了。

    The original proposal had been mothballed years ago.

  13. 有效得土壤管理方法常被束之高阁。

    Responsible soil management practices are cast aside.

  14. 有效的土壤管理方法常被束之高阁。

    Responsible soil management practices are cast aside.

  15. 我把和父亲有关的想法都束之高阁。

    I steeled myself against thoughts of my father.

  16. 一个早已束之高阁的计划不日将付诸实施。

    The scheme already on the shelf was to be achieved within days.

  17. 他有好几百本书,但大多束之高阁。

    He has hundreds of books but most of them hang by the wall.

  18. 他们的建议被认为是行不通的,所以被束之高阁了。

    Their suggestion was in cold storage, because it's thought not to work.

  19. 献出你心中的珍宝, 别将它束之高阁。

    Give your hearts good treasure, dont hoard it on the shelf.

  20. 我绝不会把道德标准束之高阁而参与他们其中。

    I would never claim to hold the moral high ground and to condescend to them.

  21. 我们应该理论联系实际, 而不应将其束之高阁。

    We should integrate theory with practice and shouldn't put it on the shelf.

  22. 这份报告将要和过去的许多报告一样被束之高阁。

    The report will be left on the shelf as so many reports have been left in the past.

  23. 这份报告将要和过去得许多报告一样被束之高阁。

    The report will be left on the shelf as so many reports have been left in the past.

  24. 这一有用工具不应被束之高阁,而应继续善加使用。

    This useful tool should not be shelved; rather, it should continue to be put to good use.

  25. 而今天, 在相同得教室里, 钢笔和笔记本已经束之高阁了。

    While today in the same place, pens and note books have been already thrown away.

  26. 而今天,在相同的教室里,钢笔和笔记本已经束之高阁了。

    While today in the same place, pens and note books have been already thrown away.

  27. 但作为一个同志电影演员是很怪的我束之高阁。

    But being pigeonholed as a gay film actor is kind of weird for me.

  28. 不是说你一次列好了清单, 然后就可以把它束之高阁了。

    Which means you shouldn't create these lists once and then put them in a drawer.

  29. 他们整天忙忙碌碌,真正该做的重要事情却被束之高阁。

    They are busy all day without ever accomplishing the really significant things they should do.

  30. 这些问题我们在过去讨论过,我们不应当仅仅将其束之高阁。

    These are issues which we have discussed in the past and which we should not simply shelve.


  1. 问:束之高阁拼音怎么拼?束之高阁的读音是什么?束之高阁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:束之高阁的读音是shùzhīgāogé,束之高阁翻译成英文是 let … gather dust


