


1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……


相距,隔开:距~。太阳是~地球最近的恒星。离开,分开:分~。~别。~家。~散(sàn)。~职。~异。~间(jiàn )。支~破碎。缺少:办好教育~不开教师。八卦之一,符号是“☲”,代表火。古同“罹”,遭受。古同“缡”,妇女的佩巾。〔~~〕形……



汉语拼音:yào lí






  1. 春秋 末 吴国 刺客。相传 吴王 阖闾 派 专诸 刺杀 王僚 后,又派 要离 谋刺出奔在 卫 的王子 庆忌 。

    要离 请 吴王 断其右手,杀其妻子,诈称得罪出逃。及至 卫国 ,见 庆忌 , 庆忌 喜,与之谋。当同舟渡 江 时, 庆忌 被他刺中要害。 庆忌 释令归 吴 ,他行至 江陵 ,也伏剑自杀。事见《吕氏春秋·忠廉》、 汉 袁晔 《吴越春秋·阖闾内传》、《史记·鲁仲连邹阳列传》。 汉 邹阳 《狱中上书自明》:“然则 荆軻 湛七族, 要离 燔妻子,岂足为大王道哉!” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·嘉遯》:“ 要离 灭家以效功。” 清 杨焯 《庆忌塔铁棺》诗:“误识 要离 死不难,石潭风雨夜深寒。”后亦用以称壮烈之士。 清 林明伦 《吊五人墓》:“ 要离 三尺土,千古共英风。”



  1. A bus was just about to leave as I got to the bus stop.


  2. Request to stay away from house near the university points, single room, housing price is not more than 300 pounds.


  3. It wasn't until their fate could not be ignored that denial turned into panic to get off the ship.


  4. Now it is difficult to pay for me, really, today, I feel my heart to pay is difficult, so I don't want to be close to anyone.


  5. hey buddy , I'm leaving the hotel today , I wanna say thank you for your service.


  6. You were right to stay away from me.


  7. In our daily life there are always someone and something destined to leave you.


  8. not too close to wild animals, especially wild yak, if seen, must be far away from their points.


  9. Marta: I can't help it. It breaks my heart to see you leave me.


  1. 要离了就好了

    They might well have been.

  2. 你要离我远点。

    You got to learn to leave me alone.

  3. 是否想过了就要离。

    Is it done and over this time.

  4. 一定要离那边远远的!

    You must stay away from there.

  5. 一定要离那边远远的!

    You must stay away from there.

  6. 你才要离她远点。

    You stay away from her.

  7. 我可要离它远远的。

    I don't like to be near it.

  8. 我要离这越远越好。

    I would like to be a million miles away from here.

  9. 我要离这越远越好。

    I would like to be a million miles away from here.

  10. 现在你要离我们而去。

    Now you wanna say goodbye to us.

  11. 我们要离源头再近些。

    We have got to be getting close to the source.

  12. 为什么我要离你远一点?

    Why would I ever stay away from you?

  13. 不过要离大楼管理员远点

    just stay away from the building manager.

  14. 我一直想要离你远远的

    I've been trying to stay away from you.

  15. 我一直想要离你远远的。

    I've been trying to stay away from you.

  16. 我不知, 她为何要离我而去。

    Why she had to go I don't know.

  17. 那么要离右手边多远呢?

    But how far to the right ?

  18. 在我将要离你而去的时刻

    When the time comes to let me go

  19. 你可能想要离近点儿看它。

    You may want to take a closer look.

  20. 她曾一再扬言要离他而去。

    She had threatened time after time to leave him.

  21. 我不想离婚, 都是我丈夫要离。

    I don't want to. it's all my husband's idea.

  22. 她是个妖冶女人, 要离她远些。

    She is a pretty and coquettish woman. Stay away from her.

  23. 我知道为什么要离那家伙远点。

    I know why I was planning to stay away from him.

  24. 我知道为什么要离那家伙远点。

    I know why I was planning to stay away from him.

  25. 我知道为什么要离那家伙远点。

    I know why I was planning to stay away from him.

  26. 妈妈,爸爸,为什么你们要离我而去?

    Mommie, Daddy, why did you have to leave me ?

  27. 她是个妖冶的女人,要离她远些。

    She is pretty and coquettish woman. Stay away from her.

  28. 我一到公车站, 刚好有一班公车要离站。

    A bus was just about to leave as I got to the bus stop.

  29. 这些都是给你的。我要离城了。

    You can have those, I'm leaving town.

  30. 我是艘船 而且我想要离你远点。

    I'm a boat, and I'm trying to get away from you.