











汉语拼音:xiǎo shì yī zhuāng









  1. Maybe it was just a little affair for that auntie, but for me, it was a big thing.


  2. To me two millions are a trifle, but you are losing three or four of the best years of your life.


  3. He is doing this job effortlessly and it seems to be a piece of cake.


  4. a good mechanic. Changing a tire is as easy as shooting a fish in a barrel for her.


  5. He was a useful player, and once you had the Chelsea supporters behind you, you could jump over the moon.


  6. go through) (To a man who has gone through so many hardships during the war, this was really a small matter.


  7. If it's a small thing, say it over the phone, otherwise it looks too official and can cause unnecessary worry.


  8. Don't mention it. A mere trifle. It happens .


  9. By family business standards whether Johnny Fontanel got his coveted part in the war movie, or did not, was a minor matter.


  1. 小事一桩。

    No big deal.

  2. 嘿,小事一桩。

    Hey, no problem.

  3. 这是小事一桩

    it was a breeze

  4. 小事一桩,不足挂齿。

    Don't mention it.

  5. 小事一桩, 何足挂齿。

    It's no big deal, it's not even worth mentioning.

  6. 小事一桩,何足挂齿。

    It's no big deal , it's not even worth mentioning .

  7. 非常感谢,小事一桩。

    It's good to have you back.

  8. 哪儿的话。小事一桩罢了。

    Don't mention it. Piece of cake.

  9. 小事一桩,何足挂齿。伯爵说。

    Pray don't mention such a thing, said the count.

  10. 你可救了我啊,小事一桩。

    You really saved my ass. Don't mention it.

  11. 你可救了我啊,小事一桩。

    You really saved my ass. Don't mention it.

  12. 小事一桩!去台北经贸办事处办即可。

    No sweat! Just go to the Taipei Trade Office.

  13. 那么我们重新选角,小事一桩下一个

    so we recast. piece of cake. next

  14. 对演员来说,熟记台词并非小事一桩。

    For actors, memorizing lines is no game.

  15. 我头发变白了,这不过是小事一桩。

    It a trifle that my hair is turning grey.

  16. 本来就小事一桩, 怎值挂碍在心头?

    Originally a trifle, how to value care in the heart ?

  17. 小事一桩。星期五之前我可以把车修好。

    It's a cinch. I'll have the car repaired by Friday.

  18. 我错误地相信了媒体的报道只是小事一桩。

    I had been lulled into thinking the publicity would be a trivial matter.

  19. 只要一个女人看透了这个世界,这原本是小事一桩。

    That is but a trifle, when a woman knows the world.

  20. 相信我,这是我最起码能做的了,只是小事一桩。

    Believe me, it's the least I can do, a mere trifle.

  21. 从长远的观点来看,这次争吵似乎是小事一桩。

    Viewed in perspective, the quarrel seemed to have been very trivial.

  22. 简是个好机械师,换轮胎对她来说是小事一桩。

    a good mechanic. Changing a tire is as easy as shooting a fish in a barrel for her.

  23. 别担心,这是小事一桩。周五前我会把资料准备好。

    Don't worry. It's a cinch. I'll have the files ready by Friday.

  24. 随着经验的增长, 对我来说找工作已经成为小事一桩。

    With the accumulation of the work experience, finding a job is a piece of cake for me.

  25. 我妻子把花100英镑去买一件新衣服, 看成是小事一桩。

    My wife thinks nothing of spending a hundred pounds on a new dress.

  26. 随着经验得增长,对我来说找工作已经成为小事一桩。

    With the accumulation of the work experience, finding a job is a piece of cake for me.

  27. 小事一桩。我很快做完了试卷,而且知道我的答案都是正确的。

    It was a cinch. I finished it quickly and I know that all my answers are correct.

  28. 许多Palm的应用软件可以非常容易地几乎所有的微软程序共同运行,使得兼容你最钟爱的桌面电脑软件成为小事一桩。

    And many Palm applications easily work with virtually every Microsoft program, rendering compatibility with your favorite desktop software a nonissue.

  29. 事件起因于一桩小事。

    The incident originated in a trifle.

  30. 哦,没有理由为这么一桩小事而道歉。

    Well, theres no reason to apologize for such a trifle thing.