


1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……





汉语拼音:yào è








  1. 亦作“ 要阸 ”。亦作“ 要扼 ”。要隘。

    汉 班固 《奕旨》:“要厄相刼,割地取偿, 苏 张 之资。”《后汉书·隗嚣传》:“而 孺卿 以奔离之卒,拒要阸,当军衝,视其形埶何如哉?” 清 严如熤 《三省边防备览·史论》:“中有…… 观音沟 、 七里关 、 白土关 各要扼。”

  2. 指事物的关键、要害。

    李大钊 《我的马克思主义观》:“这一段话可谓中了要扼。”



  1. It hadn't been Gnarlunga or Bingelly he had wanted so desperately, but their in hard cash.


  1. 他不是拼命想要厄龙或宾格力,而是要它们的现金值。

    It hadn't been Gnarlunga or Bingelly he had wanted so desperately, but their in hard cash.

  2. 厄,这就是我要说的。

    That's what I'm getting to.

  3. 厄,这就是我要说的。

    That's what I'm getting to.

  4. 我要解释厄瓜多尔的投票理由。

    I would like to explain the vote of Ecuador.

  5. 格雷厄姆同时警告美国公众要保持警惕。

    Graham, meanwhile, warned US citizens to stay alert.

  6. 我要让他把你, 洛克, 和厄尔都干掉。

    I'm giving him contracts on you, Rocco, and Earl.

  7. 厄尔你要小个三岁咱俩就成了

    Earl, if you were just three years younger.

  8. 我要去告诉他美丽的赫米厄私奔的消息。

    I will go tell him offair hermia's flight.

  9. 无限维空间中厄米算符的充要条件

    Research on the Sufficient and Necessary Condition of Hermitian Operator in the Limitless Space

  10. 科学家还要解释厄里斯星如此眩目明亮的原因。

    Scientists also have to explain why Eris is so blindingly bright.

  11. 今晚,戴西应该告诉利厄说她要回明尼苏达。

    Tonight, Daisy could tell Leah that she's going back to Minnesota.

  12. 但是不要让它导致您更多困厄,我不想要再使您难过。

    But do not let it cause you more distress, I do not want to sadden you again.

  13. 要维护安全,吉布提和厄立特里亚都需要感到安全。

    Both Djibouti and Eritrea need to feel safe for security to be preserved.

  14. 每一棵决定要剥皮的树,首先由厄普约翰开始动手干。

    Every tree doomed to the flaying process was first attacked by Upjohn.

  15. 每一棵决定要剥皮得树,首先由厄普约翰开始动手干。

    Every tree doomed to the flaying process was first attacked by Upjohn.

  16. 在厄弗所书4章,保禄呼吁信徒要有类似的决心和行动。

    In Ephesians 4, Paul called believers to that sort of decisive action.

  17. 到那天,我要召希耳克雅的儿子厄里雅金作我的仆人。

    You will be deposed, strongman. I will hurl you down from where you are.

  18. 您知道了, 末了我说, 我就是兰厄姆命案中警察要抓的那个人。

    So you see, 'I said finally, 'I'm the man the police want for the Langham Place murder.

  19. 一会儿,格雷厄姆第二次要给他倒时,他婉言谢绝了,起身告辞。

    A little later, Niemand declined a second one and started to leave.

  20. 我想问问你为什么要在厄尔巴岛停泊耽搁了一天半时间。

    I wished to inquire why you stopped at the Island of Elba?

  21. 第一,支持布利克斯博士和厄尔巴拉迪博士做出的评估要点。

    First, to support the core assessments made by Dr. Blix and Dr. El Baradei. As Dr.